2108 to Yo-yo-yo-yoda.
No announcement yet.
Better Luck This Time!!!!
Turn 2109 passed to the Pirates.
Warning: I had to do a single reload. I got a message saying 'forest expands near Neo Smolensk' ... This really puzzled me as I have no bases by that name(!), but when I selected the 'zoom to message' option the game crashed (something about an illegal operation, the game was then terminated). Unfortunately I popped a Unity pod prior to all of this. In the reload I got a different pod result. Please let me know if you experience something strange like I did (I've never seen this happen before). Any comments?
Whups.Sorry I didn't mention it, but I assumed from your previous post about the anomalous New Smolensk message that you wished to play the turn over again, sans Smolensk to see if it played properly. However, it appears that the previous turn I sent is OK.
2110 to Rubin.
Sorry for the confusion.
2110 to the Pirates.
Blut0: You concern regarding the anomaly is appreciated. I think we're back on track now, though! I did not 'zoom to message' this turn as this seems to crash the game on my system (I play SMACX v2.0). Btw, I really like the 'new' base names