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faction: NOBODY

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  • faction: NOBODY

    ; Sid Meier's ALPHA CENTAURI
    ; FACTION FILE: Nobody
    ; Written by George Branchaud (c) Friday, August 3, 2001
    ; Just for fun, but very playable.
    ; Note that although there are no social + or - factors,
    ; there is also no starting Tech! You start from scratch!
    ; The line of commas and spaces where the modifiers would
    ; normally be is necessary for the faction to load properly.

    Nobody, Nobody, Nobodies, M, 1, nobody, M, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    Future Society, Eudaimonic, INDUSTRY
    Values, Power, nil
    Nobody's, Nobody.
    xx, xy, xyz
    apparently, indistinct, inconsequential, ordinary, useless,
    do nothing important
    to do nothing important
    doing nothing important
    doing nothing important
    do nothing important
    doing nothing important
    doing nothing important
    doing nothing important
    doing nothing important, M1
    doing nothing important, M1
    doing nothing important, M1
    nothing important, M1
    doing nothing important
    nobody important
    nothing important

    middle of nowhere

    lost at sea

    -. --- -... --- -.. -.--

    ^LEADER: {none}
    ^BACKGROUND: {none}
    ^AGENDA: {none}
    ^TECH: {none}

    ^nobody: {nothing}
    ^nobody: {nothing}
    ^nobody: {nothing}
    ^nobody: {nothing}
    ^nobody: {nothing}
    ^nobody: {nothing}
    ^nobody: {nothing}

    #xs 440
    #caption $CAPTION7
    "Since you are nobody important to me, I feel no need to waste
    my time fighting with you, and declare a truce to that effect."


    #xs 440
    #caption $CAPTION7
    "It appears that, although you and your followers are nobody important
    to me, I would benefit from your friendship. A treaty to document
    such a relationship would be proper."


    # ; This line must remain at end of file
    I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.

  • #2
    I have played with - and against - "Nobody" several times and they do no better or worse than any of the Magnificent Seven. It's fun to play catch-up in technology.
    You can change the preferences and aversion to whatever you want and see how they do.
    For the base graphics, I started with "harmonic.pcx" (from the Network Node , I don't remember) and inserted "pop_sm.pcx" (resized to fit) where the leader's image goes. I used a stylized light bulb from some clipart for the logo, and a photo I took of a field of wildflowers for the Diplomacy Landscape. For "nobody2.pcx" and "nobody3.pcx", I use "defaults2.pcx" and "defaults3.pcx".
    I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.

