This pack, which I have not figured out a name for yet, amplifies the conflict between the colonists and the planet mind by introcducing the Xenocide Victory, which involves killing the Planet Mind and turning Chiron into a more earth like planet. I think I know how to do this: Make it work as two concepts; One for Terraforming Points (5 for each tree you grow, 1 for each fungus, -5 for each tree of yours destroyed, and -1 for each regrown fungus) and then the second establishes the number of points needed to win the Xenocide Victory. The other concept is the reintroduction of Earth Humanity- as in the inhabitants of Earth weren't destroyed but survived, now finding that the Unity mission was not a COMPLETE failure. They are now called the Terran Empire.
You first encounter them when you get Orbital Space Flight and attempt to establish any orbital facility on any (I haven't figured out which) moon as a story event. A few facilities are
added that are much like Stockpile Energy are added, with a prerequisite of Orbital Space Flight; Chiron-Terran Transfer Stations. One allows you to trade 2 or 3 nutrients for 3 or 5 minerals each turn, depending on a seasons mechanism I might add and as well as having Loyalist tendancies (called TERRAN in the social effects screen) develop every 3 turns. Once these get to a certain level, your people might pressure you to become a Province of the Terran Empire, by selecting it as a government, which allows 3 support and efficiency, -1 to your economy, but will mean trouble with many faction leaders.
Any idea's on how to improve the idea?
You first encounter them when you get Orbital Space Flight and attempt to establish any orbital facility on any (I haven't figured out which) moon as a story event. A few facilities are
added that are much like Stockpile Energy are added, with a prerequisite of Orbital Space Flight; Chiron-Terran Transfer Stations. One allows you to trade 2 or 3 nutrients for 3 or 5 minerals each turn, depending on a seasons mechanism I might add and as well as having Loyalist tendancies (called TERRAN in the social effects screen) develop every 3 turns. Once these get to a certain level, your people might pressure you to become a Province of the Terran Empire, by selecting it as a government, which allows 3 support and efficiency, -1 to your economy, but will mean trouble with many faction leaders.
Any idea's on how to improve the idea?