I recently called Maniac’s attention to the three SMAniaC factions I’d worked over, and to my immense delight, he approved the changes, save the leader portraits for the Empaths and Atlanteans. Hey, can’t always bat .1000.
(The latter two can be found posted here towards the bottom, and the Bree makeover, which met with complete approval, I’m attaching to this post. All are on my Custom Factions page, too. I’ll be setting the SMAniaC factions apart soon.)
(And Maniac, we’ve a difference of opinion about Elevea, but you didn’t say much about the Empath pic. Are there any changes that could be made to satisfy you, or do you think the new hairline is too unrealistic and/or makes her look less businesslike and/or intelligent? I’ll drop it, if so.)
Emboldened, I decided to finish working through the SMAniaC factions, as I’d only done three of the four that needed improvement least. My enthusiasm for my graphics projects has waned in the last week, and I think this will restore it.
I got my toes wet with the Republic, the faction most graphically excellent of the set. It needed almost nothing done.
As I’ve said before, when I began playing SMAniaC, the only thing I didn’t like, besides adjusting to the strange SE choices and the -1 planet rating, was the full-color small report logos on the F4 screen- that’s just not the AC style, and changing it when needed is a standard component of my graphic makeovers.
Jacques Briens’ skin tone in the Republican leader portrait is a bit yellow, but I declined to fiddle with it, absent word from Maniac to try. That is pretty much the only thing approaching a weakness, and truly, can be put down to the lighting in a yellowish base. It’s an excellent portrait.
He has a continental look, but closely resembles an American actor mostly known for playing comedy roles, who I can’t name. Richard something? Wasn’t he on Soap, and/or the physician dad on that show with Park Overall? If someone could post and put a name to him, I believe it would be helpful to Maniac. I already thought of Barry Bostwick, mostly for his hair since he got older- that is fairly close, but not who I’m thinking of.
Ah. Googled Park Overall, and found that the actor in question is Richard Mulligan. It is indeed a quite close resemblance. I’m sure there are pictures of him being serious online.
Maniac, after I referred to Jacques as the Frenchman yesterday, I reflected that they don’t just speak French in France. I’d kinda like to see you make him Flemish. Belgians are grossly under-represented in AC
, and he would actually be a tad more distinctive that way.
Are you aware/were conscious of the humanoid aliens with fans-for-hair on Babylon 5 being from the Centauri Republic?
These are the notes I put in the credits that I always add to the .pcx files of factions on which I work:
-Made the bases slightly yellower, to distinguish them from the Firaxians.
-Small report off-logo bleached, mouse-over now moves, and all 3 centered.
-It needed nothing else!
…And my usual wisecrack down in the corner:
p.s. Easiest makeover I’ve ever done.
I zoomed in on the diplomacy landscape with an eye towards customizing, and thought to check the Firaxians. It was already customized, so I left it.
Maniac- you like? Any further thoughts posted on which portraits need what changes would be VERY helpful. Who would you like to see next?
All others- I’m interested in your opinion, too.
Off to do some play testing of Beta Lyrae and the scient-ificPatch now…

(The latter two can be found posted here towards the bottom, and the Bree makeover, which met with complete approval, I’m attaching to this post. All are on my Custom Factions page, too. I’ll be setting the SMAniaC factions apart soon.)
(And Maniac, we’ve a difference of opinion about Elevea, but you didn’t say much about the Empath pic. Are there any changes that could be made to satisfy you, or do you think the new hairline is too unrealistic and/or makes her look less businesslike and/or intelligent? I’ll drop it, if so.)
Emboldened, I decided to finish working through the SMAniaC factions, as I’d only done three of the four that needed improvement least. My enthusiasm for my graphics projects has waned in the last week, and I think this will restore it.
I got my toes wet with the Republic, the faction most graphically excellent of the set. It needed almost nothing done.
As I’ve said before, when I began playing SMAniaC, the only thing I didn’t like, besides adjusting to the strange SE choices and the -1 planet rating, was the full-color small report logos on the F4 screen- that’s just not the AC style, and changing it when needed is a standard component of my graphic makeovers.
Jacques Briens’ skin tone in the Republican leader portrait is a bit yellow, but I declined to fiddle with it, absent word from Maniac to try. That is pretty much the only thing approaching a weakness, and truly, can be put down to the lighting in a yellowish base. It’s an excellent portrait.
He has a continental look, but closely resembles an American actor mostly known for playing comedy roles, who I can’t name. Richard something? Wasn’t he on Soap, and/or the physician dad on that show with Park Overall? If someone could post and put a name to him, I believe it would be helpful to Maniac. I already thought of Barry Bostwick, mostly for his hair since he got older- that is fairly close, but not who I’m thinking of.
Ah. Googled Park Overall, and found that the actor in question is Richard Mulligan. It is indeed a quite close resemblance. I’m sure there are pictures of him being serious online.
Maniac, after I referred to Jacques as the Frenchman yesterday, I reflected that they don’t just speak French in France. I’d kinda like to see you make him Flemish. Belgians are grossly under-represented in AC

Are you aware/were conscious of the humanoid aliens with fans-for-hair on Babylon 5 being from the Centauri Republic?
These are the notes I put in the credits that I always add to the .pcx files of factions on which I work:
-Made the bases slightly yellower, to distinguish them from the Firaxians.
-Small report off-logo bleached, mouse-over now moves, and all 3 centered.
-It needed nothing else!
…And my usual wisecrack down in the corner:
p.s. Easiest makeover I’ve ever done.
I zoomed in on the diplomacy landscape with an eye towards customizing, and thought to check the Firaxians. It was already customized, so I left it.
Maniac- you like? Any further thoughts posted on which portraits need what changes would be VERY helpful. Who would you like to see next?
All others- I’m interested in your opinion, too.
Off to do some play testing of Beta Lyrae and the scient-ificPatch now…
