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(C4sMAX) PLanet Sdk readiness pack

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  • (C4sMAX) PLanet Sdk readiness pack

    I have been working on a morganites faction and its nearly done,

    1. Can someone give me a copy of the tech tree as well as anyone elses factions or textures that they have created, I want to publish a SDK readiness Mod pack for when the SDK is released in June so we can all start from a common codebase.

    I have added some sections to the wiki and reorganised it a bit.

    PLEASE KEEP IT TIDY, or I shall planetbust

  • #2
    troyDoogle7, the technology tree files I did are still available in the original thread. You can find the mod here:

    Hopefully, it should give you an idea of the template used--even if the technology tree is not completed. The mod is not intended for actual gameplay.


    • #3
      Great work Rubin. Thanks Thats one box ticked off.

      Please can anyone give me their updated faction for the total mod.

      Thanks guys.

