Greetings Apolyton,
Another day, another scenario. Today I thought I'd post a broader scenario to get players aquainted with Aldebaran. Because this is a stand-alone scenario, you don't need to install anything to play. If you already have Aldebaran, this is almost a mirror-image of Scenario 1, standard map.
Foothold is a builder-type scenario, and in a sense, represents a typical game in Aldebaran (minus the graphics). I've included part of the README for the scenario below. If you do download the scenario, be sure to read the rest of it, especially where MP games are concerned.
Foothold: A 'stand-alone' scenario by Smack at Apolyton (
Welcome to Foothold. This is scenario one of a developing series of stand-alone scenarios. To play, simply choose 'Play Scenario' from your game interface and then select 'Foothold.SC' from this folder. That's it!
A stand-alone scenario (SAS) can be played without any extra installation whatsoever.
This is due to the fact that the SMAC or SMAX interface will examine all files in a scenario folder and use them to supercede any corresponding files in the main game folder. In this case, 'Foothold' is generally set in the Aldebaran universe, and uses the Aldeb game engine. The nice thing is that you don't need to perform any installation at all to play the game in this context.
Scenario Framework: Foothold
This is a balanced scenario suitable for Single Player or Multi-Player games. You can choose to play at any difficulty level. In single-player games you will control the Planetlover Faction, a splinter of the Gaians from Old Chiron.
Any factions can be played in MP games, but If you are going to play an MP game, please read the MP notes. The background story by Kassiopeia can be found on Aldebaranweb: and at Apolyton in the SMAC/Fiction threads.
It should also be noted that all AI factions are set to Passive, giving Foothold a 'builder' feel. Otherwise, the AI have no special settings. They are the actual super-AI factions used in Aldebaran and start out in comparable situations to the player.
Background: Foothold
Foothold takes place just as the Chironian Survivors, the Galactics, and the Outlaws are landing on a new planet, Aldebaran. (2300 AD). The survivors of Chiron include 5 splinter factions: The Planetlovers (Gaian), The Syndicate (Hive), The Universality (University), The Peacemakers (Peacekeeper), and The Nauticon (Spartan). Sadly, the Morganites and Believers did not escape Chiron during cataclismic end of the Great Chiron Wars (2250-22?? AD).
The Galactics and Outlaws are factions that developed out of the Second Mission from Earth in the 21st century. This scenario represents the first 'hard-contact' between the mission to Alpha Centauri and the second, possibly more successful mission to explore several star-systems in the neighborhood of Sol.
In a nutshell, The Galactics represent a second mission from Earth in the 21st century. Unlike the mission to Alpha Centauri, the Second Mission utilized near-lightspeed drives and a vastly more stable colonization platform. Because of the nuances of Near-Lightspeed travel, this mission has experienced about 500 years of development during a mere 150 Earth Years. The majority of these 500 years were spent travelling the local galacitic neighborhood and dropping off colony units at likely planets. The faction eventually came to regard itself as superior to the rest of humanity (if they exist) and hence renamed their species Homo sapiens galacticus, to reflect their interstellar nature. As you will learn in subsequent scenarios, the Galactics also learned that 'We are NOT alone.'
The Outlaws, or United Non-Complicity Front, are a rebel faction representing escapees and malcontents from the Galactic Empire.
At the opening of Foothold, you find yourself on what appears to be a vast and unpopulated continent in the southern hemisphere of Aldebaran.
Scenario Objectives: Foothold
The objective of Foothold is to control Aldebaran by any means necessary. Winning by Transcendence is not possible, otherwise, points are scored in exactly the same way as a regular game. Look for a post of high scores and other information on Aldebaranweb:
Feedback greatly appreciated,
Another day, another scenario. Today I thought I'd post a broader scenario to get players aquainted with Aldebaran. Because this is a stand-alone scenario, you don't need to install anything to play. If you already have Aldebaran, this is almost a mirror-image of Scenario 1, standard map.
Foothold is a builder-type scenario, and in a sense, represents a typical game in Aldebaran (minus the graphics). I've included part of the README for the scenario below. If you do download the scenario, be sure to read the rest of it, especially where MP games are concerned.
Foothold: A 'stand-alone' scenario by Smack at Apolyton (
Welcome to Foothold. This is scenario one of a developing series of stand-alone scenarios. To play, simply choose 'Play Scenario' from your game interface and then select 'Foothold.SC' from this folder. That's it!
A stand-alone scenario (SAS) can be played without any extra installation whatsoever.
This is due to the fact that the SMAC or SMAX interface will examine all files in a scenario folder and use them to supercede any corresponding files in the main game folder. In this case, 'Foothold' is generally set in the Aldebaran universe, and uses the Aldeb game engine. The nice thing is that you don't need to perform any installation at all to play the game in this context.
Scenario Framework: Foothold
This is a balanced scenario suitable for Single Player or Multi-Player games. You can choose to play at any difficulty level. In single-player games you will control the Planetlover Faction, a splinter of the Gaians from Old Chiron.
Any factions can be played in MP games, but If you are going to play an MP game, please read the MP notes. The background story by Kassiopeia can be found on Aldebaranweb: and at Apolyton in the SMAC/Fiction threads.
It should also be noted that all AI factions are set to Passive, giving Foothold a 'builder' feel. Otherwise, the AI have no special settings. They are the actual super-AI factions used in Aldebaran and start out in comparable situations to the player.
Background: Foothold
Foothold takes place just as the Chironian Survivors, the Galactics, and the Outlaws are landing on a new planet, Aldebaran. (2300 AD). The survivors of Chiron include 5 splinter factions: The Planetlovers (Gaian), The Syndicate (Hive), The Universality (University), The Peacemakers (Peacekeeper), and The Nauticon (Spartan). Sadly, the Morganites and Believers did not escape Chiron during cataclismic end of the Great Chiron Wars (2250-22?? AD).
The Galactics and Outlaws are factions that developed out of the Second Mission from Earth in the 21st century. This scenario represents the first 'hard-contact' between the mission to Alpha Centauri and the second, possibly more successful mission to explore several star-systems in the neighborhood of Sol.
In a nutshell, The Galactics represent a second mission from Earth in the 21st century. Unlike the mission to Alpha Centauri, the Second Mission utilized near-lightspeed drives and a vastly more stable colonization platform. Because of the nuances of Near-Lightspeed travel, this mission has experienced about 500 years of development during a mere 150 Earth Years. The majority of these 500 years were spent travelling the local galacitic neighborhood and dropping off colony units at likely planets. The faction eventually came to regard itself as superior to the rest of humanity (if they exist) and hence renamed their species Homo sapiens galacticus, to reflect their interstellar nature. As you will learn in subsequent scenarios, the Galactics also learned that 'We are NOT alone.'
The Outlaws, or United Non-Complicity Front, are a rebel faction representing escapees and malcontents from the Galactic Empire.
At the opening of Foothold, you find yourself on what appears to be a vast and unpopulated continent in the southern hemisphere of Aldebaran.
Scenario Objectives: Foothold
The objective of Foothold is to control Aldebaran by any means necessary. Winning by Transcendence is not possible, otherwise, points are scored in exactly the same way as a regular game. Look for a post of high scores and other information on Aldebaranweb:
Feedback greatly appreciated,