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faction: FORSAKEN

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  • faction: FORSAKEN

    ; Sid Meier's ALPHA CENTAURI
    ; FACTION FILE: Forsaken
    ; Made with ACEdit (c)1999 ANX at
    ; Written by George Branchaud (c) Friday, June 13, 2001
    ; For use this Faction file select load from
    ; faction select in the game and write... forsaken

    Forsaken, The Reintegrator, Forsaken, M, 2, William, M, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
    Values, Knowledge, GROWTH
    Values, Power, nil
    Forsaken, Forsak.
    Bella, Branchereau, Villa Bella
    Remembrancer, determined, diseased, determined, diseased,
    Death's gatekeeper
    reintegrate the forsaken
    the reintegration of the forsaken
    leading thousands to their deaths in the wilderness
    leading thousands to their deaths in the wilderness
    lead thousands to their deaths in the wilderness
    leading thousands to their deaths in the wilderness
    leading thousands to their deaths in the wilderness
    leading thousands to their deaths in the wilderness
    reintegration program, M1
    reintegration program, M1
    reintegration program, M1
    assessment, M1
    reintegrating the forsaken
    the forsaken
    my reintegration program

    Chiron Base
    Chiron 2
    Chiron 3
    Chiron 4
    Chiron 5
    Chiron 6
    Chiron 7
    Chiron 8
    Chiron 9
    Chiron 10
    Chiron 11
    Chiron 12
    Chiron 13
    Chiron 14
    Chiron 15
    Chiron 16
    Chiron 17
    Chiron 18
    Chiron 19
    Chiron 20
    Chiron 21
    Chiron 22
    Chiron 23
    Chiron 24
    Chiron 25
    Chiron 26
    Chiron 27

    Chiron Sea 1
    Chiron Sea 2
    Chiron Sea 3
    Chiron Sea 4
    Chiron Sea 5
    Chiron Sea 6
    Chiron Sea 7
    Chiron Sea 8

    ^ We will survive!
    ^ -- chorus in the song of
    ^ The Forsaken

    ^LEADER: {Remembrancer William, Unity colonist}
    ^BACKGROUND: {Won a berth on the Unity in a lottery}
    ^AGENDA: {Reintegration with any Unity survivors}
    ^TECH: {Optical Computers (salvaged from the escape pod)}

    ^Robust Support: {A small number of colonists, thought to be dead in the most}
    ^Robust Morale: {severely damaged section of the Unity, managed to find an}
    ^Robust Research: {escape pod. Much smaller than a landing pod, it had no major}
    ^-2 Growth: {equipment and only a minimum of supplies. They hope to}
    ^Although poisoned: {reintegrate with the other Unity survivors -- if there are any.}
    ^by radiation, they: {The human player may not rush any production of any kind,}
    ^are determined.: {and may not build any Secret Projects (except the Ascent).}

    #xs 440
    #caption $CAPTION7
    "The dispersion of the colonists is a disaster, $NAME1. Shall we
    declare a truce and reintegrate the colonists?"

    "Yes, $TITLE4. Your programs are in harmony with my goals."
    "No, $NAME3. Your programs are contrary to my goals."

    #xs 440
    #caption $CAPTION7
    "The dispersion of the colonists impedes progress, $TITLE0 $NAME1. Won't you sign a Treaty of Friendship and help me to reintegrate with the others?"

    "Yes, $TITLE4. Your programs are in harmony with my goals."
    "No, $NAME3. Your programs are contrary to my goals."

    # ; This line must remain at end of file
    I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.

  • #2

    It's a bit difficult to read in the #DATALINKS2, so I extracted the story here:

    "A small number of colonists, thought to be dead in the most severely damaged section of the Unity, managed to find an escape pod. Much smaller than a landing pod, it had no major equipment and only a minimum of supplies. They hope to reintegrate with the other Unity survivors -- if there are any.
    The human player may not rush any production of any kind, and may not build any Secret Projects (except the Ascent)!"

    I wrote this faction specifically as a replacement for the Believers, as if Miriam did not survive the Unity's destruction.

    I have played The Forsaken myself and did just fine without rushing any production or building any Secret Projects. It was not easy, but I had fun, which is my only reason for playing.

    If you play against The Forsaken, change their Growth to -3, because the AI will build Secret Projects to compensate, and this keeps them from getting to big too soon.

    Critique? Comments? Always welcome
    I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


    • #3
      I really like the flavor of this faction. They are the weary cold survivors of a disaster. Thought provoking. I also really like the healthy application of the ROBUST ability, one included but hardly used by the original factions. All in all, this seems like a balanced and worthy substitute, though I admit I havn't played them yet. The drones-talent thing should play in an unusual way. Oh, before I forget, you could change their interest away from growth, ie [-1, 0, 1, 0, 0] instead of [-1, 0, 1, 0, 1]. That way they wouldn't be interested in the growth techs, facilites, or SP's at all, but would build them incidentally.

      Superb! I think these Forsaken will find a home in the database as an example as well as on Chiron! Playtesting is the best way to find out who they really are, and I'll try that soon.

      Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


      • #4
        I agree with changing the Growth interest to 0 instead of 1.
        I already sent the .txt to you, but feel free to make the change.
        That change, along with making the Growth -3 for the AI (instead of the -2 for the human), makes for a faction that might look like easy pickings early, but watch out if they get a decent toe-hold.
        I'm seriously considering playing them myself with the -3 Growth just to see if it can be overcome with no Secret Projects but with very careful Social Engineering, smart terraforming, proper research choices, and slick diplomacy.
        I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.

