I made these changes in alpha.txt to make my games last longer and to incorporate several ideas discussed in this forum. In this post, I tried to briefly describe the changes and give some thread references. The second post shows the actual changes, and the ZIP attached there is my alpha.txt (named alphaWilly.txt
) and these two essays.
(the most recent edition is in my 23-04-2004 22:40 post later in this thread)
The way I play, a "short" game takes at least a week and many games last a month. I like it this way. I don't care about "fast transcendence" or "high score". I want a long epic novel, not a quickie short story. These changes make that possible. Some changes cause effects that are readily seen, other changes are "because I wanted to
#RULES: Changed some values.
#TERRAIN: All terraforming operations now have prerequisite techs except Remove Fungus and Level Terrain. Edited text. Note: I know Magtube, Sensor, and Borehole don't work at sea; I haven't returned the entries to Disable yet.
#WORLDBUILDER: Adjusted values. Added value for Giant planet.
#WORLDSIZE: 6th entry is my Giant 256x208 planet, as described in "I think I did my math right..." which is my post in Map Sizes?.
#TECHNOLOGY: Added four new techs, adjusted prerequisites accordingly. Rocketry techs are named for some of NASA's programs: Basic Rocketry = Mercury, Advanced Rocketry = Gemini, Orbital Spaceflight = Apollo, and Advanced Spaceflight = Odyssey. The Basic and Advanced Rocketry concepts are "borrowed" from what Velocyrix described in his Torture Mod, Ongoing Discussions. The Centauri Awareness tech is described in the fifth and eleventh posts in Mr. President's Free Facilities thread (I have also incorporated into the SMAC-7 faction texts the free facilities as described there).
#CHASSIS: Made all defensive units Female gender, changed some names and pluralities. Increased Copter and Gravship ranges. Traded specs for Foil and Cruiser, as discussed in other threads such as How would you improve SMAC or SMACX (more closely, begin at this post) and Chassis Reality Check: Foils vs Cruisers.
#REACTORS: Shortened name of Singularity Engine.
#WEAPONS: Changed some names. Changed prerequisites for Conventional Payload (Basic Rocketry) and Planet Buster (Advanced Rocketry).
#DEFENSES: Shortened some names.
#ABILITIES: Changed some names. Enabled Heavy Transport (Solids) and Slow Unit (Mobility) - not that anyone would want to make a slow unit. I just felt like enabling it, and it does work.
#MORALE: Changed "Very Green" to "Recruit".
#UNITS: Changed some names, costs, and abilities. Added Scout Rover (identical to Unity Rover, just with a different name).
#FACILITIES: No changes to cost of construction and maintenance. Edited some texts. Changed prerequisites for satellites: SkyHy and Transmitter = Orbital Spaceflight, Defense Pod = Advanced Spaceflight. Notice this makes Planet Busters a very real threat. (BTW, I play solo exclusively and have had the AI Bust me in several games, often seemingly unprovoked. Miriam likes PB's a lot, and I have had Deirdre and Lal launch them more than once.) Changed the prerequisite for The Weather Paradigm and The Nano Factory to two of the new techs. Changed the prerequisite for The Virtual World to Optical Computers, to push it off a little and to give OptComp more purpose (this change was mentioned in this forum, I couldn't find the thread).
REGARDING THE COSTS FOR THE SECRET PROJECTS: The concept is from the same thread by Velocyrix I linked above at #TECHNOLOGY. I have made them cost at least twice the original, and several are more than that. I followed a simple formula: C=10L+N, where C = Cost of Project, L = Tech Level of prerequisite, N = Number of techs required if you had to actually research every tech. If the result of this formula was less than 2x the original cost, I simply doubled the original. The cost for The Ascent to Transcendence is 999. Have fun rushing it
#ENERGY: Psych text.
#CITIZENS: All your Drones are pacified upon your first completion of Transcendent Thought.
#MIGHT: Dropped "little" from Anemic and Feeble.
#PROPOSALS: No changes except to use edited short names of prerequisites.

(the most recent edition is in my 23-04-2004 22:40 post later in this thread)
The way I play, a "short" game takes at least a week and many games last a month. I like it this way. I don't care about "fast transcendence" or "high score". I want a long epic novel, not a quickie short story. These changes make that possible. Some changes cause effects that are readily seen, other changes are "because I wanted to

#RULES: Changed some values.
#TERRAIN: All terraforming operations now have prerequisite techs except Remove Fungus and Level Terrain. Edited text. Note: I know Magtube, Sensor, and Borehole don't work at sea; I haven't returned the entries to Disable yet.
#WORLDBUILDER: Adjusted values. Added value for Giant planet.
#WORLDSIZE: 6th entry is my Giant 256x208 planet, as described in "I think I did my math right..." which is my post in Map Sizes?.
#TECHNOLOGY: Added four new techs, adjusted prerequisites accordingly. Rocketry techs are named for some of NASA's programs: Basic Rocketry = Mercury, Advanced Rocketry = Gemini, Orbital Spaceflight = Apollo, and Advanced Spaceflight = Odyssey. The Basic and Advanced Rocketry concepts are "borrowed" from what Velocyrix described in his Torture Mod, Ongoing Discussions. The Centauri Awareness tech is described in the fifth and eleventh posts in Mr. President's Free Facilities thread (I have also incorporated into the SMAC-7 faction texts the free facilities as described there).
#CHASSIS: Made all defensive units Female gender, changed some names and pluralities. Increased Copter and Gravship ranges. Traded specs for Foil and Cruiser, as discussed in other threads such as How would you improve SMAC or SMACX (more closely, begin at this post) and Chassis Reality Check: Foils vs Cruisers.
#REACTORS: Shortened name of Singularity Engine.
#WEAPONS: Changed some names. Changed prerequisites for Conventional Payload (Basic Rocketry) and Planet Buster (Advanced Rocketry).
#DEFENSES: Shortened some names.
#ABILITIES: Changed some names. Enabled Heavy Transport (Solids) and Slow Unit (Mobility) - not that anyone would want to make a slow unit. I just felt like enabling it, and it does work.
#MORALE: Changed "Very Green" to "Recruit".
#UNITS: Changed some names, costs, and abilities. Added Scout Rover (identical to Unity Rover, just with a different name).
#FACILITIES: No changes to cost of construction and maintenance. Edited some texts. Changed prerequisites for satellites: SkyHy and Transmitter = Orbital Spaceflight, Defense Pod = Advanced Spaceflight. Notice this makes Planet Busters a very real threat. (BTW, I play solo exclusively and have had the AI Bust me in several games, often seemingly unprovoked. Miriam likes PB's a lot, and I have had Deirdre and Lal launch them more than once.) Changed the prerequisite for The Weather Paradigm and The Nano Factory to two of the new techs. Changed the prerequisite for The Virtual World to Optical Computers, to push it off a little and to give OptComp more purpose (this change was mentioned in this forum, I couldn't find the thread).
REGARDING THE COSTS FOR THE SECRET PROJECTS: The concept is from the same thread by Velocyrix I linked above at #TECHNOLOGY. I have made them cost at least twice the original, and several are more than that. I followed a simple formula: C=10L+N, where C = Cost of Project, L = Tech Level of prerequisite, N = Number of techs required if you had to actually research every tech. If the result of this formula was less than 2x the original cost, I simply doubled the original. The cost for The Ascent to Transcendence is 999. Have fun rushing it

#ENERGY: Psych text.
#CITIZENS: All your Drones are pacified upon your first completion of Transcendent Thought.
#MIGHT: Dropped "little" from Anemic and Feeble.
#PROPOSALS: No changes except to use edited short names of prerequisites.