Here is the map from the ACDG2. AI play decently on this, and the map is balanced well enough you will not be screwed by a random start in a H2H game. Richly resourced map with lots of rivers 
Took me about 5 minutes to extract this, with very minor terrain repair(quakes on landmarks). I redid some terrain bonuses and replaced pods(some parts had boosted AI). I also removed those ugly base borders. Map is very clean looking. It is taken from a 2123 .sav so it is not entirely the same as the original. Original author is googlie.
ACDG2 map uploaded

Took me about 5 minutes to extract this, with very minor terrain repair(quakes on landmarks). I redid some terrain bonuses and replaced pods(some parts had boosted AI). I also removed those ugly base borders. Map is very clean looking. It is taken from a 2123 .sav so it is not entirely the same as the original. Original author is googlie.

ACDG2 map uploaded