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[C4:AC] SMAC SECRET PROJECT status.. Mark here when you add to mod

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  • #31
    Bulk Matter Transmitter : XML Complete
    Prereq Matter Transmission
    Provides a Local Bulk Matter Gate in every city allowing for quick transmission of resources from space.
    Increases every base's production by 50%.
    as of v212
    Last edited by Gavin Berchler; January 13, 2007, 04:26.
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    • #32
      Singularity Inductor XML COMPLETE
      PREREQ: Controlled Singularity
      Cost 600
      Free Quantum Converter in every base
      Outside chance of Quantum Explosion
      As ov V0.209
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      • #33
        Voice of Planet XML PARTIAL
        Prereq Threshold of transcendence
        Begins ascent to transcendence
        Cost 1600
        as of v212

        Needs: +1 Native life modifier
        Last edited by Gavin Berchler; January 13, 2007, 05:01.
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        • #34
          Ascent to Transcendence XML COMPLETE
          Prereq Threshold of transcendence
          Prereq Voice of Planet
          Wins Ascendence Victory

          Cost 3000
          as of v212
          Last edited by Gavin Berchler; January 13, 2007, 05:00.
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          • #35
            Telepathic Matrix: INCOMPLETE:

            # Your bases never riot.
            # +2 Probe Team morale.

            There is a difference between no unhappniness and no rioting. We need to review.. or if someone can elightne us about rioting in civ4!
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            • #36
              Originally posted by Gavin Berchler
              Telepathic Matrix: INCOMPLETE:

              # Your bases never riot.
              # +2 Probe Team morale.

              There is a difference between no unhappniness and no rioting. We need to review.. or if someone can elightne us about rioting in civ4!
              Simply put (in Civ4 terms), this wonder puts a global theatre in every city/base of your empire/faction. Rioting doesn't happen in Civ4 except when changing governments (social engineering in SMAC terms).
              He who knows others is wise.
              He who knows himself is enlightened.
              -- Lao Tsu

              SMAC(X) Marsscenario


              • #37
                I think that would really unbalance it... having no unhappiness is not the same as no rioting. I am not sure how we can do this...

                We can either institute rioting.... or move the telepathic complex to being something else.

                The punishment sphere also control rioting.
                Unfortantely I don't know enough aobut the sdk or the python code to know if this is practical.

                Creative suggestions welcome.
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                • #38
                  Gavin: Dont reply to your self 30 times in what Should have been one post with a list (preferbaly in a spoiler), it makes it unessarily long and harder to read. Also moderators might get afteryou for all the post count padding.
                  Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche


                  • #39
                    I don't care about the number of posts,

                    I only did it so that it was easy to manage without inadvertently deleting something else.
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                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Impaler[WrG]
                      Gavin: Dont reply to your self 30 times in what Should have been one post with a list (preferbaly in a spoiler), it makes it unessarily long and harder to read. Also moderators might get afteryou for all the post count padding.
                      I find it easier to read; I can look at the first line of each post.

                      Gavin (along with Rubin) is responsible for making the SMAC Creation forum active. I doubt the moderator (who was concerned a few months ago about the lack of activity) will get after Gavin.

                      But if that happens, that is the between Gavin and the moderator.
                      Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                      • #41
                        thanks for the vote of confidence!

                        who knows they are probably deleting my account as we speak......

                        anyway from now on guys feedback only!
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                        • #42
                          Xenoempathy Dome:
                          it's not stated in SMAC's datalinks, but it will fully heal any unit spending their turn in fungus at 20% / turn rate. This includes units inside transport ships. Kinda like medic I promotion.

                          Pholus Mutagen:
                          again, not stated in the datalinks. NL's usually get only attack bonuses against targets inside fungus, but PM also gives additional 50% (non-psi) defence bonus - for a total 100% - for all your land units inside fungus. Quite vicious, especially when combined with XD.

                          Planetary Datalinks:
                          it doesn't really grant all tech known by others per se. Only if the tech is transmited over the net by some other faction (as during tech trading/donating) you can get your hands on it. If there's no sharing you get nothing. I think it's similar to the Great Library in Civ 3.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Gavin Berchler
                            ... having no unhappiness is not the same as no rioting.
                            It actually depends on a few things.

                            Drones in SMAC and unhappiness in Civ 4 have very similar effect - you lose few active workers so your base loses some productivity. Captured SMAC bases have more drones while captured Civ cities get "we yearn to join our motherland" unhappiness modifier. So, looking from this perspective TM should remove unhapinness or at least reduce it by a certain factor (like +1 happiness for every 2 citizens).

                            However this whole citizen thing is very different in SMAC and Civ4.
                            In SMAC "no (too many) drones = no riots" and most specialists effectively perform drone->worker->talent conversions. By the time you could build TM you'd be having hab domes in your core bases and pop-booming for a quite a while to have so many specialists that there would be no more room for drones and the only drone problems would occur in the warzone cities.
                            In Civ4 the most common problem in the warzone cities is rioting so now I could say that TM should supress the rioting.

                            It really depends a lot on what kind of citizen model is going to be used:
                            SMAC's, where unhappy citizens can cause riots and specialists to help to control them;
                            Or Civ4's where unhappiness and riots have nothing to do with each other and specialists have no influence on either.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by xalien

                              Planetary Datalinks:
                              it doesn't really grant all tech known by others per se. Only if the tech is transmited over the net by some other faction (as during tech trading/donating) you can get your hands on it. If there's no sharing you get nothing. I think it's similar to the Great Library in Civ 3.
                              In smac it only grants 3 tech known to all others... I still think the civ model is better

                              Regarding the drones/rioting issues. I am still not clear on how rioting occurs in civ4. (is it only when there is smoke? and does it shut down production completely?

                              xalien, why don't you start another post on it as this is a discusioin in its own right. I don't want this thread taken over by this matter
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                              • #45
                                Voice of Planet

                                Please provide some feedback guys!
                                Last edited by Gavin Berchler; January 13, 2007, 05:01.
                                Come visit the SMAC Mod
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