I've just tried out if that unused TALENT SE factor works in the game. And yes, though it doesn't appear in the SE screen, I notice an effect on the number of drones/talents. However, I haven't run enough tests to know the exact effect of every value of the factor. The alphax.txt just says there are extra talents or drones created. But how does it work exactly? Is it just TALENT +/-1 = one extra talent/drone at each base; +/-2 = two extra talents/drones at each base? Or is it rather one extra talent/drone per x (a certain parameter eg 4) workers? And I'm wondering: is there a limit to the effect? What I mean is, -2 TALENT didn't seem to show any difference compared to -1 TALENT. On the other side, there did seem to be a difference between +1 TALENT and +2 TALENT. Does somebody know more about this?