How come the factions that I saved with that editor the factions are always messed up? The gaian's face replaces the origional face.
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question about faction editor
The Gaians have a faction file, gaians.txt.
They also have Gaians.pcx, gaians2.pcx, and Gaians3.pcx. I think if you use the faction editor maybe not all of the pcx files are being used. Maybe it's defaulting to the Gaian faction set if that's the one you're using to model your faction after.Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.
Each faction has several is a text file that contains all the advantages of the faction as well of names of bases, diplomacy text, and text for the datalinks (as well as the text that you see when you choose your faction)...
Also, each faction has 3 (IIRC) graphic files...these contain pictures of the leader, bases, logos used in datalinks, and the graphics for when you win or get erradicated....
There are other files (movie files of small pictures shown during diplomacy), but the 4 mentioned above are the most important...basically, all 4 files have to have the same name so the game knows how to find them...
For example, the Hive has a text file, "Hive", and three graphic files, "Hive", "Hive2", and "Hive3". The faction editor should allow you to load the graphics that you want and automatically rename them for you...however, if you have to do it manually, just do it like the other factions using the above format...also, make sure you name the picture files correctly..."Hive2" needs to actually be the the second graphic file, not the first or third...just open up any of the files for any of the factions to see what they look like, and make sure you name them right...
If your faction was called the "cheeseheads", and you wanted to use the graphics of the Hive, then just copy the three Hive graphics files, and rename them "cheeseheads", "cheeseheads2", and "cheeseheads3", respectively ("Hive2"="cheeseheads2")...
This belongs in AC-Creation forum. Thread moved.SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw