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.FLC files

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  • .FLC files


    I'm trying to create a custom faction, and am finding the creation of the .flc animation files (for comm screens) to be a complete nightmare!

    The problem seems to be colour palette related.
    I'm using Fast Movie Processor 1.44, but the .flcs produced always seem to just be a jumble of random colours - even though they are based on .pcx files which have the legitimate SMAC palette.

    Can anyone who has successfully produced one or more of these damned animations *please* tell me where I'm going wrong (before the computer exits out the window!).


  • #2
    i suggest that you ask Matt D of the Network Node . afaik he is a specialist in making those mini movies


    • #3
      Sorry to butt in this thread, but...

      might someone give a simpleton a description of what ".flc" is, what it does, and how to make one?
      I understand terminology fine, but I don't always get how it all works together
      I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


      • #4
        >might someone give a simpleton a description of what ".flc" is, what it does, and how to make one?

        I can probably help with the first two, the last one still eludes me, unless I move into abstract art.

        An FLC file is a little animation file used by SMAC whilst you're talking to other faction leaders. You probably noticed the little images flashing by in the bottom left of your screen whilst someone is threatening to blow your little country to smithereens.

        It is given the name FACTION.FLC (where FACTION is the name of your custom faction), and is part of the group of txt,pcx and flc files which comprise a faction.

        How to make them, well that's another story...


        • #5
          FLC Tutorial

          Hi, I've finally got around to posting a tutorial for FLC files on my site.
          Follow the links to the tutorials section at the networknode
          Hope this helps, (took me ages to figure these stupid things out!)
          > the networknode <
          Custom Factions for SMAC & SMACX


          • #6
            Phewww, thanks...

            Hey networknode thanks a lot.

            Your tutorial pointed out the mistakes I think I made, and how to get around the horrible palette problem.

            I was using Paintshop Pro, so the palette(s) you supply for photoshop didn't work (even with PEdit?!?). Anyhow I followed your fine suggestion of saving of the sequences from an established flc (as bitmaps worked for me), and then ripping the palette from one of those.

            Apart from the palette I think I was doing two things wrong, firstly I had compress to a single palette checked. And secondly I was resampling full-size 256 colour images within FMP. Now if FMP is anything like PaintshopPro, then resampling involves going up to 24 bit colour space, resampling to 105x87, and then going back down to 256, which could account for some of the palette problems as well. So resize to 105x87 in safety in your paint program !!

            Anyway I've finished my faction now, and although it's nothing special, I may as well attach it just in case there are any 2000AD fans out there who want to face a familiar badguy. This faction wasn't designed for users to play as it, as the stats may be a bit high, but it does make a nasty computer opponent. I've also included the FLC palette for PaintshopPro, to save others the trouble of extracting it...

            Thanks again


            • #7

              Here's the zip file for faction and palette...
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Glad it helped! Could I post your faction and the Paintshop pro pallette? I know a few people who would appreciate it. I've always been a fan of 200AD - haven't bought one in years unfortunatley though
                Hmmm... you've got me thinking actually, what other factions could make up a 2000AD themed set you think? (hope I'm not threadjacking here )
                > the networknode <
                Custom Factions for SMAC & SMACX


                • #9
                  22nd century

                  Yes, you can post them if you like.

                  Re other 2000AD factions:

                  I was thinking about this, mainly about different Mega-city judge forces really. Ie Mega-city One, Texas City, Brit-Cit, Hondo, East-Meg Two etc etc. Plus old nuked megacities such as East-meg one and Mega-city Two could also be included.

                  All of these Judge Forces do have somewhat different charcacteristic (with J.Death thrown in as the ultimate baddie), so they should be quite viable as competing factions. Don't know if there's a particularly green Mega-city, but a renegade mutant faction or two could always be thrown in. Might also be interesting to place this on an earth map, with Mega-cities/radlands in approximately the correct location. In fact at the extreme, there's a complete mod here !

                  That's what I was thinking anyway, then I realised how much work I had to put into making just the Dark Judges faction (esp the bases - god I hated that!). But if others less artistically challenged wanted to have a go at doing the faction art, I could always chip in with theme ideas.

                  I've attached a world map (circa 2115), which was shamelessly taken from - where most of the artwork for the darkjudges faction was also found , if you want to credit them.

                  [tried to attach zip, but all attempts failed for some unknown reason]
                  Last edited by MrWig; March 2, 2002, 13:27.


                  • #10
                    Last edited by MrWig; March 2, 2002, 12:08.


                    • #11

                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by MrWig; March 4, 2002, 11:37.

