So what is the alphax.txt file? In a nutshell it is a set of rules that tells the AI how to play the game Alpha Centauri. But the alphax.txt file is in itself a set of compromises, for the same file has to be viable for worlds as disparate as tiny arid fungal encrusted rocks, to huge waterworlds, to everything in between. Regardless of these extremes the alphax.txt still sets forth the same set of rules, and tells the AI to play exactly the same way. This I think is one of the reasons the AI plays so poorly.
However because the alphax.txt is a modifiable file, then it is something that can be enhanced, or optimized, in order to get the AI to play better.
Optimization: a real world example
So I work for a company that produces systems, to include the software that is installed on the various processors of the systems. Once a system is installed at a site we have dedicated teams who then go to these sites and optimize the basic software functionality (via xml files) to that specific site. The software then performs much better because it is following a set of rules (via the xml files) designed specifically for the environment it will be operating in. Following this example, I think we could see a similar enhancement in gameplay for SMAX if we were to analyze the various worldclasses that can be buit in SMAX, and then create individual alphax.txt files tailored specifically for these worldclasses.
An example: an aquatized alphax.txt
Since its always been my pet peeve that SMAX has to a large extent ignored the naval element of the game, I will use as an example an alphax.txt file optimized for the following parameters:
Large/ Huge world
70 – 90% water
Medium Fungus
To facilitate any future discussion which may occur in this thread, I am going to break the modifications to the attached alphax.txt file down by #Section.
#RULES Section
- Numerator/ Denominator for arty: changed to 15/7. Rationale: in general the AI has a fondness for artillery therefore by increasing the odds for the attacker this then should benefit the AI.
- Intrinsic base defense: upped from 25% to 40%. Rationale: since the AI is usually on the defensive, this then benefits the AI.
- Max Airdrop changed from 8 to 6. Rationale: this is to impede a human’s progress when using the “Chop-n-Drop” strategy.
- Technology for +1 mining platform: changed from EcoEng2 to EcoEng. Rationale: since the AIs build more sea mines, this then benefits the AI.
- Numerator/ Denominator for Global Warming: changed from 1/1 to 1 / 4. Rationale: the AI in general fares poorly with global warming. By decreasing its frequency this then is a benefit to the AI (and in a land-poor environment global warming is overkill anyways).
#TERRAIN Section
- Farm prerequisite changed to Centauri Ecology. Rationale: this, along with other changes in this section, is an attempt to get the AI to plant some forests at the beginning of the game.
- Mine prerequisite changed to Industrial Economy. Rationale: this, along with other changes in this section, is an attempt to get the AI to plant some forests at the beginning of the game.
- Solar Collector prerequisite changed to Industrial base. Rationale: this, along with other changes in this section, is an attempt to get the AI to plant some forests at the beginning of the game.
- Plant Forest turns have been changed from 4 to 3 turns. Rationale: this, along with other changes in this section, is an attempt to get the AI to plant some forests at the beginning of the game.
- Ocean square changed to 1/1/1. Rationale: I’m taking my lead from the SMAX Pirates faction, which gets one extra mineral in ocean squares. I’m just going one step further here by giving ocean squares one energy as well.
- Improved Sea is changed from one mineral to 2. Rationale: since the AIs build more sea mines, then this is to their benefit.
- Monolith minerals changed from 2 to 3. Comment: I was hoping this would give a small mid-game boost to the AIs once they discovered the mineral-restriction lifting tech, however there seems to be coding in place that the monoliths always give whatever amounts they are assigned. This change is included in case someone wants to explore this further.
Comment: another method to get the AIs to plant forests is to change the nutrient amount for forests from 1 to 2. The AIs will then freely plant forests all over their terrain.
When the game starts building a map, it initially starts out with the amount of land specified per the “Land Base” line. This initial land amount includes the landmark features (such as Mt Planet, The Ruins, etc.). It then adds in the amount of land specified during game setup using the number in the “Land Modifier” line (if “70-90% Ocean Coverage” is selected, then no more landmasses are generated, if “50-70 Ocean Coverage” is selected, then the landmass amount is doubled, if “30-50% Ocean Coverage” is selected, then the landmass amount is tripled). By decreasing these two parameters (Land Base and Land Modifier) you can then create huge maps that are greater than 90% water.
Observation: when the game starts building a map it takes into account the landmasses of the landmarks (such as Mount Planet, Uranium Flats, etc.): making the “Land Base” and “Land Modifier” numbers too small will mean that the game will have landmarks as its only landmasses. This is also the reason you shouldn’t bother aquatizing the #WORLDBUILDER for a tiny map, as you would then definitely only get landmarks for landmasses.
The other significant parameter I’ve modified in this section is the “Islands”: increasing this number then gets more 1-5 land tile clumps scattered across the map. For a waterworld environment these clumps can then be treated as impassable terrain, as there are just so many of them that it isn’t worthwhile to stick a base on all of them. These clumps are also more likely to attach themselves to the landmark landmasses, thus distorting/ getting rid of their traditional blocky image.
- The Speeder chassis has been moved from Doc:Mobile to N-Space Compression. Rationale: the AI typically builds a lot of different types of speeder-chassis based units, a lot of which are of dubious value for the environments they are in. By denying the AI the speeder chassis, this then forces the AI to build the pre-designed speeder-based units contained in the #UNITS section instead, which greatly benefits the AI in that the pre-designed units are optimized for the aquatic environment. Humans still have the option of reverse-engineering the pre-designed units if they wish to.
- The Foil chassis has been moved from Doc: Flex to Doc:Mobile. Rationale: the sooner the AIs get out and start exploring the oceans, the better.
- Needlejet and Chopper chassis movement dropped from 8 to 6. Rationale: since the AI doesn’t typically use aircraft, then dropping the aircraft radius benfits the AI as this lessens a human’s abilities with units based on these chassis.
- Gravship chassis has been dropped from 8 to 5. Rationale: by moving Gravship based units forward in the tech tree (they are now available at Monopole Magnets, which is in parallel with MMI), then this places these units into a new environment they weren’t originally designed for (i.e. their ability to move significant distances over any terrain). By reducing their movement value this then puts them more in line with the other units showing up in this timeframe.
- Amphibious Pods moved to Doc:Mobile. Rationale: on an aquatic world the exploration of any land is of significant importance. Since the AIs will immediately begin using the Design Workshop to design their own units, then by making the amphibious pods ability immediately available with a level one tech, this then allows the AIs to immediately begin designing units that are more viable in this environment (or another way to describe it is that since the AI is going to design their own units anyways, then why not give them a nudge in the right direction).
- Comm Jammer: move to N-Space Compression. Rationale: in a highly aquatic environment there are better abilities to put on chassis than the comm jammer.
- Clean Reactor: prerequisite changed from BioEngineering to Fusion. Rationale: this change is specifically for me to place pre-designed units with the clean reactor earlier in the game. The underlying concept here is that as the game progresses, the AIs then start to build more clean reactor units, thus freeing their production capability of support costs.
Comments: I am treating the Deep Pressure Hull and Carrier Decks as chassis, so no changes to either of these abilities. More on how these are employed in the #UNITS section!
#UNITS Section
- Generally speaking, all land-based units in this section have been given the amphibious pods ability. This then allows them to move in and out of (and attack in and out of) sea bases next to land, which is of significant benefit to the AI.
- Generally speaking, I’ve cheapened a lot of units in this section. Overall the “Mk1” series cost 3 rows of minerals, and “Mk2” series cost 4 rows. This area is still a work in progress, as I simply haven’t playtested these enough to see how balanced they are in a strategic sense.
- Generally speaking, all Mk2 series units have clean reactors. Rationale: I tried an experiment where I made clean reactors immediately available (i.e. no prerequisite tech) and made the ability free. None of the 6 AIs in the game built units with clean reactors. So given the assumption the AIs can’t be convinced to build any significant/ meaningful amounts of units with clean reactors, then if giving the AIs clean reactor units is a desirable goal (and mid-game is where the AIs fade, specifically because they are weighed down in mineral support costs) there are two options: either create a set of “AI Factions” who automatically get free clean reactors once they discover the prerequisite tech, or create a set of units available for the AI to build which employ the clean reactor. I have chosen the latter. Probably some balancing issues still in this regard, but overall I am pleased how these units free up minerals for the AIs to invest elsewhere.
- Generally speaking, I’ve given a lot of units the Nerve Gas ability. Rationale: a common approach humans have used against more difficult AIs is to nerve gas the crap out of them, as the AIs can’t fight back because they rarely build units with nerve gas. Now the AIs can fight back! Note also that the AIs don’t typically initiate atrocities, so unless the human(s) does so first, then the AI won’t use this ability: its like a special type of munition the AI holds in reserve “just in case”.
- Submarine Transport replaces the Unity Foil. Rationale: Subs, because they cannot be seen unless they move, are of benefit to the AI, especially because the AI always knows where your units are anyways.
- Sealurk now has a cruiser chassis. Rationale: on a large/ huge world a chassis that moves 6 makes more sense. This is specifically an optimization of a unit for this environment.
- Fungal Tower has been given a gravship chassis. Rationale: this way the FTs can’t be drowned by an enterprising human player.
- Scud Missile replaces Battle Ogre Mk3. Rationale: ever pod a Battle Ogre Mk3? This slot is completely wasted in its current configuration. But the unit slot possesses a level 3 reactor! So what unit would go good in this slot, given that there is hardcoding which won’t let the unit heal? In this case I’ve chosen the Scud Missile, which is a unit that is destroyed once it attacks anyways.
- Sub Escape Pod replaces Sea Escape Pod. Rationale: if you were planning an aquatic emergency escape vehicle to escape a hostile enemy, would you choose a surface vehicle, or a submersible?
- Unity Submersible replaces Unity Gunship. Rationale: Subs, because they cannot be seen unless they move, are of benefit to the AI, especially because the AI always knows where your units are anyways.
- Cruiser Probe Sub Mk2 has Photon Wall defense and can subvert a/c. Rationale: the AI has a nasty habit of marching their unarmed probes right up to a base and stopping right there. At least now these units will give the human player some heartburn killing them. These units can also subvert a/c: the rationale behind this is that I served in an air defense unit back in the late ‘80s. At that time they were already significantly into ECM, ECCM, and TOJ (Track On Jam, which just meant we instructed our missiles to lock onto the jamming source – aka the hostile a/c - instead of following our radar signal). With the growth of Drones here in the 21st century I can see this branch of electronic warfare flourishing, to include pirate signals attempting to commandeer unwary a/c.
- Formers immediately available to build. Rationale: too many times I’ve met an AI 50 turns into a game, and the first thing they do is ask for Centauri Ecology, meaning they’ve done no terraforming at all!?! No more!
- The Attack Carrier series have many abilities. Rationale: as I stated above I am treating the carrier and submarine abilities as chassis instead of abilities, so instead treat the carrier ability as a chassis. Secondly, concerning nerve gas: instead of treating it as an ability, instead I am considering it a munition which has been stocked on this unit. This then bring the number of abilities employed by these units down to a reasonable level.
Observation These units, like their 21st century counterparts, are the kings of the sea, and are meant to project the power of their faction and dominate the area they occupy. The Attack Carrier Mk1 can carry 2 a/c, while the Mk2 series can carry 4. If an enemy attacks a nearby (within 2 squares) friendly unit, then any interceptors based on these carriers will scramble to protect the friendly units. The Mk2 version also has a marine detachment which can capture enemy vessels: the AIs use this to quite good effect!![thumbs-up](
- The carrier ability is available at Doc: AP via the “Attack Carrier” series. Rationale: on an aquatic planet this only makes sense.
- The submarine ability is available at Superconductor via the “Seawolf” series. Rationale: on Earth subs were available before aircraft, so on an aquatic world this really makes sense. Subs in general are more beneficial to the AI, as well.
- Fighter Escorts have armor. Rationale: as an embarked fighter on carriers, this is a superior unit providing defensive cover for nearby friendly ships. However in general the AIs don’t use a/c well, as they just move their a/c around at random and typically don’t employ them in a logical offensive/ defensive manner. However I have found if you give these units armor, then the AI can utilize them as highly mobile defensive units: a human can’t kill these units easily with a/c (a la the “chop-n-drop” strategy), and by giving them armor they then are a very quick reaction defensive force that can move quickly to a threatened base (not that the AI really does this, but its better than a bunch of unarmored a/c moving into a threatened AI base).
- Synth Police have artillery. Note: Krysias Krusader introduced me to his “Pop Cop”, which I’ve learned to appreciate in the hands of an AI. Rationale: the AI doesn’t typically use the Police ability, but they will build defender units that have the police ability. Since the AIs typically have a plethora of units in their bases, then by including the arty ability in these units it then strategically makes the garrison as a whole much more formidable, as it can bombard incoming aggressor units.
- Marine Raider unit. Rationale: this is a unit specifically designed to operate in this environment. As such it is highly effective in the hands of the AI.
- Empath Rover unit. Rationale: the AI has a nasty habit of running FM without understanding its implications. By encouraging them to build a mobile unit which can respond to the threats of Planet, then they will have these units available for when they need them.
- Attack Gravship Mk1 available at Monopole Magnets. Rationale: the AI doesn’t employ a/c (i/e units based on the aircraft and chopper chassis) very well, but it does employ gravship units relatively well (while playtesting UNWanted I experienced what I can only describe as a “gravship rush” by the AI – good stuff!). By giving the AI an idealized unit the AI can then counter the human players advantage via a/c.
- Supply Sub available at Superconductor. Observation: yes, the AIs build these. Typically they’ll crawl a random, unimproved ocean square. Better than nothing I guess.
- Submarine Former available at Superconductor. Rationale: energy, and especially mineral improvements should probably exist (or be anchored to) on the ocean floor. Therefore I think the Formers which build these improvements should have a submersible ability in order to actually build the improvements. The AIs build these and utilize them to their benefit, and since they are invisible most of the time (because they can’t be spotted unless they move/ are stumbled into) then this is to the AIs advantage.
- The Virtual World has been moved to Social Psych. Rationale: this is an attempt by me to water down the beeline to Industrial Automation.
- Empath Guild moved to Eudaimonia. Rationale: the Empath Guild is an overpowered SP, especially at its original location of Centauri Empathy.
- The Cloudbase Academy has been moved to Monopole Magnets. Rationale: this is an attempt by me to water down MMI (which with choppers, the Cyborg Factory and the Cloudbase Acadamy is way overpowered). By placing the CA in a parallel tech, this then forces the human players to consider whether they should beeline for MMI (which still has choppers and the CF) or Monopole Magnets (which has the CA and a gravship unit).
Comment: I’m currently working on trying to get the AIs to utilize orbitals. Still some work to do here, though.
The attached alphax.txt file contains all of the modifications mentioned above. If you would like to check it out, then do the following:
1. In your “Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri” subdirectory create a subdirectory called “Virgin Files”, and place a copy of your original alphax.txt file into it.
2. Create another subdirectory called “Modified Files”, and in this directory create another directory called “Aquatic_Large_Huge”.
3. Download and unzip the attached file into the “Aquatic_Large_Huge” subdirectory.
4. Copy this file over the original alphax.txt file which exists in the home “Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri” subdirectory.
5. Start SMAX.
Abstract: how this might work for a SMAC2
This method of optimizing files to specific worldtypes could be accomplished simply by having a subdirectory structure with optimized files for each planet-type. During game setup a human player would choose the various world parameters. The game would then select the alphax.txt file from the corresponding folder.
However because the alphax.txt is a modifiable file, then it is something that can be enhanced, or optimized, in order to get the AI to play better.
Optimization: a real world example
So I work for a company that produces systems, to include the software that is installed on the various processors of the systems. Once a system is installed at a site we have dedicated teams who then go to these sites and optimize the basic software functionality (via xml files) to that specific site. The software then performs much better because it is following a set of rules (via the xml files) designed specifically for the environment it will be operating in. Following this example, I think we could see a similar enhancement in gameplay for SMAX if we were to analyze the various worldclasses that can be buit in SMAX, and then create individual alphax.txt files tailored specifically for these worldclasses.
An example: an aquatized alphax.txt
Since its always been my pet peeve that SMAX has to a large extent ignored the naval element of the game, I will use as an example an alphax.txt file optimized for the following parameters:
Large/ Huge world
70 – 90% water
Medium Fungus
To facilitate any future discussion which may occur in this thread, I am going to break the modifications to the attached alphax.txt file down by #Section.
#RULES Section
- Numerator/ Denominator for arty: changed to 15/7. Rationale: in general the AI has a fondness for artillery therefore by increasing the odds for the attacker this then should benefit the AI.
- Intrinsic base defense: upped from 25% to 40%. Rationale: since the AI is usually on the defensive, this then benefits the AI.
- Max Airdrop changed from 8 to 6. Rationale: this is to impede a human’s progress when using the “Chop-n-Drop” strategy.
- Technology for +1 mining platform: changed from EcoEng2 to EcoEng. Rationale: since the AIs build more sea mines, this then benefits the AI.
- Numerator/ Denominator for Global Warming: changed from 1/1 to 1 / 4. Rationale: the AI in general fares poorly with global warming. By decreasing its frequency this then is a benefit to the AI (and in a land-poor environment global warming is overkill anyways).
#TERRAIN Section
- Farm prerequisite changed to Centauri Ecology. Rationale: this, along with other changes in this section, is an attempt to get the AI to plant some forests at the beginning of the game.
- Mine prerequisite changed to Industrial Economy. Rationale: this, along with other changes in this section, is an attempt to get the AI to plant some forests at the beginning of the game.
- Solar Collector prerequisite changed to Industrial base. Rationale: this, along with other changes in this section, is an attempt to get the AI to plant some forests at the beginning of the game.
- Plant Forest turns have been changed from 4 to 3 turns. Rationale: this, along with other changes in this section, is an attempt to get the AI to plant some forests at the beginning of the game.
- Ocean square changed to 1/1/1. Rationale: I’m taking my lead from the SMAX Pirates faction, which gets one extra mineral in ocean squares. I’m just going one step further here by giving ocean squares one energy as well.
- Improved Sea is changed from one mineral to 2. Rationale: since the AIs build more sea mines, then this is to their benefit.
- Monolith minerals changed from 2 to 3. Comment: I was hoping this would give a small mid-game boost to the AIs once they discovered the mineral-restriction lifting tech, however there seems to be coding in place that the monoliths always give whatever amounts they are assigned. This change is included in case someone wants to explore this further.
Comment: another method to get the AIs to plant forests is to change the nutrient amount for forests from 1 to 2. The AIs will then freely plant forests all over their terrain.
When the game starts building a map, it initially starts out with the amount of land specified per the “Land Base” line. This initial land amount includes the landmark features (such as Mt Planet, The Ruins, etc.). It then adds in the amount of land specified during game setup using the number in the “Land Modifier” line (if “70-90% Ocean Coverage” is selected, then no more landmasses are generated, if “50-70 Ocean Coverage” is selected, then the landmass amount is doubled, if “30-50% Ocean Coverage” is selected, then the landmass amount is tripled). By decreasing these two parameters (Land Base and Land Modifier) you can then create huge maps that are greater than 90% water.
Observation: when the game starts building a map it takes into account the landmasses of the landmarks (such as Mount Planet, Uranium Flats, etc.): making the “Land Base” and “Land Modifier” numbers too small will mean that the game will have landmarks as its only landmasses. This is also the reason you shouldn’t bother aquatizing the #WORLDBUILDER for a tiny map, as you would then definitely only get landmarks for landmasses.
The other significant parameter I’ve modified in this section is the “Islands”: increasing this number then gets more 1-5 land tile clumps scattered across the map. For a waterworld environment these clumps can then be treated as impassable terrain, as there are just so many of them that it isn’t worthwhile to stick a base on all of them. These clumps are also more likely to attach themselves to the landmark landmasses, thus distorting/ getting rid of their traditional blocky image.
- The Speeder chassis has been moved from Doc:Mobile to N-Space Compression. Rationale: the AI typically builds a lot of different types of speeder-chassis based units, a lot of which are of dubious value for the environments they are in. By denying the AI the speeder chassis, this then forces the AI to build the pre-designed speeder-based units contained in the #UNITS section instead, which greatly benefits the AI in that the pre-designed units are optimized for the aquatic environment. Humans still have the option of reverse-engineering the pre-designed units if they wish to.
- The Foil chassis has been moved from Doc: Flex to Doc:Mobile. Rationale: the sooner the AIs get out and start exploring the oceans, the better.
- Needlejet and Chopper chassis movement dropped from 8 to 6. Rationale: since the AI doesn’t typically use aircraft, then dropping the aircraft radius benfits the AI as this lessens a human’s abilities with units based on these chassis.
- Gravship chassis has been dropped from 8 to 5. Rationale: by moving Gravship based units forward in the tech tree (they are now available at Monopole Magnets, which is in parallel with MMI), then this places these units into a new environment they weren’t originally designed for (i.e. their ability to move significant distances over any terrain). By reducing their movement value this then puts them more in line with the other units showing up in this timeframe.
- Amphibious Pods moved to Doc:Mobile. Rationale: on an aquatic world the exploration of any land is of significant importance. Since the AIs will immediately begin using the Design Workshop to design their own units, then by making the amphibious pods ability immediately available with a level one tech, this then allows the AIs to immediately begin designing units that are more viable in this environment (or another way to describe it is that since the AI is going to design their own units anyways, then why not give them a nudge in the right direction).
- Comm Jammer: move to N-Space Compression. Rationale: in a highly aquatic environment there are better abilities to put on chassis than the comm jammer.
- Clean Reactor: prerequisite changed from BioEngineering to Fusion. Rationale: this change is specifically for me to place pre-designed units with the clean reactor earlier in the game. The underlying concept here is that as the game progresses, the AIs then start to build more clean reactor units, thus freeing their production capability of support costs.
Comments: I am treating the Deep Pressure Hull and Carrier Decks as chassis, so no changes to either of these abilities. More on how these are employed in the #UNITS section!
#UNITS Section
- Generally speaking, all land-based units in this section have been given the amphibious pods ability. This then allows them to move in and out of (and attack in and out of) sea bases next to land, which is of significant benefit to the AI.
- Generally speaking, I’ve cheapened a lot of units in this section. Overall the “Mk1” series cost 3 rows of minerals, and “Mk2” series cost 4 rows. This area is still a work in progress, as I simply haven’t playtested these enough to see how balanced they are in a strategic sense.
- Generally speaking, all Mk2 series units have clean reactors. Rationale: I tried an experiment where I made clean reactors immediately available (i.e. no prerequisite tech) and made the ability free. None of the 6 AIs in the game built units with clean reactors. So given the assumption the AIs can’t be convinced to build any significant/ meaningful amounts of units with clean reactors, then if giving the AIs clean reactor units is a desirable goal (and mid-game is where the AIs fade, specifically because they are weighed down in mineral support costs) there are two options: either create a set of “AI Factions” who automatically get free clean reactors once they discover the prerequisite tech, or create a set of units available for the AI to build which employ the clean reactor. I have chosen the latter. Probably some balancing issues still in this regard, but overall I am pleased how these units free up minerals for the AIs to invest elsewhere.
- Generally speaking, I’ve given a lot of units the Nerve Gas ability. Rationale: a common approach humans have used against more difficult AIs is to nerve gas the crap out of them, as the AIs can’t fight back because they rarely build units with nerve gas. Now the AIs can fight back! Note also that the AIs don’t typically initiate atrocities, so unless the human(s) does so first, then the AI won’t use this ability: its like a special type of munition the AI holds in reserve “just in case”.
- Submarine Transport replaces the Unity Foil. Rationale: Subs, because they cannot be seen unless they move, are of benefit to the AI, especially because the AI always knows where your units are anyways.
- Sealurk now has a cruiser chassis. Rationale: on a large/ huge world a chassis that moves 6 makes more sense. This is specifically an optimization of a unit for this environment.
- Fungal Tower has been given a gravship chassis. Rationale: this way the FTs can’t be drowned by an enterprising human player.
- Scud Missile replaces Battle Ogre Mk3. Rationale: ever pod a Battle Ogre Mk3? This slot is completely wasted in its current configuration. But the unit slot possesses a level 3 reactor! So what unit would go good in this slot, given that there is hardcoding which won’t let the unit heal? In this case I’ve chosen the Scud Missile, which is a unit that is destroyed once it attacks anyways.
- Sub Escape Pod replaces Sea Escape Pod. Rationale: if you were planning an aquatic emergency escape vehicle to escape a hostile enemy, would you choose a surface vehicle, or a submersible?
- Unity Submersible replaces Unity Gunship. Rationale: Subs, because they cannot be seen unless they move, are of benefit to the AI, especially because the AI always knows where your units are anyways.
- Cruiser Probe Sub Mk2 has Photon Wall defense and can subvert a/c. Rationale: the AI has a nasty habit of marching their unarmed probes right up to a base and stopping right there. At least now these units will give the human player some heartburn killing them. These units can also subvert a/c: the rationale behind this is that I served in an air defense unit back in the late ‘80s. At that time they were already significantly into ECM, ECCM, and TOJ (Track On Jam, which just meant we instructed our missiles to lock onto the jamming source – aka the hostile a/c - instead of following our radar signal). With the growth of Drones here in the 21st century I can see this branch of electronic warfare flourishing, to include pirate signals attempting to commandeer unwary a/c.
- Formers immediately available to build. Rationale: too many times I’ve met an AI 50 turns into a game, and the first thing they do is ask for Centauri Ecology, meaning they’ve done no terraforming at all!?! No more!
- The Attack Carrier series have many abilities. Rationale: as I stated above I am treating the carrier and submarine abilities as chassis instead of abilities, so instead treat the carrier ability as a chassis. Secondly, concerning nerve gas: instead of treating it as an ability, instead I am considering it a munition which has been stocked on this unit. This then bring the number of abilities employed by these units down to a reasonable level.
Observation These units, like their 21st century counterparts, are the kings of the sea, and are meant to project the power of their faction and dominate the area they occupy. The Attack Carrier Mk1 can carry 2 a/c, while the Mk2 series can carry 4. If an enemy attacks a nearby (within 2 squares) friendly unit, then any interceptors based on these carriers will scramble to protect the friendly units. The Mk2 version also has a marine detachment which can capture enemy vessels: the AIs use this to quite good effect!
- The carrier ability is available at Doc: AP via the “Attack Carrier” series. Rationale: on an aquatic planet this only makes sense.
- The submarine ability is available at Superconductor via the “Seawolf” series. Rationale: on Earth subs were available before aircraft, so on an aquatic world this really makes sense. Subs in general are more beneficial to the AI, as well.
- Fighter Escorts have armor. Rationale: as an embarked fighter on carriers, this is a superior unit providing defensive cover for nearby friendly ships. However in general the AIs don’t use a/c well, as they just move their a/c around at random and typically don’t employ them in a logical offensive/ defensive manner. However I have found if you give these units armor, then the AI can utilize them as highly mobile defensive units: a human can’t kill these units easily with a/c (a la the “chop-n-drop” strategy), and by giving them armor they then are a very quick reaction defensive force that can move quickly to a threatened base (not that the AI really does this, but its better than a bunch of unarmored a/c moving into a threatened AI base).
- Synth Police have artillery. Note: Krysias Krusader introduced me to his “Pop Cop”, which I’ve learned to appreciate in the hands of an AI. Rationale: the AI doesn’t typically use the Police ability, but they will build defender units that have the police ability. Since the AIs typically have a plethora of units in their bases, then by including the arty ability in these units it then strategically makes the garrison as a whole much more formidable, as it can bombard incoming aggressor units.
- Marine Raider unit. Rationale: this is a unit specifically designed to operate in this environment. As such it is highly effective in the hands of the AI.
- Empath Rover unit. Rationale: the AI has a nasty habit of running FM without understanding its implications. By encouraging them to build a mobile unit which can respond to the threats of Planet, then they will have these units available for when they need them.
- Attack Gravship Mk1 available at Monopole Magnets. Rationale: the AI doesn’t employ a/c (i/e units based on the aircraft and chopper chassis) very well, but it does employ gravship units relatively well (while playtesting UNWanted I experienced what I can only describe as a “gravship rush” by the AI – good stuff!). By giving the AI an idealized unit the AI can then counter the human players advantage via a/c.
- Supply Sub available at Superconductor. Observation: yes, the AIs build these. Typically they’ll crawl a random, unimproved ocean square. Better than nothing I guess.
- Submarine Former available at Superconductor. Rationale: energy, and especially mineral improvements should probably exist (or be anchored to) on the ocean floor. Therefore I think the Formers which build these improvements should have a submersible ability in order to actually build the improvements. The AIs build these and utilize them to their benefit, and since they are invisible most of the time (because they can’t be spotted unless they move/ are stumbled into) then this is to the AIs advantage.
- The Virtual World has been moved to Social Psych. Rationale: this is an attempt by me to water down the beeline to Industrial Automation.
- Empath Guild moved to Eudaimonia. Rationale: the Empath Guild is an overpowered SP, especially at its original location of Centauri Empathy.
- The Cloudbase Academy has been moved to Monopole Magnets. Rationale: this is an attempt by me to water down MMI (which with choppers, the Cyborg Factory and the Cloudbase Acadamy is way overpowered). By placing the CA in a parallel tech, this then forces the human players to consider whether they should beeline for MMI (which still has choppers and the CF) or Monopole Magnets (which has the CA and a gravship unit).
Comment: I’m currently working on trying to get the AIs to utilize orbitals. Still some work to do here, though.
The attached alphax.txt file contains all of the modifications mentioned above. If you would like to check it out, then do the following:
1. In your “Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri” subdirectory create a subdirectory called “Virgin Files”, and place a copy of your original alphax.txt file into it.
2. Create another subdirectory called “Modified Files”, and in this directory create another directory called “Aquatic_Large_Huge”.
3. Download and unzip the attached file into the “Aquatic_Large_Huge” subdirectory.
4. Copy this file over the original alphax.txt file which exists in the home “Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri” subdirectory.
5. Start SMAX.
Abstract: how this might work for a SMAC2
This method of optimizing files to specific worldtypes could be accomplished simply by having a subdirectory structure with optimized files for each planet-type. During game setup a human player would choose the various world parameters. The game would then select the alphax.txt file from the corresponding folder.