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getting loopy over giant maps.

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  • getting loopy over giant maps.

    I recently loaded SMAC back on my system. I decided that, at least hypothetically, since I used to play this on a cyrix 166 with a 1mb video card I ought to be able to make a ginormous map with my dual-core processor and 3.5GB ram. I could type in any number I wanted for the size, it would give me the warning, but it would load me right a 256x256 map. I've looked all over the net and finally came across this site, and more importantly this thread.

    Hope blossomed, then wilted and died. It doesn't seem to matter how I edit it, all the good advice that was given there - and clearly worked for some - was a no go for me. In fact, this
    Originally posted by Googlie View Post

    Indeed !!

    Although ic an load (and edit) your 360 x 360 (720) map, and I've changed my Humungous Map from 256 x 256 to 360 x 360 (and added the Worldbuilder 36 line), my system hangs when I try to start a game with the newly defined Humungous Map (it's win XP so I get the dreaded "do you want to send Microsoft a message" message - yeah, right.)

    I'll persevere, as obviously you and others have been able to start a game on these supermaps.

    (Have you tried a Map of Planet on this size?)


    Edit: Hmm - I can get a 520 x 520 map (I inserted 36, 48 in the Worldbuilder) when I choose "Customize random map", and the game runs fine, just when i choose my "Humungous Map" tab - it used to work with my 256 x 256 maps - I see I'll need to tinker more.

    is as close as I can get; with the exception that I didn't even get the 520 map to load. Sorry for the long post, but I've been drinking Amp and editing for two days trying to get this to work with no success. Any clues? does it have to do with the number jump in the ratio numbers sequence? the phase of the moon? Does my computer just hate me for playing this awesome game?

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • #2
    The thread that you posted describes how to create "ginormous" maps. However, more work was needed to discover how to play on them. See this thread for more information. The short answer is that maps larger than a certain size won't load, no matter what your PC specs are. However, if you create a scenario, you can play with such maps. I have a save file with a 1024x2048 map. It's interesting that once you start the scenario and save it, you can then load the save file with no problem.


    "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
    -- Kosh

