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What faction should she lead?

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  • What faction should she lead?

    Please glance at the attached pictures below before you read on.

    While looking for shots of eco-nuts, I came across the photo of the appealing woman with the buff arms attached below on your left. Making it look somewhat like a painting took a lot less time than erasing the oval office from the background.

    I resized it to spare ‘Polly, but the shot’s about right at 100% to crop down to head and shoulders- then the black dress looks like a tank top, and the necklace is easily altered. Other sizes that leave more in are feasible, too. Her left hand is easily fixed if I need it.

    I think I’ve surely gonna use this somewhere, but I ask you, where? And should I? Is making Michelle Obama a faction leader going to break the illusion of the game too much? Did you recognize her before I gave it away?

    Thoughts? Any ideas?
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    AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
    JKStudio - Masks and other Art

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  • #2
    (I just couldn’t keep my hands off Mrs. Obama.)

    Here she is, run through the “oilify" function in GIMP, with which Russia 4 Life hooked me up, (thanks again, Russ) pasted onto a seascape, cropped at 90%, scan lined- and colored with the SMACX palette, which helped for once by simplifying the colors and making her look less like a photo.

    I think you’re looking at the Captain of the Sea Gypsies when I get to the alt. Pirates. She may need a headband or something.

    Only YOU can stop me- by suggesting better ideas.

    (I enjoyed working her over.)
    Attached Files
    AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
    JKStudio - Masks and other Art

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    • #3
      She looks like a peacekeeper spin off to me.
      I got scolded in Bold letters by Iluminatus.
      That makes me sad. :(

      I can't use smilies in my signature that makes me even more sad. :(


      • #4
        Awww, I've already done the PKs. Check it out in the "More alternate" thread, though Darsnan and Maniac tell me I'm not quite done with that one.

        I've got the Planet cult, Data Angels, Nautilus Pirates, and Usurpers to go before I've re-imagined all 14 official factions. The Angels are the only one I've had no idea at all about so far, but other than the Usurpers I am open to suggestion.

        AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
        JKStudio - Masks and other Art

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        • #5
          Of the 4 you mention, the Angels seem the right fit, but I'm thinking with your description in mind that she'd maybe make a good spokeswoman for the Spartans.
          I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


          • #6
            she'd maybe make a good spokeswoman for the Spartans.
            Well, I've already done them, too, but the idea has a certain appeal- she looks really fit...
            AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
            JKStudio - Masks and other Art

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            • #7
              Here she is, with today's tweaks, cropped again to fit the datalinks picture- at 75%. The changes to her hair, hairline and nose leave her looking not-so-much like the original, and therefore much more usable.

              She looks like an olympic medalist runner posing for a Sports Illustrated cover, is what she looks like.

              I'm still toying with making her leader of the Sea Gypsies- and Somalian. Is that last a little bit too topical? I hate it when other people do obvious crap like that...

              Talk among yourselves.

              I'm sweet on Mrs. Obama, but she won't leave her husband-- and she acts like she doesn't know I'm alive...
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              Last edited by Buster Crabbe's Uncle; April 11, 2009, 22:56.
              AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
              JKStudio - Masks and other Art

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              • #8
                Originally posted by Buster's Uncle View Post
                I'm sweet on Mrs. Obama, but she won't leave her husband-- and she acts like she doesn't know I'm alive...
                Spoken like a true stalker.

                I'm not a big fan of the hair style she is sporting(it looks like an afro or something). Not sure how good you are with hair, but messing around with that might make for a better graphic also making it a little less obvious who it is.
                I got scolded in Bold letters by Iluminatus.
                That makes me sad. :(

                I can't use smilies in my signature that makes me even more sad. :(


                • #9
                  It is an afro.

                  Here's an even rounder afro; if you didn't like that, you'll hate this. I reverted this one to the longer-in-back for the previous post- and the hairline is even lower here. I didn't like this version as well.

                  The changes in the last post weren't to make her prettier, just better. I wouldn't have widened her nose if I just wanted to make her pretty. I'm playing around with looks while I've got this excellent portrait and am not yet fixed on a use for her.

                  Notwithstanding my recent remarks on the subject, there's more to a good leader portrait than good looks. However, the below shot looks even less like Michelle O, but no.

                  I'm interested in adding personality to her look, not out to uglify her- there's a balance to be found.

                  Hair is pretty easy, actually- and that's hair that isn't contrasted to featurless jet-black like hers, which is really easy. I had considered giving her a short natural, but that would be WAY too much work. I'd have to draw her some ears.

                  I'm open to suggestions about the 'do. No ears showing, though.

                  I wonder if I should just give her dreadlocks and put her in charge of the Rainbow Warriors...
                  Attached Files
                  AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
                  JKStudio - Masks and other Art

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                  • #10
                    Sorry if I came off snotty last night.

                    Here she is with dreds, though I’m not sure they stand out enough as such.

                    Upon reflection, I believe she is Aboriginal Australian and her name is Cathy Bennelong. She grew up in an assimilated suburban setting, in Brisbane, Queensland, but contact with rural relatives living a more tribal lifestyle during her adolescence led to an interest in getting back to nature. …Or not, if I end up using her somewhere else- but the basic identy looks like a lock.

                    I may need to emphasize her brow a teeny bit more.

                    She’s looking good for the alt. Planet Cult/ Rainbow Warriors at the moment… I’m sure the gloomy Finn I was considering will find a home.
                    Attached Files
                    AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
                    JKStudio - Masks and other Art

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                    • #11
                      Whatever, I didn't think of it as snotty. After all you are the one doing it, so the decision it ultimately yours. I'm not calling it ugly and I'm not calling it good, it just didn't look right to me with an afro.

                      I can picture this last one being the tree hugging type, so the planet cult spin off idea would work. If that's the type of group you envision them to be. I have not read all of your thread on faction graphics so I might have missed some of your plans for them. Only possible thing to change on hair is to have it go straight down instead of having it angle towards her neck.
                      I got scolded in Bold letters by Iluminatus.
                      That makes me sad. :(

                      I can't use smilies in my signature that makes me even more sad. :(


                      • #12
                        Only possible thing to change on hair is to have it go straight down instead of having it angle towards her neck.
                        So it doesn't look like it's pulled into a ponytail behind?

                        Hanging free would be an easy change, though the dred looks I've seen that I liked best were tied back. It would surely be easier to make it look like dreds with it untied.

                        I'm glad you egged me on to try something different.
                        AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
                        JKStudio - Masks and other Art

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                        • #13
                          The thought of a pony tail never occurred to me. The women I know who wear their hair in a pony tail usually have their hair pulled to the back of their head far enough that you wouldn't even see hair hanging off the sides. Doing that though would force you to add ears, which you have already said you didn't want to do, also you wouldn't even see the pony tale from that angle. Admittedly I do not know much about woman's hair styles, but if you like the hanging down idea I offered glad I could help.
                          I got scolded in Bold letters by Iluminatus.
                          That makes me sad. :(

                          I can't use smilies in my signature that makes me even more sad. :(


                          • #14
                            Well, you can't pull dreadlocks back all that tight. No more ears than she already has need apply.

                            I may leave it in this basic style, but add some loose dreds...
                            AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
                            JKStudio - Masks and other Art

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                            • #15
                              See the "Alternate Official factions" thread for more. I've continued there because she's ready to go now.
                              AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
                              JKStudio - Masks and other Art

                              No pasarán

