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Design Workshop User Support Service

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  • Design Workshop User Support Service

    User Support Service

    Frequently Asked Questions

    *What is Design Workshop?

    With the advent of reaching our target planet, Chiron, technological future of our colonization mission indeed seems bright. But before we start connecting computers on a faction-wide scale, we need to test it.
    Several of Zakharov's engineers have recently been petitioning to create an institution that would preserve and archive relevant works from engineering and applied science and present them in accessible way to the entire colonizing crew. Our taskgroup has decided to honour their request by showing initiative and starting the creation of Design Workshop.
    In theory, Design Workshop is a centralized database preserving location and information about thousands of engineering endeavours until the Earthleave that will be possible to use via computer. However, a lot of work needs to be done to complete this project. Several colonization planners have already planned network nodes in future landing bases as points of access for the general population. While infrastucture will be built, software is already available. The technology we carry to Alpha Centauri system already provides us with means needed to link all computers into a single, Information Network (additional networks can be created if need arises). However adapting University software for this purpose is not an easy way. Before Design Workshop is fully operational we will need a lot of testing. Indexing is not nearly complete.

    *What system is the Design Workshop currently running?

    Design Worskop is currently using 0.0302, MY2100.bbh3 (Design Workshop v0.0302).

    *When will the Design Workshop be finished?

    We hope to finish it within next fourteen days.

    *Will there be patches and updates for Design Workshop?

    Most certainly yes. We will try to revisit the Workshop on a weekly basis. Our first patch is already being planned, and should solve dead links in the database and set up categories. Our second patch will adress the problem of formatting. If you spot any bugs, please report them here.

    *Do you plan on adding any new features in future?

    Once again, most certainly yes. We are already researching the possiblity of applying Planetary Networks (which are in possesion of some factions) to the Design Workshop, thus creating Design Workshop Networks. We believe that Planetary Networks would have enormous benefits on database grouping and overall formatting and interface. It will take some time to aquire and apply that technology to the Design Workshop.
    However, if we listen to some of our researchers, most notably lieutenant Aki Luttinen, which claim that it is possible to develop Polymorphic Software, there might be even more updates in future. Polymorphic Software would be able to search and add even new databases. Polymorphic Design Workshop is near future.

    *Why do you use so much of Planet Operational Server Terminals (commonly abbreviated to POST) for your archives?

    Our unfinished alpha version already contains around 42, 000 megabytes of information. When we add all new planned features in near future, it will have at least twice that amount of data. This is why the program is hardcoded to avoid tampering.

    *Why do you insist on not asking any questions or making any comments in the Design Workshop ?

    To keep the Design Workshop clean of unneccesary System Processor Abnormal Matrixes (commonly abbreviated as SPAM). We don’t know how many POST we may need, and Archives look nicer if they are free of SPAM. We would also like to keep Archives as low on POST Assembled General Archives (commonly abbreviated as PAGE) as possible, to make it easier to access and load. Comments and suggestions can go into this thread, where they fit nicely.

    *How will entries be divided?

    Currently there is not a developed system of sorting. In future, we plan a more detailed organisation of entries – by various categories and finished/unfinished sections. In theoretical future incarnations of software, even more progress on organisation is possible, depending on our pending Planetfall.

    *I have a suggestion, question or a comment

    Then give/ask it here – this si the right place for this.

    *Something is not here and it should be in the list

    Either we missed it (more likely), or the thread is defunct (empty) now or pointing to a dead link, thus deeming it useless to our project. Third possible answer is that it may not be deemed as a worthy entry. The most probable answer is that we haven't reached it yet - remember, this is a alpha version.

    *Something is wrongly attributed..

    Report it here and it will be corrected.

    *Why is there another Illuminatus index thread?

    Of course we'll bundle our MorganNet software with the new network nodes; our customers expect no less of us. We have never sought to become a monopoly. Our products are simply so good that no one feels the need to compete with us.

    --CEO Nwabudike Morgan
    Morgan Data Systems press release

    *Is there going to be a thread index for AC-General?

    No, but keep hoping.

    Disclaimer: Design Workshop staff reserve the right to roll eyes at anyone who suggests something that is already mentioned as planned in near feature or who asks something that is already explained above.
    Last edited by Illuminatus; November 8, 2005, 11:24.
    SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw

  • #2
    Great design workshop!
    Nice to see SMAniaC mentioned. Though of course I can't help reacting to the description given.

    Maniac's total conversion mod. Makes a lot of impact on AI behaviour.
    The main idea was to make the tech tree, the factions, the social engineering system, in short the game more balanced and strategically varied for the human player. Letting the AI work in this framework is only the secondary concern. For instance unlike Aldebaran I haven't given SE choices specific (and totally unrelated) bonuses or penalties just so an AI faction would choose it, or haven't created super-AI faction files with massive bonuses (I rather prefer satellites to boost AIs).
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


    • #3
      Of course, if you are not satisfied with description, be free to post your own. I haven't tried the mod so I had to judge what is the biggest strength of your mod. I did notice that you discovered several ways to improve AI, so I added that line. Description will be updated.
      SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
      The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw

