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Sinking land when making maps

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  • Sinking land when making maps

    I know that this question has been asked & answered before but I can't find it...

    When you make your map in the Scen Editor, and then you start a new game with it being loaded up as a custom map, why do I get most of my low lands sunk? I know the answer that the Editor has a bug and that there is a way around this but I fogot how. Can someone tell me please, I need to make 2 maps for my upcoming Ultramind mod (or otherwise "hire" someone to do it, and by hiring I mean beg )...
    ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
    ... Pain is an illusion...

  • #2
    Map Editor habits

    Not sure if this is what was previously posted, but this is my experience:
    Before I create the map, I goto: "Menu > Edit Map > Set Climate and World Parameters" and select the applicable items for each class (Ocean, Erosion, Natives, Clouds). Then I make the map. I have never had anything sink.
    For clarity, this is how I refer to the elevations: Land goes from Level 3 to Level 0 (3500 to 3000m, 2999 to 2000m, 1999 to 1000m, 999 to 0m). Ocean is Shelf (-0 to -999m), Ocean (-1000 to -1999m), and Trench (-2000 to -2999m).
    Remember: You can't have adjacent spaces more than one elevation level different (such as Shelf at -500m adjacent to Level 1 Land at +1200m). The program will either lower the Land to Level 0 or raise the Shelf to Level 0 Land. Conversely, if you have Ocean at -1200m adjacent to Level 0 Land at +500, the program will either lower the Land to Shelf or pull the Ocean up to Shelf.
    In my experience doing this it has always pulled the elevations up, not down.
    The same is true of adjacent Land spaces. If one is Level 2 and one is Level 0, it will pull to Level 0 up to Level 1, and follow through successive adjacent spaces until all are within 1 elevation difference.
    If you are translating a 256-color grayscale image to a SMAC map, you need to "Set Climate and World Parameters" immediately after loading the file. You might not be at all happy with the results, either. Again, it seems to always pull invalid elevations up.
    Have fun!

    P.S. What are your specs for your Ultramind maps? You're welcome to email them to me. I'll read it over and let you know if it's something I could do.
    I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


    • #3
      I read you tips, thanx But when you set the world climate, doesn't change the oceans (when you start the Scen Editor) into various land masses?

      Thanx for the offer for the Ultramind. I've decided to either modify the downloadable Helium Pond's Ultimate Builder Map (that is if there aren't any objections ), or possibly ask you for help! What do you think I should do? (I am very indecisive right now since, while beta-testing, I see that the power of the Ultramind faction, in the mod, directly depends on the amount of native life --> rare = pathetic power and abundant = unsurpassed power). Oh and the mod is currently for SMAC only (since I no longer have SMAX or the neccessary files needed for conversion, might do it later on).
      ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
      ... Pain is an illusion...


      • #4
        When you set the world climate, you are establishing the parameters that would be followed by the World Builder if you let the program make the map.
        If you are going to do it yourself, you will still start with all ocean. You don't get any land until you put it there.

        All of my map-making begins with random maps. I edit a very few things, but mostly try to leave it as it was generated.
        Since I don't create specific scenarios, I've never made a map intending particular starting places for the factions. I just load it in a new game and go from there.
        I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.

