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No Landmarks!!

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  • No Landmarks!!

    hi guys,
    i'm trying to find out how to make the worldbuilder in alpha.txt not to build natural landmarks, cause it's ruing my sea base mod. to summarize: how do i make the worldbuilder not generate anymore landmarks?

  • #2
    generate a map with the world builder and remove the landmarks with the map editor (there is an option to remove or add single landmarks).
    i don't think there is an possibility to use the rules for generating non-landmarked maps.


    • #3
      Maps sans-landmarks

      Write a program that creates randomized .mp files all by its lonesome.

      I've done this, and the only thing I've yet to figure out is landmarks .... so viola, a random map with no landmarks.

      Of course, my random routines currently suck, compared to the tried-and-true ones of the game (my freetime comes in spurts, and I've ran out for the forseeable future) ... but I'm sure that if you had a wack at the .mp file format and spent a little of all that spare time you are spending on a mod to program a good set of random routines, you'd come up with random maps you're happy with.

      The .mp file format is actually pretty straightforward.


      • #4
        I'd be interested in taking a shot at a random map generator, my free time is scarse, so any existing work done on the problem would be greatly beneficial, prefferably some sort of bare-bone map loading/saving code in c/c++/java.

        I know a bit about generating random maps, water maps would be no problem. Making a true continental world would be a bit beyond my current skills, but the main thing I would like is the ability to generate oceans which arent all at -1999.


        • #5
          I read somewhere that someone's made a converter for various random map-makers...IE you could take a map from Railroad Tycoon and use it in SMAC. It is a PC utility, and I'm really not sure where I read about it. One of the fan sites for SMAC..just not sure which one. If it works, one could use such a generator to make a library of non-landmarked Smac maps, then randomly choose from that set.

          Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb

