This thread is dedicated to tracking and detailing commits to the SourceForge CVN repository. This thread should just contain listings of the changes not discussion on thouse changest which should be reserved for THIS thread but offers a conveniet means of recording information that the CVN log cant hold like screenshoots and will be easier for everyone to view and read.
The commiter should make one post for each commit they make imediatly after making said commit so they stay in order, list all modified/added/deleted files information about was changed an why and give some insights on followup plans of actions. Place the commit number in Bold at the top of your post. Also a link to the SF Commit log page would be handly
Their was a commit (#68 ) about 15 minutes ago by "grantkemp" I'm not shure as to what Poly account that is but I suspect its ? commiting the assets he was refering to a resently. In anycase could this person start us off with the first post.
The commiter should make one post for each commit they make imediatly after making said commit so they stay in order, list all modified/added/deleted files information about was changed an why and give some insights on followup plans of actions. Place the commit number in Bold at the top of your post. Also a link to the SF Commit log page would be handly
Their was a commit (#68 ) about 15 minutes ago by "grantkemp" I'm not shure as to what Poly account that is but I suspect its ? commiting the assets he was refering to a resently. In anycase could this person start us off with the first post.