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Modifying Movie File WVE Text

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  • Modifying Movie File WVE Text

    I like playing Alpha Centauri it is my favorite of the games listed;

    I would like to modify the WVE files in the movies folder; some of the philosophies or concepts are contrary to my religious beliefs.

    I would like to change the words so people in my church can play it.

    The Great Conclave Bible of the Bible believers is not a Bible if it is I've never heard of it.

    Dewey Rheims is a Catholic version
    King James Version are common versions

    I was wanting to create new secret base project files WVE file extension files featured in the movies folder of the game to draw upon historical events in which we learn from for example the Boston Tea Party or Henry Ford or Fort Mackinaw (if you lived in Michigan, USA) you'ld be familiar with the stories about it.

    Also if I could edit the text of the secret projects I could create a coast guard (naval unit);

    I believe new versions of the game could be made; however it would be distributed most probably only to fans who can find there way to the cite;

    I've searched the internet to find an program used by graphic artists which to make the files originally used by the graphic artist to generate the original Alpha Centauri movies; I can't find it.

    I don't believe the WVE files are text to speech so if you can't the words it would match the mp3 file which was recorded.

    I don't want to interfere with graphic artists artistic freedoms and limit creativity.

    But if possible I would like to alter a few files for my personnal copies of the Alpha Centauri game.

    It doesn't seem probably that Firaxis will make a newer version of Alpha Centauri; the game screen for Alpha Centauri is the best in my opinion of all time.

    The faction editor allows people to create alternate factions; but it doesn't allow anyone to expand speculation about what the experience of such a dream of exploring and colonizing Alpha Centauri would be like.

    Does anyone know the program which the original movies were generated?

    I'm interested in preserving the program which is a tools for generating the game; because you don't know what you've lost until it is gone.

    Many are updating there computers to the point at which all the original capabilities of the computers are lost.

    I think everyone will improve and improve until they have to learn how to eat again;
    Daniel Hendrick

  • #2
    disabling the movies is your best bet. They are binary files, and movie editting is quite difficult. Other then that the only thing I know is that the playuv15.exe program will play the movie files outside of smac itself.


    • #3
      The playuv15.exe doesn't play anymore with windows XP; it is written in dos and it doesn't matter.

      Is there anyway to convert mpegs from mpegs to wve files.

      So if I changed the loseman.wve or losewoman.wve to a more suitable graphic.

      I could take another mpeg and covert it from goodbye.mpeg to loseman.wve.

      By changing goodbye.mpegs name to loseman.mpeg and also changing it from an loseman.mpeg to loseman.wve

      So when I play alpha centauri when the game is over I don't have to watch the execution scene of loseman.wve or lose woman.wve;

      However it is an interesting artistic creation;

      Is there a program available which converts mpegs or wma files or DVD files to wve files?

      I've searched the net tremendously for file conversions; but nobody uses wve for anything;

      I was wondering what the name of the program was which originally used as a graphic tool to generate the computer images perhaps Coral Draw or some other program which might be found on a site like
      Daniel Hendrick


      • #4
        What trivial and banal bones to pick. I suspect people in your church, if they're as narrowminded as you, will find something to be offended by no matter how much censorship you do.

        Why aren't you playing Civ4? Or would it be a sin to play a game with a neutral view of other religions?


        • #5
          The playuv15.exe doesn't play anymore with windows XP; it is written in dos and it doesn't matter.
          I tried it right before posting that it does work on my XP machine.

          Is there any way to convert mpegs from mpegs to wve files.
          If you know the wve format, I do not and don't believe that it is available, though I could be wrong on that. wve looks to be custom to firaxis. I also don't think that a converter has already been written, you'd have to do that yourself.

          The best option for you is to turn off the movies.
          Last edited by Whoha; January 23, 2007, 15:48.


          • #6
            Rearranging the film names and renaming the wve files on a persons personal copy of there game is essential to peace and harmony with others in society;

            The graphics artists at Electronic Arts or Firaxis are governed by rules which are realistic under the times and the circumstances in which the project was developed.

            I didn't imply that they should be censored; but this is not about what they should do it is what we think we should do. We want to make our own games more suitable for our own needs not elsewhere.

            Football players; Olympic athletes; Congressmen; Supreme Court Justices are not confined by rules not of there preference; but mostly of necessity; censorship of behavior is mandatory and expected of them.

            Members of my church prefer that executions not of foreign leaders not be publicly participated in; victims of crime in society may witness execution of criminals in a form of witnessing justice being served; for example murder victims are allowed to witness executions to help establish justice has been served.

            However the graphic artists can't comply with dozens of differences philosophical debates on each presentation of a societal advance; one illustration is done and buyer be annulled.

            Different segments of society have to inforce the rules differently in order to allow the system to work. I believe a remake or a new version of Alpha Centauri could be successful; which a different perspective or new ideas;

            However that choice wouldn't be up to me;

            Why don't I play Civilization 4 instead of Alpha Centauri? I purchased it and explore and enjoyed the artistic renderings;

            However I like playing Alpha Centauri much more; not all games are for gamers; many use cheat keys to avoid the challenges of the game and just explore the artwork of the game;

            Many want to walk around the scenes of the game Doom 3; but they do not play it. Even if the violent content is objectionable some have to understand the need for such a type of artistness.

            However the people will censor; alter or find a way to disregard aspects unsuitable.


            I would like to alter a few of the files on my own computer so I can show the artistic illustration of what Alpha Centauri could be like.


            Does anyone know how to convert mpegs to wve files?
            What computer program generated the graphic files?

            I have photo's from trips to Bolivia; Honduras; Salt Lake City Utah and Canada I would like to incorporate into slide shows similar to the file in the game.

            The game has a folder label (am) which has menu files which probably run the slideshow files featuring various photos of unknown purpose.

            The files
            Menu1.dah could be modified on my personnel copy to display some of my photos;

            If I knew the program which generated them;
            Daniel Hendrick


            • #7
              don't feed him

              If Firaxis games won't release the wve stuff that they used then there isn't much you can do.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Whoha
                don't feed him


                • #9
                  one grain of sand

                  File Extension Details for .WVE
                  If you go there, you'll know very little more than you know now, but it is a relevant link...
                  I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


                  • #10
                    I will try and aswer your questions, mmxx25.

                    I would like to modify the WVE files in the movies folder; some of the philosophies or concepts are contrary to my religious beliefs.
                    Yes, I know what you mean. Whoha has the best idea. Just disable the movies in the settings. That will get much of these problems out of the way. I am not sure how to change the movies at all. Maniac might know. While we are on the subject, you might want to turn the voice volume off as well. You can also change the mp3s that have the voices in them if you want. You can just put some other mp3 in its place. Look in the voices folder and just open them up to check them out.

                    The Great Conclave Bible of the Bible believers is not a Bible if it is I've never heard of it.
                    Yes, I know what you mean. It is a made up bible of a freaked out (keyword here) Fundamentalist Christian sect akin to the dark ages of Christianity with Inquisitors and such. Believe me, this has been beaten to death on the forums. Just search it out. The various "quotes" in the game are of course from made up books and other forms of literature. I'm not sure what the Conclave Bible is based off of. Most likely the New King James. It is what is in the datalinks left over from the crash landing on Chiron. If you want to chat about it, send me a pm or find me on yahoo messenger.

                    I would like to change the words so people in my church can play it.
                    This would be great! Once you've edited it, you can post them up in the creation section of the forums for people to look at and give you feedback. This might help some of the people who've had problems with it. These are the files you will want to change in your SMAC directory.
                    alpha - There are some posts around talking about it
                    alphax - Same as above, but for SMACX
                    blurbs - this changes the worded text for the voice overs when you research a tech
                    blurbsx - Same as above, but for SMACX
                    interlude - Might consider changing this because it has to do with the planet mind, psionics, and merging with the planet mind in the end. Well, it is a sci-fi game...
                    interludea - Same as above, but for SMACX
                    interludex - Same as above, also for SMACX
                    techlongs - Background info on how the research ended up on this tech. Click on one of the buttons when you just research a tech and you can see this.
                    techshorts - the little quote about a tech when choosing which tech to research next.

                    I was wanting to create new secret base project files WVE file extension files
                    Not sure how to do this. You might want to doodle up your own tech picture for the new secret project. An easy way to do this is take some pic from the projs directory and change the pic inside to some combination from the tech directory, like tech046.pcx, take that factory-gear and put it inside the small arrow circle of proj007.pcx and blow it up a bit so that the arrows are touching the edge of the diamond. Then you could make that give a free robotic factory at every base. Call it "Thinkjack Academy" or something. Of course you'll need to edit alpha(x) and blurbs(x) accordingly. That's to add a secret project, and almost a facility.

                    So if I changed the loseman.wve or losewoman.wve to a more suitable graphic.
                    You could just make copies of logo.wve and rename them to loseman.wve and losewoman.wve . Also, of note here is that the faction leader is not being executed. What is happening is they are inside a punishment sphere. Think of these as a high tech pillory, stock and whipping post. Indeed, in SMACX, if you get a probe team to an enemy headquarters that has "killed off" a faction, you can try to free the faction leader and they become a Pact-mate. Its not an execution. Its far worse. First, it hurts in the P-Sphere and second, the faction leaders are under heavy longetivity care and can live close to forever...

                    I would like to alter a few of the files on my own computer so I can show the artistic illustration of what Alpha Centauri could be like.
                    A good example of this is SMAniaC Maniac has done a superb job here and you might pick up some ideas from his posts. I am currently playing this mod. Another mod out there is the Alderbran Project, but I'm not sure where to get it. I think there is another mod out there where the humans are returning to Earth. I might be confusing this with another one that made a buncha factions with pics from characters from this one sci-fi show that I cannot seem to recall the name of. Anyway it is do-able and more mods are great.

                    What trivial and banal bones to pick. I suspect people in your church, if they're as narrowminded as you, will find something to be offended by no matter how much censorship you do.
                    And finally something directed at Senethro. First, you assume his concern is not legitamate. This marginalizes mmxx25 and makes him your opponent. This will not win him over to your world view if he chooses to change.
                    Second, you express some stereo-type of him into some bad guy group because he isn't as enlightened as yourself. And you no doubt do not like it when people stereo-type other people.
                    Third and unbelieveablely, you label him and get upset at him for labeling people.
                    I would rethink how I treated people different from myself if I had done such a thing and someone was kind enough to show me the illogic in my thinking.
                    I would suggest reading How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People by Les Giblin and How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

