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Looking for Some Good Alpha txt's

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  • Looking for Some Good Alpha txt's

    Sorry to ask all, but im trying to find where all the custom, user alpha txt's are hidden away useing the search feature but its a little frustrateing. At the moment I have already made some most satisfactory changes to How AC plays with help from many of the excellent posts here. I know about Darsans Improveing the AI thro world builder editing -(got it -works good).

    The sort of game I run(and mods so far)

    Maps-Large Custom 256x256, with all the usuals-tech stag-no directed etc.-

    -modified world builder tweaks(Darsan)

    -no Sea colony pods-(I like that one)

    -the Massive sea level drops\rises toned down signifigantly

    Thats really about it so far-Things looking to add in

    like to change naval units movement next to make them more realistic\useful. Seems anything with Sid Meirs name on it automatically gimps naval units and makes them (nearly) irrelevant. With Terraforming naval units in SMAC are in fact-totally un-necessary when all you need to so to get a land attack going it raise land\mag tube and the invasions on. In the real word-it takes about a week to cross the Atlantic ocean-in a sid meir game-same trip always takes a minimum of 5 years...sigh. The AI does and will use sea units to harrass you and with sea colonies gone it would make things a little more interesting if we all had enhanced naval movement.

    * I was considering boosting the range on PB's to make them more a 'strategic' weapons platform, but since the AI does not respect the balance of terror or even takes fear of retaliation into its conisderations, I think ill leave that one alone for a while. I could handle ships that can move 20-30+ hexes a turn but dont think im ready for trigger happy factions with time and energy to burn and a pile of long range PB's

    Always felt road movement was little on the stingy side. Between gimpy long to build road networks that really dont add a(great deal) to your civilizations mobility, and mag tubes which are instant seamless transport *anywhere* , theres no middle ground-this always struck me as something of an oversight given the depth in AC-can road MP be modded?

    Sensor range-is it possible to change the 2 hex radius on Arrays, planes etc? On small maps -64/128 2 is pretty large but on the custom maps-the level of sensor tech does not reflect well on the ground-is that hard coded or a alpha variable?

    As for transporting, one other thing that Sort of bugs me a little-theres no air transport in AC (drop pods yes, then psi gates) I see this as a middle ground between walking and drop pods. Always seemed odd I couldnt send out a chopper to pick up that alien artifact stuck way out in the middle of 30 hexes of fungus and transport it back to civilization eheh-again I dont suppose? the ability to make air transports exists?

    Right now im a begginer moder and am mostly looking to
    change some enviromental\game mechanics. Im not at the custom units custom tech stage, but if anyone out there has a link to any mods youve made that might work for the Huge Map, long game sort that I am-ill give anything a look. If anyone wants to have a look at the sort of games im getting out of the AI with my few modest mods-be happy to do that too.

  • #2
    Re: Looking for Some Good Alpha txt's

    Originally posted by Travelerstein
    Sorry to ask all, but im trying to find where all the custom, user alpha txt's are hidden away useing the search feature but its a little frustrateing. At the moment I have already made some most satisfactory changes to How AC plays with help from many of the excellent posts here. I know about Darsans Improveing the AI thro world builder editing -(got it -works good).

    -modified world builder tweaks(Darsan)

    Actually I got worldbuilder from smacksim. FYI so the correct person is credited for this.

    Originally posted by Travelerstein
    The sort of game I run(and mods so far)

    Maps-Large Custom 256x256, with all the usuals-tech stag-no directed etc.-

    -no Sea colony pods-(I like that one)

    -the Massive sea level drops\rises toned down signifigantly

    Thats really about it so far-Things looking to add in
    After reading thru the rest of your suggestions I'd say the best place for you to start (if you are really serious about mod'ing the alpha(x).txt file is to look here . This will teach you how to mod the alpha(x).txt file. From there you can experiment and see what works and what doesn't. FYI.



    • #3
      The sea buoy mod, very nice, one of the things I was looking for. However my attempts to extend sea units range not so successful

      I made the following changes here

      Foil,M1, Skimship,M1, Hoverboat,M1, Coastal,M1, 4, 1, 0, 0, 2, 12, DocFlex,

      Megafoil,M1, Superfoil,M1,
      Cruiser,M1, Destroyer,M1, Cutter,M1, Gunboat,M1, 6, 1, 0, 0, 4, 18, DocInit,


      But it did not change there movement at all. I know that movement is tied to reactors, but beyond im not sure what Im missing to make sea units range longer


      • #4
        Erm, haven't you read the paragraph above the chassis section? It explains what parameter does what. In any case, change the "4" in foil and "6" in cruiser and you'll see their range change.
        He who knows others is wise.
        He who knows himself is enlightened.
        -- Lao Tsu

        SMAC(X) Marsscenario

