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Trancedant Thought

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  • Trancedant Thought

    Weird idea. Give with tech stag going (which i play with to make the game more interesting) trancendant thought is more of a hassle than its worth. In games were trancending isnt a vistory condition (too easy) i usually just run 80-20-0 after i get the last tech. I always thought that trancendant tech should be some kind of amazing insight (give some kind of bonus) rather than some curiosity (gives final score points). I think it would be cool if each trancendant thought gave +1 energy production in fungus squares. It would give a motivation to switch to covering the planet with fungus. PLus its a nifty thing to do once youve reached the end of the tech tree. It would keep the tech race alive because its always good to have more energy and factions would keep on fighting for tech even past the end of the tree. What do you guys think?


  • #2
    Great idea! Wonder if it'll work? Also, you can add in some further fungus bonuses along the tech tree so that it's definately superior in the end-game. I did this with Aldebaran, and it's a nice safety-catch for AI's that ecodamage a lot.

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