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Aldebaran Public Release

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  • Aldebaran Public Release

    Aldebaran has a home! I've finished the muckety-muck of cleaning up some of the text, and have given it a website here:

    [News: 9/15/01: Am working on some 'stand-alone' scenarios which require no installation at all to play, thanks to the scenario mechanism. Instead a person can play the scenario which then automatically loads the Aldebaran textfiles that it needs from it's folder.]

    [Edit: 9/13/01: The networknode ( is now mirroring the downloads if any have trouble getting them past the Yahoo Police. Also, SITS has started work on the tech voice-overs and you can find a sampling about dolphins on the webpage.]

    [Edit: 9/12/01: A bug got squashed and everything appears to be at this point. Following on this thread is an earlier discussion of what was working, what wasn't , general web and bug fixes, etc.. I'm fairly confident that all is well now. ]

    [For the old thread which traces some of the development: Aldebaran Beta Work Thread ]

    The game Aldebaran owes it's completion to the Beta team: Kassiopeia (storyline, blurbs), Cybergod (graphics), and Velocyrix, Blake, and Tokamak (playtesting). This is our project, I hope you like it!

    Some things to know about Aldebaran:

    Aldebaran is a 'patch' of sorts that creates what is basically a whole new game from the shell of SMAC.

    Aldebaran can be easily changed back into SMAC and vice-versa. It just takes moving some files around.

    There are Novice and Veteran versions of the game, reflecting the need for higher challenges in the SMAC community.

    Some features of Aldebaran:

    All new techtree, factions, and faction graphics. The majority of the work was done in these areas.

    Additional units such as a Super-Carrier for air-power at sea, several new 'native' type lifeforms, and several levels of Chopper.

    Enhanced combat system that improves artillery and takes altitude between units into effect, among other things.

    A (partial) Comparison of Aldebaran vs. original SMAC:

    Aldebaran can be more difficult (and that's a good thing!), especially because it uses 'AI' versions of each faction, which are high-powered versions of the player factions.

    The Aldebaran tech-tree is very different than SMAC. For one thing, there are two separate weapons branches reflecting 'conventional' weapons that are powerful and easy to research, and 'psi-based' or mental weapons that are more expensive initially, but are cheaper to manufacture in your units.

    Seapower and sea-terraforming are enhanced in Aldebaran, making naval campaigns and aquatic empires more viable.

    Aldebaran Social Engineering is based on these categories: Propaganda, Economics, Industrial Protocols, and Industrial Focus.

    I could ramble on forever about the project, but hey, that's what the other Aldebaran Thread is for. This much I will say: 1. Thank you everyone! and 2. Don't worry, I'm still quite interested in improving things. So if you have comments, post them here or email me at

    Happy Landing Chironians,

    Last edited by Avenoct; September 15, 2001, 14:37.
    Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb

  • #2
    Finally! Just when I thought of emailling to see what the f@@@ is happening to the mod, he posts it in a seperate thread!
    ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
    ... Pain is an illusion...


    • #3
      Fantastic! Will get to it right away, honest guv
      We're back!


      • #4
        **SIRENS WAIL***

        Problem - having downloaded the full version, it doesn't let me unzip it, stating:

        "Cannot open file - it does not appear to be a valid archive."

        Any idea why?
        We're back!


        • #5
          [Edit: Apparently this isn't really a problem, but I'm working to make the downloads as clean as possible.]

          That sounds like a major problem Mark13! I don't have any problem using this format (MacZip) with my MP games, so I'm guessing Windoze doesn't like the fact that the files are contained in folders. Anyone have any ideas? I'll try working from a PC platform at the neighborhood university and correct this somehow immediately.

          Last edited by Avenoct; September 5, 2001, 12:28.
          Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


          • #6
            WinZip opened the full veteran download file on my PC OK - folders and all. I downloaded the file several hours ago - before mark13 posted.

            The README has no extension, though. Tried a TXT extension, but the file has some formatting that makes it difficult to read. Tried a DOC extension and after clicking past several warning dialogs about some missing DOS conversion utility (can't remember the exact name) it finally opened up in a readable format. Must be something to do with going from MAC to PC.

            Pheww! I'm pertty tired from all that computing work... Think I'll go home now...

            - Scipio

            PS. Smack, either you or mark13 needs to change avatars. I almost lost track of who was saying what.

            PPS. Has anybody had any luck shocking that monkey that runs back and forth across the top of the Apolyton webpages? I never can nail that thing.
            Last edited by Scipio Centaurus; September 4, 2001, 21:57.
            Delende est Ashcrofto


            • #7
              How Is AI Tougher???

              you described that the AI was tougher for this MOD. could you describe exactly how? please refer to changes in alphax.txt and/or factions files, so I can refer to them please.



              • #8
                Update - downloaded it a second time, and it works perfectly. Must just have been a faulty download for whatever reason

                Anyway, have played my first game to 2352 on the HMoA, and things are looking good. Am playing as the am very impressed. Decided to start out on thinker level, and what I've seen of the AI so far isn't too promising....still, I'll see how it copes in the mid-game.

                Had the same problem as Scipio with the readme file, though read it in .txt format in the end, as .doc wouldn't work at all

                BTW - Scipio, I've shocked the monkey a few times. Haven't managed to win the $20 yet though, strangely
                We're back!


                • #9

                  I'll post a list of all the changes to alphatext and the system of AI superfactions on the website this weekend. Its a LONG list.

                  Also, I'll fix the Readme file to be PC friendly.

                  Did anyone get an extra folder in the downloads called 'Extrastuff.mac'? I did when I tried from my school system. I'll also fix that if I can.

                  Last edited by Avenoct; September 6, 2001, 20:47.
                  Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Smack
                    Did anyone get an extra folder in the downloads called 'Extrastuff.mac'? I did when I tried from my school system. I'll also fix that if I can.
                    yep, I got the "Extrastuff" folder.

                    looking forward to seeing your list. I'm trying to work on mine for the Torture Mod thread too.


                    • #11
                      The files in the xtrastuf.mac seem to be really weird, containing short snippits from different txt files, random garbage and even snippits from unrelated files (Does SMAC mention shockwave anywhere?! )

                      This is NOT a fault of windows zip utilities, (why? the same problem happens in UNIX zip utilities when extracting the zip file, if anything, Unix probably has it right....). AFAIK, the xtrastuf is simply random garbage which confuses people and serves no function, on either Windows or Mac machines.

                      Smack: I strongly suggest using a different zip utility - indeed the problem could be restricted to the one zip utility you are using, and not a mac / windows thing in general. Either get a new zip utility for your mac (I have no idea how easy or hard that may be... but zip utilities are a dime a dozen for windows machines) or use a different machine.


                      • #12
                        Agreed. I'll clean this up shortly. For now, just dump the Xtrastuff.mac folder. I'm not getting to the web additions till the weekend probably, but as far as I know, everything does work (if it's ugly ).

                        Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                        • #13
                          Sorry to bother you again, but....

                          Whenever I discover/trade/acquire the technology "Weak Fields" I get a terran.exe crash. Any idea why?
                          We're back!


                          • #14
                            Me too, but only when I discover Practical Genetics (or was it Eugenics )...
                            ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
                            ... Pain is an illusion...


                            • #15
                              I wish that I did. How unfortunate! I will fix this somehow!

                              So, two different techs produce the same crash, yet, no crashes occurred in playtesting...hrm.

                              I'll theorize three possibilities:

                              1. That the app (SMAC) called the tech (tech, techshorts, techlong, blurbs) and one of those had been bungled either in the download, the zip, or before it got zipped (went to press).

                              2. That terran.exe calls the window for tech-display slightly differently than on the mac and that it has nowhere to go when you have 9+ techs to choose from. On the mac, 8 or 10 can be displayed, as names only in this case.

                              3. You're kidding.

                              [Edit: Turned out to be #1 and the blurbs.txt and techlongs.txt had improper word-wrapping. The engine is very touchy on this. So, it's now fixed!]

                              As I said, I'll fix it, somehow. I only wish I had a PC version of SMAC to run at school.

                              Last edited by Avenoct; September 8, 2001, 03:20.
                              Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb

