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Refueling plane

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  • Refueling plane

    Looking through old threads I found an idea for a refueling plane. However, it can refuel itself. So you get a flying plane that need not to land, ever. And any needlejet can get refuel there in flight.

    Trying to get it disadvantaged somehow, I was able to make it travel 3 tiles per turn only.
    AI - I do not know now, how that would work, but I gave it plan 3 = Reconnaisance, no attack ability, scout (1) armor. cost 6 rows (forced)

    What do you think about such a thing?

    From players point of view. Would that be overpowering air warfare?

    From AI - I need to test it still.
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  • #2
    Let me guess... transport, carrier, slow?

    I've tested it with missiles (I'll post a thread with LOTS of missiles that I've designed when I'll have time...), and Carrier + Air => Lands on itself at every move (though sometimes I was able to make it move 2 even 3 tiles... it's a bit strange...)

    I conceive it more like a "Flying Airbase" (gravship chassis which is the same that an self-relfuelling plane)...


    • #3
      Originally posted by bluetemplar
      ...its more like a "Flying Airbase" (gravship chassis which is the same that an self-relfuelling plane)...
      A Cloudbase. Note that this unit uses the graphic that I think was intended for the cloudbase. Interesting thing about this unit is that it should move 8 tiles, however there is some hardcoding at work here that only allows it to move one tile/ turn.

      Cloudbase, Gravship, R-Laser, Psi, 0, 0, 4, Disable, 0, 00001100001000000010000000


      • #4
        A gravship ends its turn when it moves onto an airbase of some sort (bases, the terrain improvement, and carriers), unless the move puts it adjacent to an enemy. Carrier gravships land on themselves with every move.
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        -BBC news

