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Base facilities

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  • Base facilities

    There is a huge thread here on how to create new units, how to give them special abilities. How about base facilities and secret projects. There are several unused facilities and sps in alpha.txt, but how should I make them working facilities. How can I define their function.

    If anyone knows, please post something here. Perhaps we could start a new thread about facilities and sp like the one for units.

  • #2
    Bob, the long and the short of it: One cannont change what a facility actually does for the most part...and there are notable exceptions. BUT, you can change the tech prereq, the upkeep costs, and for SP's, the AI's interest or lackthereof in building them.

    As to unused SP's and facilities...there are? Would you give an example?

    To change a facility, open the alphatext and scan down about 1/2 to the Facilities list. Let's say you want to bring Psi-Gates up earlier in the game. Simply change the line's tech referral to an earlier tech and voila! they are available earlier.

    So change this:
    Psi Gate, 10, 2, Matter, Disable, Teleport
    to this:
    Psi Gate, 10, 2, Mobile, Disable, Teleport

    and the gates are available upon discovery of Mobility. The numbers '10, 2' refer to the mineral-row cost and the upkeep cost. They are also changeable. The Disable section isn't used at all, and the 'Teleport' is just a note to remind you what it does.

    The exceptions to the rule:

    Recycling Tanks. Their bonus to the base square can be changed at the 'top' of the Alpha text.

    Hab Complex and Hab Dome: Their effect can't be changed, but the population limits at the two stages can also be changed in the 'top' of the Alphatext


    For Example:

    The Command Nexus, 20, 0, DocLoy, Disable, Command Center Each Base, 1, 2, 0,-1, 0,

    As before, 20, 0 refers to mineral-row cost, then Tech where this SP becomes available, Disabled column, Description, then AI-Influencer.

    The AI-Influencer is used by the AI factions to determine how interested they are in the project. The variables refer to [Agressiveness, interest in Conquer, interest in Discover, Build, and Explore-Growth]. These factors are pre-set in the factions, or are randomized if you choose the randomize options in the 'special rules' section at game start-up.

    Note: The first variable must be one of the following -1, 0, 1. for Passive, Erratic, or Agressive.
    The other variables can be any integer (I think).

    By changing these aspects of SP's one can influence factions to try to build them or avoid building them in preference for something else.

    Hope this helps,

    Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb

