I'd like to propose some radical changes to the game to limit, as far as possible, the effectiveness of ICS'ing. Feedback is much appreciated. 
Why is ICS so effective?
Well, there are lots of reasons, but here's the biggest: faster growth. The faster you expand, the faster you can start harvesting more resources than the next guy. You can then use those extra resources to expand even faster, and so on. This is a positive feedback effect which will result in a geometric increase in resource income over time. Thus, even a small edge in growth will yield a massive resource advantage over the course of the game.
So, in order to make other expansion paradigms more attractive alternatives, we need to modify the growth mechanics of the game to nullify the inherent speed advantage enjoyed by ICS.
What factors lead to faster growth?
1. Economies of Scale. The more bases you have, the more base tiles you have, which do not require a worker to generate resources. Thus, a citizen can work 1 tile in an existing base, or 2 tiles by founding a new base (base tile + worked tile). So just by founding new bases you net 'free' tiles of resources. That's a pretty big opportunity cost to overcome to justify growing a base beyond size 2.
2. Growth Mechanics. Small bases grow faster than big bases. A size 1 base needs 2 nutrient rows to grow, a size 2 base needs 3, etc. More generally, the growth speed of a base is governed by:
T = R*(S+1)/N
where T is the number of turns remaining before growth (round up), R is the number of nutrients per row, S is the size of the base, and N is nutrient output per turn. So we can see that not only does building lots of new bases net you lots of 'free' base tiles, it also achieves faster population growth by keeping S small.
3. Distance and Movement. The shorter a Colony Pod has to travel to a new base location, the faster it can found the base and begin harvesting resources. Similarly, the less time a Former needs to spend moving to a different tile, the more time it can spend making improvements and the quicker you will have access to the bonus resources they yield. Both Colony Pods and Formers have only 1 movement, meaning they can get a maximum of 2 moves along a road (leaving 1/3 of a move to build/terraform) before they need to start wasting turns to get to a further destination.
(did I miss anything... ?)
What can be done about it?
Here are the changes I have in mind:
1. Economies of Scale
The idea here is to shift the economies of scale away from horizontal development and towards vertical development. Most of the benefits from free base tiles are gone (base tile only provides 2/0/0), and bases now require a bigger upfront investment in the form of more expensive CPs. These two factors work together to reduce city spamming: it's pretty tough accumulate 50 minerals for a CP at a size 1 or 2 base without that free mineral from the base tile.
Building many small bases instead of fewer large bases always had the advantage of getting around hab restrictions. Now big bases no longer have this handicap. Hab Complexes and Hab Domes are now useless; perhaps they can be transformed into a new facility?
The idea behind increasing the upkeep for multiplier facilities (Net Node, Energy Bank, Robo Assembly Plant, etc.) is this: multiplier facilities provide more benefits in a bigger base, but at the same upkeep as in a smaller base.
The more bases you have, the more upkeep you pay if you're building these facilities in every base. Thus, by increasing the cost of these facilities, the ICS player is faced with an unpleasant choice: build these facilities in every base and face crippling upkeep, or don't build as many of them and concede higher output per citizen to the big base builders.
2. Growth Mechanics
Yes, this is a pretty radical change. I've tested it out a few times and it seems like it has potential. The idea is that it normalize the rate of growth between bases of different size. Remember, bases grow according to T = R*(S+1)/N. Since only 1 nutrient is being consumed per citizen, in general bigger bases will see bigger nutrient surpluses. Thus, N should increasse at a rate proportional to S, and T will be relatively constant.
The reason for doubling the number of nutrients per row is to keep the overall growth rates similar to what they were before these changes. Basically, since I'm halving the number of nutrients required to feed citizens, I'm (nearly) doubling the average nutrient output. By also doubling the nutrients required for growth, the overall growth rate is kept (somewhat) constant. 20 is also a good round number so that it doesn't mess up the Growth SE effects.
3. Distances and Movement
Well, this one's pretty straightforward. By increasing movement rates, we expand the distance a Former or CP can travel and still work in the same turn. This means you can space out your bases more without losing time to an ICS'er. Having movement rates along roads at 5 also means you can space bases up to 4 tiles apart and still get a 1 move unit from one base to another in a single turn, which nullifies a defense benefit that only applied to close base spacing (pre magtubes).
Additional thoughts
Obviously, these are pretty drastic changes. I'm sure there are other changes that will have to be made to compensate. For one, pop booming has to go, due to the fact that only 1 nutrient per citizen required now. That means CV needs to be disabled, and the SE table needs to be redesigned (sigh).
I may also have to shift some things around on the tech tree. I'm thinking of moving the Robo Assembly Plant down the tech tree so that it's available much earlier. Probably somewhere like Industrial Automation, but possibly even Industrial Economics. This should provide a good incentive to build bases up early, and should help compensate for the lack of base tile mineral. Thoughts?
Finally, I'd like to see the worldbuilder modified to promote less homogeneous terrain, i.e. more "patches" and "clustering" of rainy and dry tiles so that you need to think a little more about where to place your bases. Also, more worms and fungus to punish hasty expansion. I have no idea how to do all this though.
Whew, I think that's it for now. If there's any interest/feedback in these ideas, I'll try to get a full mod package out for testing.

Why is ICS so effective?
Well, there are lots of reasons, but here's the biggest: faster growth. The faster you expand, the faster you can start harvesting more resources than the next guy. You can then use those extra resources to expand even faster, and so on. This is a positive feedback effect which will result in a geometric increase in resource income over time. Thus, even a small edge in growth will yield a massive resource advantage over the course of the game.
So, in order to make other expansion paradigms more attractive alternatives, we need to modify the growth mechanics of the game to nullify the inherent speed advantage enjoyed by ICS.
What factors lead to faster growth?
1. Economies of Scale. The more bases you have, the more base tiles you have, which do not require a worker to generate resources. Thus, a citizen can work 1 tile in an existing base, or 2 tiles by founding a new base (base tile + worked tile). So just by founding new bases you net 'free' tiles of resources. That's a pretty big opportunity cost to overcome to justify growing a base beyond size 2.
2. Growth Mechanics. Small bases grow faster than big bases. A size 1 base needs 2 nutrient rows to grow, a size 2 base needs 3, etc. More generally, the growth speed of a base is governed by:
T = R*(S+1)/N
where T is the number of turns remaining before growth (round up), R is the number of nutrients per row, S is the size of the base, and N is nutrient output per turn. So we can see that not only does building lots of new bases net you lots of 'free' base tiles, it also achieves faster population growth by keeping S small.
3. Distance and Movement. The shorter a Colony Pod has to travel to a new base location, the faster it can found the base and begin harvesting resources. Similarly, the less time a Former needs to spend moving to a different tile, the more time it can spend making improvements and the quicker you will have access to the bonus resources they yield. Both Colony Pods and Formers have only 1 movement, meaning they can get a maximum of 2 moves along a road (leaving 1/3 of a move to build/terraform) before they need to start wasting turns to get to a further destination.
(did I miss anything... ?)
What can be done about it?
Here are the changes I have in mind:
1. Economies of Scale
- eliminate the free mineral and energy from the base tile
- increase the cost of building new Colony Pods from 30 to 50
- increase the upkeep for 'multiplier' facilities
- remove hab limit restrictions
The idea here is to shift the economies of scale away from horizontal development and towards vertical development. Most of the benefits from free base tiles are gone (base tile only provides 2/0/0), and bases now require a bigger upfront investment in the form of more expensive CPs. These two factors work together to reduce city spamming: it's pretty tough accumulate 50 minerals for a CP at a size 1 or 2 base without that free mineral from the base tile.
Building many small bases instead of fewer large bases always had the advantage of getting around hab restrictions. Now big bases no longer have this handicap. Hab Complexes and Hab Domes are now useless; perhaps they can be transformed into a new facility?
The idea behind increasing the upkeep for multiplier facilities (Net Node, Energy Bank, Robo Assembly Plant, etc.) is this: multiplier facilities provide more benefits in a bigger base, but at the same upkeep as in a smaller base.
The more bases you have, the more upkeep you pay if you're building these facilities in every base. Thus, by increasing the cost of these facilities, the ICS player is faced with an unpleasant choice: build these facilities in every base and face crippling upkeep, or don't build as many of them and concede higher output per citizen to the big base builders.
2. Growth Mechanics
- reduce nutrient intake requirement per citizen to 1
- increase the number of nutrients per row from 10 to 20
Yes, this is a pretty radical change. I've tested it out a few times and it seems like it has potential. The idea is that it normalize the rate of growth between bases of different size. Remember, bases grow according to T = R*(S+1)/N. Since only 1 nutrient is being consumed per citizen, in general bigger bases will see bigger nutrient surpluses. Thus, N should increasse at a rate proportional to S, and T will be relatively constant.
The reason for doubling the number of nutrients per row is to keep the overall growth rates similar to what they were before these changes. Basically, since I'm halving the number of nutrients required to feed citizens, I'm (nearly) doubling the average nutrient output. By also doubling the nutrients required for growth, the overall growth rate is kept (somewhat) constant. 20 is also a good round number so that it doesn't mess up the Growth SE effects.
3. Distances and Movement
- give formers and colony pods 2 movement
- increase movement rate along roads from 3 to 5
Well, this one's pretty straightforward. By increasing movement rates, we expand the distance a Former or CP can travel and still work in the same turn. This means you can space out your bases more without losing time to an ICS'er. Having movement rates along roads at 5 also means you can space bases up to 4 tiles apart and still get a 1 move unit from one base to another in a single turn, which nullifies a defense benefit that only applied to close base spacing (pre magtubes).
Additional thoughts
Obviously, these are pretty drastic changes. I'm sure there are other changes that will have to be made to compensate. For one, pop booming has to go, due to the fact that only 1 nutrient per citizen required now. That means CV needs to be disabled, and the SE table needs to be redesigned (sigh).
I may also have to shift some things around on the tech tree. I'm thinking of moving the Robo Assembly Plant down the tech tree so that it's available much earlier. Probably somewhere like Industrial Automation, but possibly even Industrial Economics. This should provide a good incentive to build bases up early, and should help compensate for the lack of base tile mineral. Thoughts?
Finally, I'd like to see the worldbuilder modified to promote less homogeneous terrain, i.e. more "patches" and "clustering" of rainy and dry tiles so that you need to think a little more about where to place your bases. Also, more worms and fungus to punish hasty expansion. I have no idea how to do all this though.

Whew, I think that's it for now. If there's any interest/feedback in these ideas, I'll try to get a full mod package out for testing.