The SVN import has been done. It worked without any problem.
Some administration tasks have to be done now:
=> Adding devellopers to the project and grant them write acces to svn. You have to register on sourceforge and send your unixname to one of the administrators.
=> Adding atleast one extra administrator who can change project properties etc... (Illuminatus, Senethro ) ?
=> Backups. helps us with tools to create backups, but we still have to store the backups somewhere. Currently two important parts: SVN backup and Site data backup (=bug trackers, feature requests, documentation, news).
=> Project News : find somebody responsable for this, maybe add first news item.
=> File releases : give rights to the people who need this, maybe release a first version.
=> What will we do with the trackers ? (bugs, support, feature requests, 3rd party provided patches). Currently I've left them visible.
=> Will we use the taskmanager ?
=> Will we use the documentation tools provided by (creating hmtl docs, they can be edited from within your browser) ?
=> Upload some screenshots
=> Will we use the forum / mailinglists ?
=> We should create a website for c4:ac (MySQL and PHP can be used for hosting on
Most important right now is to add members and check if you can get a subversion checkout to work (checkout, open in VS, compile, move Assets folder to a civ4/mods/ subdirectory and test it).