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Native life generating

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  • Native life generating

    Hi Guys!
    I'm new to this forum, and i'm trying to make a new native life mod for SMAC. I wanna make like simple units, 2-d graphics, and i was wondering how i could make the game engine generate these new alien life in the game, like how the mindworm gets generated. i got the units grpahics, sounds, and things like that, i tried playing a game, and on "Abundant" life, i still get nothing but mindworms.

    here's a part of the game code:

    Chiron's Sea Guardian, Foil, Psi, Psi, 1, 5, 5, CentEmp, 4, 000000000000000000000000
    Flora Pawns, Infantry, Psi, Psi, 1, 5, 0, CentEmp, 1, 000000000000000000000000
    Plants of Chiron, Infantry, Psi, Psi, 1, 5, 0, CentEmp, 5, 000000000000000000000000
    Native Swarm, Foil, Psi, Psi, 1, 6, 7, CentEmp, 6, 000000000000000000000000

    anyways, the code and stuff is right, is there something i'm doing wrong, or you can't really make native life get generated?


  • #2
    is this board like dead and stuff?


    • #3
      No, this board isn't dead.

      But, things are a bit slower over here. You'll currently find only 5-10 active Creation thread posters.

      As to your question, as far as I can tell, the application 'calls up' mindworms by their unit number (number down the list, -1). I think it's 4 or something...can't remember. This leaves only three possibilities. One, substitute your natives for the originals. Two, add your natives to the originals, understanding that they will only be built by AI factions or yourself (if you give them a prereq tech). Three, drop a bunch of your custom units into a scenario, assigning them to Planet's control. BTW, you can assign any unit to's like the 8th faction as far as the scenario editor is concerned. Sorry it's not as simple as your idea, but I hope this helps.

      Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


      • #4
        oh well, i wannted more lnative life. SMACx still didn't have enough. i wanted like 20 more life form. how come smacx can control more lifeforms? there's like 7-9 lifeforms total?


        • #5
          That's a very good question Cofffee. Smax is a different game is the short answer. I too wish that the 'calls' for native life were accessible. Still, the changes I proposed above do make a big difference in game play.

          Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


          • #6
            yea, i tried that, thanks, the only thing i can do is replace the old ones with my native units. this sucks. oh well, i thought that alpha centauri was fully customizable.

