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  • Disasters???

    hi friends, for my latest (post-doomsday) scenario it would be cool if there is an option to alter the "disaster"-probability (esp. the asteroid-impacts).
    does anyone know if the disasters are adjustable in some kind of rule-.txt-files?

  • #2
    1, 1 ; Numerator/Denominator for frequency of global warming (1,2 would be "half" normal warming).
    From the alpha.txt. Otherwise, no, random events don't make a call on a text file. You can set factions atrocities-committed parameter in the scenario-editor which should have some effect. Of course, there is the option to turn random events off in game setup, but I'm sure that's not what you're after.

    Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


    • #3
      well, i'm looking for the trigger for asteroid impacts. to be specific: how to increase the propability of an impact. it's for my "Lucifer's Hammer" scenario. a very big one hit the planet and the surviving colonists have to struggle with the following debris cloud...

      but i think this calculation is hidden in the source code, not in the rule-.txt files... if anyone knows better, post it here please.

