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GLSMAC - Open-source OpenGL/SDL2 remaster of SMAC

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  • GLSMAC - Open-source OpenGL/SDL2 remaster of SMAC

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Name:	Screenshot_2023-01-18_13-47-22.jpg
Views:	115
Size:	105.4 KB
ID:	9450294

    Hi all, I just started an effort to recreate/remaster SMAC (Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri) to let it run on modern systems, and especially to have working, stable, reliable multiplayer. It's still at very early stage, but feel free to subscribe, review, discuss and maybe even participate. I estimate a playable version to come in a month or so.
    The idea is to use existing resources and game logic of SMAC (to preserve the feel) while having a modern, multi-threaded, bug-free game client. Once this step is done I will move further and add modding support, better graphics, various online services and more.
    Code repository is located at , it contains more details, discord link and also some ubuntu-compatible binaries if somebody is too lazy to compile.
    It will be nice to have consistent feedback while development goes, to make sure I do everything right

    Approximate roadmap:

    Versions 0.x: replicating original SMAC gameplay as closely as possible (but without bugs)​
    • 0.1: fundamental engine functions, such as: rendering, UI, netcode, sound system
    • 0.2: basic map functions, such as: tiles, mapgen, creating/saving/loading games, map rendering
    • 0.3: basic multiplayer: ability to host and join games, lobby, save/load games with same players. multiplayer support will be maintained during further steps from now on
    • 0.4: game processing, such as: game turns, units, buildings, technologies, building of bases, terraforming, basic combat, victory by conquest
    • 0.5: all remaining SMAC units, buildings, terraformings, tech, etc
    • 0.6: all remaining victory types
    • 0.7: AI (computer opponents, cities automation, units automation, etc) and diplomacy
    • 0.8: alien lifeforms, ecology
    • 0.9: all remaining in-game UI, including game settings
    • 0.10: non-crucial things like movies, interludes
    • 0.11: final polishing and bugfixing
    Versions 1.x: fixing bugs, adding optional small features that weren't present in original SMAC but won't change it's gameplay drastically. See 'GLSMAC 1.x features' section on discord​

    Versions 2.x: adding all kinds of features, as long as they are worth the time. See 'GLSMAC 2.x features' section on discord​