I've never really enjoyed playing a technology faction. It all started with MOOII. You could play the Psilons, and they were creative and had all the techs available to them. Also they got a huge research bonus. Now in SMAC and SMACX, you ahve the university and cyborgs. The Cyborgs, I feel, are the most powerful faction because they have +2 efficiency. That means they can run Police State without any difficulty. The University is, ehh... It has the research and something to stop it from growing too fast. In the end, however, the research will just top any bad drone that try to mess things up. +2 research just seems so powerful to me. And coupling it with Knowledge, which if done right doesn't really have that visible of a downside. Oh no! The pirates, spartans, and the cultists are going to attack! Watch out! It might be hard at first, but the growth curve is exponential, and you leave eveyone in the dust. I think I've played both of these only 2 times each. I dunno. Maybe I'm complaining too much. Maybe I need to play a MP game and get my colony pod handed to me. What do you all think?
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Technology Factions