This is the turn tracking thread for the PBEM "Last Sentient Standing".
Players in order of appearance are:
Googlie (PK's)
laurentius (Consciousness)
Hercules (Angels)
Minute Mirage (University)
Smartfart (Morganites)
The Premise for this game will be: In the previous Progenitor Era, the Ancient Ones for some unknown reason felt compelled to build a Planetary Defense Grid to guard Planet against an interstellar invasion. To this end they built two huge citadels, one at each pole of Planet, thereby giving the Progenitors the ability to protect every area of Planet from these fortified positions.
When Guardian Hmnee and Conquerer Maar arrived in the Alpha Centauri Solar System, they each immediately headed for one of the fortresses that their ancestors had prepared, and once ensconced, broke open the ancient fortress seals and began equipping themselves with the weapons found within.
The Humans from their vantage points could only watch with horrified amazement as night after night missiles arced up from Planet's poles, piercing the stratosphere on their way to establishing near-Planet orbits. Now, many moons later, the heavens are crowded with many little dots of light zipping overhead of the human settlements: the Aliens are watching the Humans' every move, and are preparing to sally forth from their fortresses to eliminate any possibility of interference from the humans.
Fortunately for the Humans, several of the Progenitors missiles misfired, and have crashlanded near each of the Human enclaves. Although the technology governing their operation is currently undecypherable, why your scientists assure you that it will hasten their research in discovering orbital spaceflight!
To make the Aliens competitive later into the game, I have given one Alien the Network Backbone, and the other Alien the Supercollider, the Theory of Everything, and the Planetary Datalinks. This, combined with the other items I've placed nito the Aliens' arsenals, should give you guys some real "cause for concern".
Also, per the above comment about crashlanded missiles, why I am planning to downscale the prerequisite technologies for orbital spaceflight so that it will become a viable part of this game, as well. Supremacy of Planet could very well begin and end with control of the near-space surrounding Planet. You should, when you get the turn, access your datalinks to see what units are available and when, and make your plans accordingly.
One final note: since Diplomatic Victory is currently going to be enabled, why if either Progenitor is able to call their respective Home Fleet, the game is then considered a Draw for all Humans. This then allows a weaker Human Faction to commit the Ultimate Atrocity by betraying Humanity and somehow assisting one of the Aliens to Victory.
Turn has been sent to Googlie, and PM's of passwords to everyone else. Good luck (your gonna need it!
Players in order of appearance are:
Googlie (PK's)
laurentius (Consciousness)
Hercules (Angels)
Minute Mirage (University)
Smartfart (Morganites)
The Premise for this game will be: In the previous Progenitor Era, the Ancient Ones for some unknown reason felt compelled to build a Planetary Defense Grid to guard Planet against an interstellar invasion. To this end they built two huge citadels, one at each pole of Planet, thereby giving the Progenitors the ability to protect every area of Planet from these fortified positions.
When Guardian Hmnee and Conquerer Maar arrived in the Alpha Centauri Solar System, they each immediately headed for one of the fortresses that their ancestors had prepared, and once ensconced, broke open the ancient fortress seals and began equipping themselves with the weapons found within.
The Humans from their vantage points could only watch with horrified amazement as night after night missiles arced up from Planet's poles, piercing the stratosphere on their way to establishing near-Planet orbits. Now, many moons later, the heavens are crowded with many little dots of light zipping overhead of the human settlements: the Aliens are watching the Humans' every move, and are preparing to sally forth from their fortresses to eliminate any possibility of interference from the humans.
Fortunately for the Humans, several of the Progenitors missiles misfired, and have crashlanded near each of the Human enclaves. Although the technology governing their operation is currently undecypherable, why your scientists assure you that it will hasten their research in discovering orbital spaceflight!
To make the Aliens competitive later into the game, I have given one Alien the Network Backbone, and the other Alien the Supercollider, the Theory of Everything, and the Planetary Datalinks. This, combined with the other items I've placed nito the Aliens' arsenals, should give you guys some real "cause for concern".
Also, per the above comment about crashlanded missiles, why I am planning to downscale the prerequisite technologies for orbital spaceflight so that it will become a viable part of this game, as well. Supremacy of Planet could very well begin and end with control of the near-space surrounding Planet. You should, when you get the turn, access your datalinks to see what units are available and when, and make your plans accordingly.
One final note: since Diplomatic Victory is currently going to be enabled, why if either Progenitor is able to call their respective Home Fleet, the game is then considered a Draw for all Humans. This then allows a weaker Human Faction to commit the Ultimate Atrocity by betraying Humanity and somehow assisting one of the Aliens to Victory.
Turn has been sent to Googlie, and PM's of passwords to everyone else. Good luck (your gonna need it!
