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Sister Miriam de-uglified

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  • #31
    Sarah Palin is an exception to the rule: American Protestantism is compatible with, and in fact demands ugliness. Middle Americans actually value lack of beauty, as it fits with their ascetic "protestant work ethic" worldview. Beauty and the enjoyment of beauty is seen as something sinful, requiring guilt.

    This is why Wal-Mart deliberately makes their stores spares and pure white, whereas Waldbaums, Kmart, and the like had a much more lush and sensual decor. They're courting that very protestant psychology

    It is also why American cities look so incredibly ugly - tax money spent of beautification is seen as waste, and Americans are turned off by unique and interesting architecture. Particularly cities close to the heart of the evangelical movement, are sprawling messes sameness and blockiness. They look like garbage compared to the more coastal cities, let alone the gorgeous historical cities of Europe. In fact, the protestant desire for ugliness happens even internally to particular cities - buildings built after 1970 (ie when the evangelical movement really took off) tend to be rated as uglier than buildings built before then.

    So sister Miriam's face fits perfectly to her ideology. Stunningly beautiful faces are for cult leaders like Tom Cruise ;~)

