Originally posted by Quadhelix
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Well, I must admit that, from SMAC perspective, that could be smart explanation of industry rating. And this explanation works fine with lower industry rating under Power: more people under arms, less at work -> longer time to complete something, with countless examples from real history.
Originally posted by Quadhelix
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Okay, but it still means that SMAC democracies are unlike democratic republics, and more like democratic monarchies for which we also have modern-day examples, from Spain to Sweden.

Originally posted by Quadhelix
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Yes, but never forget that first US constitution was called Articles of Confederation, not "Federal Constitution". And yes, question of federation/confederacy was eventually settled in civil war.
Originally posted by Quadhelix
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Yes - and that is precisely why I think that we may look upon Smaniac's federation as synonim for efficient post-civil war american federation or modern German Bundesrepublik, not as synonim for Confederation (with capital C) or medieval german Holy Roman Empire.
Of course, there's also that economy/free market problem in SMAC for which I think that Smaniac got better, but still not quite good solution. I absolutely see no reason why strongly regulated economy ("planned" in SMAC vocabulary) would have greater population growth and - surprise, surprise - there's no such example in history. Most planned economies had big problems with population agening, especially DDR.
There is much greater chance to have bigger population growth because of - democracy: at least democracies don't kill their own people by millions in gulags, concentration camps or wherever.
And while both planned economies and free markets took their share in environmental devastation, me thinks that planned economies did far worse atrocities on this issue than free markets. See Caspian and Aral Sea or chinese rivers - you don't see such catastrophies in North America or in former Yugoslavia ("socialist free market").
Basically, as in Smainac's reasoning for his mod SE, environmental protection is political decision, not some inherent feature of this or that economical system. Smaller complaint about his SE is still negative talent modification, but which is much better than -5 police rating in original SMAC settings.