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[C4:AC][XML] Buildings

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  • [C4:AC][XML] Buildings

    Deciphering tags in the buildings XML. Example building is Library.
    (Thanks, PJ)

    PJ: >>Theoretically, you can have 3 buildingtypes in one class (ie: coal power plant, hydro dam and nucl. power plant could all have the same "power" class). You can limit the number of allowed buildings per class (ie: only one "power" building allowed). However, this is currently not used in vanilla civ (all buildings have their own class).

    Sen: Seem to be several values can go in here, including temples.
    PJ: >>See : Civ4SpecialBuildinInfos.xml

    Sen: [ Pop-up help?
    Sen: Civilopedia link
    PJ: >>, the text next to Sid's portrait if you play with tips & tricks on.

    PJ: >>nope, when the new build list pops up at the right, you see 2 proposed builds, plus the reason. This is the reason (ie : it will show proposed : Library (science)). It might have an influence on AI too.

    Sen: Which art is this tied to?
    PJ : >> xml/Art/Civ4ArtDefines_Building.xml

    Sen: Wonder movie.

    Sen: Requires holy city to build. Shrine.
    [ReligionType]NONE[/ReligionType] Associates with a particular religion, but the function not clear.
    Sen: Don't know - Guessing that this causes you to require a state religion to build.
    Sen: Don't know
    Sen: Possibly causes city this is built in to receive +1 gold per city of that religion.

    Sen: Constructing this building enables a victory type - UN Building

    Sen: Don't know - Free in all cities when playing in a late starting era?
    Sen: DOn't know - Must be built before a particular starting era?
    Sen: Obsoleted with this tech.
    Sen: Requires this tech to build.
    Sen: Don't know.
    Sen: Don't know.
    Sen: Don't know
    Sen: Don't know
    Sen: Guess - All units built gain a particular promotion. (That national wonder that gives free Medic I promotion)
    Sen: Don't know. Enables Civic?
    Sen: Type of Great Person assocated with this building. [iGreatPeopleRateChange]0[/iGreatPeopleRateChange]
    Sen: Number of great person points generated.

    Sen: BUilding requires a water tile to build. Lighthouse.

    Sen: Building requires river to build. Hydro dam
    Sen: Building generates power.
    Hydro dam.
    Sen: Building generates dirty power. Coal plant.
    Sen: Building generates clean power for whole continent. Great Dam.
    Sen: Don't know. Only UN building wonder has a value other than 0.
    Sen: Don't know. ONly UN building wonder has a value other than 0.
    Sen: Your capital. Palace only.
    Sen: Centre from which city distance maintenance costs are calculated. Palace, forbidden palace, Versaille.
    Sen: Initiates a golden age. Taj Mahal.
    Sen: This tag also featured in Tech. Centres map. Stonehenge.
    Sen: No unhappiness in this city. Shakespeares Theatre.
    Sen: Obvious, but I don't think a wonder has this affect.
    Sen: Recycling centre function. Only counters unhealthiness produced by buildings, but I don't remember how.

    Sen: Building can never be captured. Culture buildings.
    Sen: Building is nuke immune. Palace
    Sen: Don't know.
    Sen: Don't know.
    Sen: Don't know.
    Sen: Cost in hammers.
    Sen: Don't know.

    Not finished this yet - will edit in the rest soon.
    Last edited by Senethro; April 18, 2006, 13:25.

  • #2
    Re: [C4:AC][XML] Buildings

    Originally posted by Senethro

    Sen: [ Class and type? Whats the difference
    PJ: >>Theoretically, you can have 3 buildingtypes in one class (ie: coal power plant, hydro dam and nucl. power plant could all have the same "power" class). You can limit the number of allowed buildings per class (ie: only one "power" building allowed). However, this is currently not used in vanilla civ (all buildings have their own class).

    Sen: [Seem to be several values can go in here, including temples.
    PJ: >>See : Civ4SpecialBuildinInfos.xml

    Sen: [ For the AI?
    PJ: >>nope, the text next to Sid's portrait if you play with tips & tricks on.

    Sen: [ For the City Advisor?
    PJ: >>nope, when the new build list pops up at the right, you see 2 proposed builds, plus the reason. This is the reason (ie : it will show proposed : Library (science)). It might have an influence on AI too.

    Sen: [ Which art is this tied to?
    PJ : >> xml/Art/Civ4ArtDefines_Building.xml
    no sig

