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  • [C4:AC][Support]

    This taskgroup covers all jobs that do not belong to one of already existing categories. All who have volunteered for the C4:AC project are automatically considered to be part of this group.

    Permament assignments for this taskgroup:

    *Try to be helpful towards anyone interested in information about this project. This includes monitoring and replying to questions in the nonmember question/comments/encouragement thread.

    *Keep an eye for any interesting information in the Civ4 Creation forum. Please inform us of any interesting modding attempt done there in this and/or threads related to the particular endevaour.

    *Try to recruit new members.

    Taskgroup will also be assigned other duties. For now, C4:AC project would need someone to post all C4:AC screeenshots from this forum in the screenshots thread.
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    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw