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Multiple Yangs

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  • Multiple Yangs

    Anyway, I was thinking about SMACX a bit ago and someone once threaded a PBEM match that had 7 Yangs all bustin out all over the planet. I had tried that once before and every Yang was dark blue and there were 3 Hive-1s and 2 Hive-2s and things got confusing. Any my idea here is that people could use this thread to post slight copies of the same faction leaders. Say you wanted to play 7 Lals or 7 Deirdres. Well here is the thread to help us out with that. Use GIMP or some other graphics program, give Miriam a set of sunglasses, cape, tiara, different background, or other slight alteration of the picture, change the map color of the faction units a little bit, and change the name of the cities a tiny bit. Instead of Throne of God, it could be Throne of Yahweh. Hole of Proper Thought and Seat of Aspiration, Gaia Landing => Gaia Garden, things like this. I might get around to making some, I'm busy playing SMACX right now and well you know... LOL . Might be a good idea to post that you are making someone so you don't post the same thing, but perhaps that will go faster if we do...

  • #2
    Hiver Faction

    Ok, so I got around to making an alternate Hive faction. This one is called the Hivers. Shenji is still in charge. I did not change the base colors, just the text and map colors. He's a little lighter blue with a bit of gray. Anyway, you have to copy the hive2.pcx and hive3.pcx files and rename them to hiver2.pcx and hiver3.pcx . Also, if you didn't know, you have to change the alphax.txt file near the bottom and add HIVER,HIVER after #CUSTOMFACTIONS to be able to play the Hiver faction.

    That should be it. Let me know if there are any requests for another faction and I should get on it when I have more time.

    Edit: BTW I edited the base names, so none of the base names are the same. That will come standard with any more I make available.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Darrell01; June 15, 2008, 13:37.


    • #3
      Warden Faction

      I made an alternate Data Angels faction because it was next on the alphabetical list. The name is "Info Wardens". I renamed all the bases and threw out the old ones. I grabbed some random hacker glossary and went to town. I changed the color to a light gray and renamed Sinder Roze to Sherry Rosin. If you have a better name, fine, change the file. I should have done it with Shenji so there isn't a Shenji-2, but what can you do? Anyway, same thing with the Wardens, you'll need to copy and rename the angels2.pcx and angels3.pcx to warden2.pcx and warden3.pcx . Notice it is warden and not wardens. Singular. So editing the alphax file, you'll need to put in WARDEN, WARDEN.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        The Last Crusade

        I made an alternate to The Lord's Believers and The Conclave. I called them The Last Crusade, since this is more in line of where I think Sid and company might have been going with this faction. Now Maryanne Christianson is in charge. None of the base names are the same. I went with knight, messenger, angel, and accolade type names for the bases. Keyword for the alphax file is crusade. Once again you will have to change your own believe2 and believe3 to crusade2 and crusade3 respectively. The color is a dark orange, almost brownish, BTW.

        If you've noticed, I've done a lot of double letter names, like Crusader Cathedral. Sorry for being so corny. I'm just slapping these out.
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        • #5

          Alright, first alien faction. Want to war with three aliens with different base names? Well here is another version of the Caretakers. The Manifold Custodians are here with their leader, Harnaa S'Laree. They are a brighter orange than the Believers. All new base names and with all packs, a SMAniaC faction file! All yours for the low, low price of clicking on the attachment. Yes! That is all you have to do. Keyword CUSTODY, CUSTODY and copy and rename your caretake2 and caretake3 to custody2 and custody3. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for download.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            This almost makes me want to do a Life of Brian mod with the People's Front of Judea, Judean People's Front and the Popular Front.


            • #7
              Hate to be a necro-threadder, but since I'm only a few factions short of a complete set of alternates now, and this thread was a big influence, I wanted to thank Darrell01for the idea and submit the line-up at the bottom of my custom factions page for your approval.
              AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
              JKStudio - Masks and other Art

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              • #8
                Originally posted by Buster's Uncle View Post
                ... I'm only a few factions short of a complete set ...
                please don't get mad, but that just struck me funny. Either my meds, or I need another cup of coffee.

                On-Topic: When I need a color set for a custom faction, I choose one of the primary rainbow colors and copy the little color boxes at the bottom of the original faction pcxs: Red (Drones), Orange (Believers), Yellow (Morgan), Green (Gaians), Light Blue (Pirates), Blue (Hive), or Purple (a set I came up with, similar to the Angels). Of course, there are also Black (Spartans, but I think you end up unable to see the markings on the flags) and White (University) and the in-between colors from the other originals.
                I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by gwillybj View Post
                  please don't get mad, but that just struck me funny. Either my meds, or I need another cup of coffee.
                  Naw; I wish there was a snort-of-amusement smiley.

                  On-Topic: When I need a color set for a custom faction, I choose one of the primary rainbow colors and copy the little color boxes at the bottom of the original faction pcxs: Red (Drones), Orange (Believers), Yellow (Morgan), Green (Gaians), Light Blue (Pirates), Blue (Hive), or Purple (a set I came up with, similar to the Angels). Of course, there are also Black (Spartans, but I think you end up unable to see the markings on the flags) and White (University) and the in-between colors from the other originals.
                  This is somewhere where the "Sunglasses on Yang" thinking has, lamentably, generally hurt the quality of my custom factions. I try to make the flag/worldmap colors unique for everybody, and it's just not feasible, taking into account the 256 color pallette and visibility issues...

                  The Protectorate needs color-tweaking desperately because of the latter.
                  AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
                  JKStudio - Masks and other Art

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