12 Mission Years after Planetfall, Brother Theory emerges from his monastic studies to take his rightful place among the Lord's Believers...
"It's been 12 Mission Years? What exactly is a 'Mission Year?'"
"Well, it's 365 days. Earth days, anyway."
"So we're still using the old calendar? We changed the calendar to honor the birth of Our Lord, and we will do it again to honor our return to Eden! Find out how long the years actually are, in Eden days!"
Proof we had in fact returned to Eden was evident in the renewed integrity of society. Crime was almost non-existent, and large families were once again the norm. Bountiful resources stretched as far as the eye could see, awaiting their harvest.
Brother Theory joins a scout patrol on its way to discover more of Eden
"It's been 12 Mission Years? What exactly is a 'Mission Year?'"
"Well, it's 365 days. Earth days, anyway."
"So we're still using the old calendar? We changed the calendar to honor the birth of Our Lord, and we will do it again to honor our return to Eden! Find out how long the years actually are, in Eden days!"
Proof we had in fact returned to Eden was evident in the renewed integrity of society. Crime was almost non-existent, and large families were once again the norm. Bountiful resources stretched as far as the eye could see, awaiting their harvest.
Brother Theory joins a scout patrol on its way to discover more of Eden