I'm currently having a problem with trying to convert a wave file into a mp3 file for a technology quote and then let that mp3 file work in the game itself. The wave file I'm talking about is fac37.wav (in the SMAC\FX folder). I have succesfully converted it into a mp3 file with a SoundStream program and have put the file into the Voices folder as tech87.mp3, and created a custom tech for it. But when it plays in the game after I discovered the appropriate tech, it is totally incomprehensible and seems drawn out. A possible problem (I don't know if it is - I know little to none about all these sound matters) might be that all the SMAC files seem to play on 64 kB per second, while the tech87.mp3 file plays at 160 kB per second. Does this have anything to do with it or could it be something else? And if so, how can I fix the problem?
I hope someone knows the solution soon, because it's the only thing keeping me from releasing a MarsSurvivors v3.0 scenario.
I hope someone knows the solution soon, because it's the only thing keeping me from releasing a MarsSurvivors v3.0 scenario.