I know that this question has been asked & answered before but I can't find it... 
When you make your map in the Scen Editor, and then you start a new game with it being loaded up as a custom map, why do I get most of my low lands sunk? I know the answer that the Editor has a bug and that there is a way around this but I fogot how. Can someone tell me please, I need to make 2 maps for my upcoming Ultramind mod (or otherwise "hire" someone to do it, and by hiring I mean beg

When you make your map in the Scen Editor, and then you start a new game with it being loaded up as a custom map, why do I get most of my low lands sunk? I know the answer that the Editor has a bug and that there is a way around this but I fogot how. Can someone tell me please, I need to make 2 maps for my upcoming Ultramind mod (or otherwise "hire" someone to do it, and by hiring I mean beg
