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ABout Colony Sea Pods and the AI...

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  • ABout Colony Sea Pods and the AI...

    Is it possible to mod the game so that colony sea pods are not allowed?. If so, has anyone tried it and what effects does it have on the AI gameplay. Basically, id like to try a txt mod where the AI factions actually utilize the vast amounts of empty land I give them on my 256x512 maps rather than (stupidly) bulding an empire of 30+ pop 2-8 cities that do piss all for the AI ...the old story. Sea colonies are a bit of a weak concept anyhow. They would have done well to limit the # of sea colonies a faction could build to a reasonable % of your total cities, say 5 or 10%,-woulda fixed sea colonies in one wipe.

    ...I really need to post a wish list for AC2

  • #2
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

