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SMAC Down: 2100

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  • SMAC Down: 2100

    Hey, all! I thought it was time to move this thread to its proper place. Any discussion about proposed changes and/or suggestions to SMAC Down should go here. Discussion of tactics could easily fit in either thread. Take your pick!

    I'm not expecting a lot of activity here yet, since I've haven't released the new map yet, but when I do, kindly post your reactions here! Thanks!

    For those of you Creationists who have no idea what the @#$! I'm talking about, please visit the SMAC Down thread in the Strategies section. If you decide to download the scenario, be sure you take the patched version on the second page of the thread (a search for zip should take you right to the link).


  • #2
    Tokamak, what about disabling the Planetary Council? I mean, in the World Wars that we had, there was no planetary diplomacy? Also, in this way, you could commit attrocities wtihout them being concidered atrocity! Think about the PBing oportunities...
    ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
    ... Pain is an illusion...


    • #3
      I'm actually pleased with the way the Council works right now. It's of decent use to the player, but more importantly, if the enemy gets it, you're in trouble!

      I don't think that turning the Council off would lift the ban on nukes. You could vote to repeal the original UN charter, which would be pretty easy to do, actually. However, I'm not sure if even doing that makes the others tolerate PBs.

      Diplomacy, such as it is, is pretty lame in this scenario. The power bloacs have already been formed, and there's very little the player can do to change things.

      A possiblility that has my interest is to not only have the Allies out of contact with each other, but also conducting several internacine wars of their own! The player would have to quickly broker peace between them before they slit their own throats, and then unite them against the Coailition. It would be a desparate scenario.


      • #4
        Remember, only three pacted factions (non-surendered) may together win. This means that, if the player wants to unite the Alliance together, he/she needs to 'chop' one off...

        Also, with no planetary council opion on, you have, I think, an automatic repelled UN Charter as there is no council to give sanctions out.
        ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
        ... Pain is an illusion...


        • #5
          Hmm... good point about the Co-operative victory thing. That's a real PIA. On the plus side, it's very likely that one of the Allies will get knocked off in mid-game, anyway

          This problem could be addressed by making one of the Allies your submissive from the outset. it's a little inelegant, but it works.

          The sanctions are in effect by default. You don't even have to have contact with anyone yet to have them get triggered! The council has the power to repeal prohibition against atrocites, but those proscriptions start out already in place.

          I didn't know you could disable the Council. How are you doing that? It sounds like it might be handy.


          • #6
            Disable planetary Council option is somewhere in the scen editor, haven't tweaked anything for ages so I don't remember...

            You can also disable social engineering but I don't think that you wana do that.
            ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
            ... Pain is an illusion...


            • #7
              I disabled the Planetary Council in my all Pirates scenario. Just to confirm, whenever I nervestapled a base during testing and later game play, economic sanctions were imposed. So disabling PC may only serve to remove the only opportunity to loosen restrictions on the use of those PBs!
              Delende est Ashcrofto


              • #8
                Whoops! Sorry! I saw one scenario here on apolyton, "Apocalypse" where there were Miriam, Deidre and Lal against Zakharov, Yang and Santiago (Morgan was chopped) where there was no PC and you could chuck as many PBs as you liked!

                I've just finished my first try on the SMAC version. I'm bedazzled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First of all, Yang just sweeps over and cordinates with Miriam AND mindcontrols most of my bases! It's not fair ! Oh well, got my main base, two seabases and one Morgan's base he kindly gave me . The evil Coalition has snugged virtually all the SPs in record time! And just how many boreholes did you drill into the poor Planet's crust?!?!? You monster .

                Sorry for my outpour of emotions, it's just I'm not used to being overrun by the AI...
                ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
                ... Pain is an illusion...

