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[C4:AC][Programming] Name your skills!

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  • [C4:AC][Programming] Name your skills!

    Alrighty programmers, I think it would be beneficial if we stated plainly what we're each good at and what we're not.

    I'm currently a second year student at QUT in Brisbane, Australia, studying for a bachelor of Information Technology and a Bachelor of Communication Design.

    *At uni (college for our North American brethren) I've finished three programming subjects (Software development 1, 2 and 3) (as well as a bunch of non-programming subjects), where I've learnt the Java and C# languages, as well as a bunch of algorithms and data structures.

    *I finished a "project" subject (they didn't teach us a whole lot, we just chose a project brief we liked the sound of and went off and built it) that involved a C# program sitting on a server talking with a (Macromedia) flash client, and I did C# and actionscript coding for that (and it gave me some good "teamwork" and project experience)

    *I read a whole bunch of python tutorials a while ago in preparation for modding civ 4, I've got practically no experience with it apart from that though (but how hard can it be?)

    *Very little C++ - I think I may have once made a "hello world" program in C++ long ago (but how hard can it be? Pointers aren't that bad are they? :P)

  • #2
    This is a very good idea Gnool. Although you should have asked this in the [Programmin Main]
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    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


    • #3
      I wasn't sure whether to put it there or start a new thread, so I went with starting a new thread


      • #4
        I learn by copying and mucking around. If there is some existing mods in progress created by our enterprising modders, we could use that to learn the ropes of how to affect things.
        Promoter of Public Morale
        Alpha Centauri Democracy Game


        • #5
          1.I am currently learning C++

          2.Have good expierence in OOP, languages like Python (JavaScript, Java, VBs, AS 2.0, Delphi), thus once I get to it, I'll know what to do.

          3.Have good expierence in working with XML.

          4.An eager programmer in general who never gives up to unknown!

          Gnool - tutorials are useless before you get to actual coding. And even then they are best used as references..
          -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
          -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

