test one
-/> opp –gg.56
-/> run startup_cpn.exe
-/> initializing…
-/> loading databases… complete
-/> loading interface… complete
-/> welcome to Design Workshop !
-/> ( running Information Networks software, version 0.0302, MY2100.bbh3, software copyright UN)
-/> work in progress, extracting databases... / 34 percent complete
-/> 13 out of 27 pages processed
Total Conversions?
Question about possibility of total conversions for SMAC.
Announcing TurboSMAC!
Mod which seeks to accelerate games.
TurboSMAC for PBEM! Alpha.txt mod HELP!
Discussion about changes for TurboSMAC!
Simple Alpha.txt changes to make SMAC more fun:
List of interesting and fun changes for SMAC.
Aldebaran2: Smax.
Total and best conversion for SMAC/X. Needs some polishing.
Help Darsnan finish his "Beta Lyrae" SMAX mod!
Darsnan's Betae Lyrae total conversion mod. Needs some polishing.
Maniac's total conversion mod. "The main idea was to make the tech tree, the factions, the social engineering system, in short the game more balanced and strategically varied for the human player." Also makes a lot of impact on AI behaviour.
Cold War Mod- Beta Testers Needed!
This mod lets you play out the Cold War. It features new tech tree, new factions, numerous modifications to all parts of the game. Beta testers are needed.
Modern Earth Alpha.txt
Zeiter's Modern Earth alpha.txt file, featuring a new tech tree spanning from 1800 to 2200.
MAC: Dune?
Discussion thread for a Dune conversion mod.
Deadlier Mindworms, More Energy From Fungus, Etc
Discussion thread for a Dune conversion mod
Ringworld scenario creation thread
Discussion thread for a Ringworld scenario/conversion thread.
The Star Wars Modpack
Discussion and ideas for a Star Wars Modpack.
Opinions sought on a SMAC conversion mod
About conversion set on postapocalyptical Earth.
To you people who were doing the Earth mod
Inquiry about the status of the Earth mod.
Earth Mod?
Inquiry about the status of the Earth mod.
Jurassic Mod Done
About the Jurassic Mod by heardie
Amusing idea about creating a CIV sequel by means of a total covnversion of SMAX.
SMACX mod at halfway point...
Some amusing ideas for a total conversion.
My next mod
Discussion thread for a modpack.
ModMan Bug Reporting Thread
ModMan is an automated mod swapper for SMAC and SMAX designed so no-one would have to copy their SMAC just to play different mods!
Auto challenge creation software
Idea for programming an application which would create a random challenge upon startup.
Scenario Editor
How to create bases in the scenario editor and other things.
placing terrain enhancement
How to place terrain enhancements using scenario editor.
Vitamins attack!
Mart5x7's challenge based on a small map.
Deimos Experiment
Deimos experiment is designed to test several changes to the game including changes to alphax.tx file. You play as University. Any other faction is designed for AI. Scenario attempts to promote non-ICS strategies.
Duel game - Gaia vs. Hive
A scenario by mart7x5, for a balanced Gaia vs Hive duel.
Scenario to try
A scenario by mart7x5, featuring Peacekeepers.
Aquarium 3.0 needs betatesters!
A scenario for testing.
Scenario Idea - "The Strike"
Idea for a scenario.
Advanced tech scenario
Discussion thread for a scenario where everyone has all the technologies up to level five.
Scenerio City Editing
Older thread asking about the problem of adding satelittes. Does not contain the easiest solution.
Singleplayer Map Creation Contest - First Edition
The singleplayer Map Creation Contest
Single Player Map Collection
Mart7x5's collection of human made maps.
Selfmade Map
Selfmade map by Mampfred.
Where would the fungus come from?
What could create fungus on fungus-free maps?
Deactivating Mind Worms/Fungus
How to disable xenofungus from appearing.
New maps for anyone who wants them.
"Highland", "Highland Lake" and "Crater Park" by DragonBlood87 available for download.
BIG maps & solving problems
About playing on big maps.
Map format
Andux has decoded the code for SMAX maps.
Need help with map creating
Lord_Icewind wants to make an absolutely equal-chance map, but very asimetric and "real" like.
Map editor, higher terrain problem
How to use map editor.
How do you create custom maps?
As the name says, how to create custom maps.
How do you make mountains in the terrain editor?
How to create elevations using terrain editor.
random map generation?
About the possibility to imprint scenario parameters on a randomly generated map.
a good map maker?
What to use to create maps.
SMAC .mp file format
About the .mp file format used for maps.
Iniswap - tool solving faction graphics bug
Fixes the bug, when loading a PBEM game, factions graphics are mixed up because game loads them from ini file.
Text color
How to give a faction black color and have white letter color in the text?
Looking for default.zip from faq-tool
Search for gfx and pcx templates.
Fooling Around With Making Different Base Graphics
Sprayber's custom base graphics.
SMAC terrain graphics mod
Excellent terrain mod by wgabrie that changes the appearance of ingame terrain to a more terrain style, modifies the look of several landmarks. There is also some custom graphics for units and bases.
How can I edit the picture files?
Explains how to do it using Paintshop Pro.
Box around my cities
How to get rid of blue box around custom image of cities of a custom faction.
Faction graphics, colours, blurbs etc
Various issues with editing pcx files.
Odd graphics question
About editing faction logos.
PCX files
Can pcx files be modified or substituted.
Graphic problem
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
graphic error in creating a faction
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
Need help with new faction bachround color.
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
Modifying PCX files? problem
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
Textures.pcx probs
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
Problem with custom base/symbol graphics
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
Faction Base Graphics Problem
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
Faction editing
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
graphics: Okay, what am I doing wrong?
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
City Editing
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes. Also, how to make bases look transparent.
How to make the fuzzy transmission look of leaders in pcx file.
Tip of the day for PSP6
How to get vertical lines in pcx pictures.
Finishing touch for faction graphics
How to get vertical lines in pcx pictures.
Custom Base Graphics
Where to find custom base graphics.
Perimeter/Tachyon graphics...
Where to get perimeter/tachyon graphics without bases "inside" them.
Modifying unit graphics
What unit graphics are possible to modify and how.
New Unit....Graphics!
About cvr. files.
Problems with colors
How to get rid of the black letters on black bug.
Modification to unit depictions
Request for modifying unit appearances.
custom Factions and .mpg Files
About replacing/modding movies in Linux version.
On the Lack of Colours in Texture.pcx
About the palette and its effects on the game.
Editing pcx file, can you help?
How to edit pcx files.
pcx files
How to edit pcx files.
How does one make 2D-graphics units?
How to make 2D-graphics units+where to find modern looking base graphics.
About the "Bioscan"...
Can images next to bioscan be edited? Warning: contains an incorrect answer.
Fungus bonuses for factions Experimentation and study of giving various fungus bonuses to AI factions.
Any way to force AI to forest?
How to make AI to use forests more.
Improving the AI: Part I: The Worldbuilder section of alphax.txt
As the name says, first part of guide by Smacksim.
Improving the AI: Parts II, III: AI Faction Adjustments
Part II: Links to AI Improvements through Faction Editing
Part III: Summary of Common and Not-so-Common AI Faction Improvements
CMN strategies to keep the AI balanced
How the CMNers improve AI.
ai attacking question About the problem when AI (Hive in this case) won't use its superior air forces for offensive.
Two ways to boost the pirate AI
Two ways to improve Pirate AI performance, discovered by Maniac
Forbidding more than one politics, etc
Thread about setting more than one AI aversion and about limiting/controling AIs social engineering choices.
Faction Settings and the AI
How to alter social settings to benefit the AI.
Preventing a faction from using any government.
As the name says, how to prevent a faction from using any government choice besides the starting frontier.
orbital spaceflight
Observation about AI not building Planet Busters if CMN retires the design.
Empty Facilities
Empty facilities are not useless - they can be set a ghost facilities giving AI more energy.
Min/Max social bonus
About maximum and minimum effects of social engineering choices.
Rebalancing the SE choices
Discussion about rebalancing SE options.
Modifications not working properly
Problems with social effects when modifying progenitor factions.
Modifying script.txt
In the "classic" SMAC, praises/criticisms of future society models are missing. Leon Trotsky has asked a question if it those from expansion can just be copy/pasted.
Forbidding more than one politics, etc
Thread about setting more than one AI aversion and about limiting/controling AIs social engineering choices.
Faction Settings and the AI
How to alter social settings to benefit the AI.
Preventing a faction from using any government.
As the name says, how to prevent a faction from using any government choice besides the starting frontier.
Allow higher level Support-rating bonuses?
Question about adding higher Support rating effects/bonuses.
Custom editing SE in Alphax.txt
SE changes and new society models.
Is there any way i can make my own faction with the origonal SMAC?
Can custom factions be created without the SMAX expansion.
Tutorial on creating new factions
How to create new factions?
how to Create a Modpack - Part 1
A good guide on creating custom factions.
Looking for faction balancing system
As the names says, looking for a MOO2 style faction balancing system.
Alien Crossfire and Faction files
Load faction file button missing with Alien Crossfire.
The commfreq ability is apparently broken.
I have finished my set of 6 new factions with all new old graphics
As the name says, 6 new custom factions.
Faction Modification question
Ogie Oglethorpe seeks to learn how to make faction that is immune to sideeffects of some or all atrocities.
Blind Research question
Is it possible to set a non-alien faction to always have non-blind research as a speciala ability.
Random Ideas
Random ideas for factions.
My Next Mod: The Forgotten Ones
Idea to restore older versions of factions (Labirynth, Conclave, Archon).
Alien Faction
How should a SMAC version of an alien faction look like.
Using the powers of SMACX to create truly 'alien' alien factions
What truly alien faction should be created using SMAX options. Includes BORG.
Realistic Balanced Custom Factions.....
Discussion thread about realistic balanced factions.
Pop based factions
New, population booming factions.
Earth Factions
Ideas for factions based on Earth's nations. Mostly talk about drunken Irish.
If Apolyton was a faction...
Markos asks what kind of faction would Apolyton be.
1st try an a faction, need peoples evaluation
An idea for a terraformer faction.
New Faction Review before Mac SMAC-X
An idea for a custom faction.
New Faction -- feedback wanted
Idea for a custom faction based on US marines.
Morgan on the waves
Idea for a seabased Morgan.
My New Modpack - Info
Ideas for custom factions.
Please critique this faction...
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
Is this new Faction ok?
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
How's this faction
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
New faction:Pacifists
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
Another new faction
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
New faction
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
Need help/comments on new faction - the Poles
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea (Poles
New Faction - Comments Wanted
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea (Poles
try this out for size!
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea (Free India? ).
New Facton: Disgruntled Post Office
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
Comments on Faction: Surly Underclass...
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
New factions for review
Critique wanted for custom factions idea.
Two new factions - looking for testers
Ideas for custom factions.
Mod Ready for beta-testers
Ideas for custom factions.
changing the way factions act towards you
How to avoid wars that occur because of your social settings.
Good questions
How does the computer determine what alien faction cannot transcend.
New ROBOT-Faction
A robot faction.
Lord of the Rings Factions
Idea for Lord of the Rings factions.
new builder faction
Idea for a new builder faction
New Simpson's faction idea
Nwabudike Morgan? No, Charles Montgomery Burns!
First Time Faction Creation: The Hybrids
An idea for a custom faction.
Two more custom factions: Paladins and Circle of the Nine
Suggestions for two new custom factions.
Looking for some custom faction ideas
As the name says, looking for some custom faction ideas.
The best terraformer faction
Discussion about the stats of the hypothetical best terraforming faction.
The Cult( how do they start 6 years after?
Insights on Cult's special ability.
The Second Ship: The Second Topic
Custom set of factions by MysticWind
The Second Ship: The Second Topic
Predecessor thread by MysticWind.
Since -2 Research is such a harsh penalty
How to balance out --RESEARCH with other faction traits.
custom sea faction always starting next to jungle
Custom sea factions frequently start near jungle.
Rebalancing the factions with standard SMAX rules
Discussion about balance of original seven factions and how to balance them with new SMAX rules.
Changes to factions - feedback wanted
Discussion about balance of original seven factions and how to enhance them.
positives and negatives
Discussion about balance of fourteen factions from SMAC and SMAX.
nsulting your opponent in style
A very bizzare thread.
Empty Facilities
Empty facilities are not useless - they can be set a ghost facilities giving AI more energy.
Creatin new Facilities
About creation of new facilities.
Free Facilities
About the idea of giving every faction a free facility. Also, some minor tech changes.
satelites(Mr. CMN Man!heelp)
How to add or remove satelites by using scenario editor.
Defensive probe units
About defensive probe units.
AlexanderIII, a question about creating new units
Troubles when adding psi infantry as a new basic design.
question about basic design
Questions about adding new basic units.
Double fast worm mod!
Discussion about doubling mind worm speed by setting their cahsis to rover, and adding radar and ECM abilities.
Modding to weaken "chop & drop" tactics
Discussion about various changes that should weaken the chop and drop tactic.
Helicopter Landings
Is it possible to eliminate damage from emergency landings?
Air units - copter finds
Discoveries about copter adjustments by mart7x5
Air unit movement
Maniac's testing of effects of various movement points for air units.
Modding to Favor Breeding Native Life
As the name says, how to adjust game so that native life is more important.
Changing weapon force
About combat system in SMAC.
The 25th Special Abilities Flag
About special abilities flags.
Changing Unit Graphics
Is it possible to disable unit graphics and unit workshop?
Buidling Monoliths
About attempts to enable monoliths as a buildable terrain improvement.
-/> opp –gg.56
-/> run startup_cpn.exe
-/> initializing…
-/> loading databases… complete
-/> loading interface… complete
-/> welcome to Design Workshop !
-/> ( running Information Networks software, version 0.0302, MY2100.bbh3, software copyright UN)
-/> work in progress, extracting databases... / 34 percent complete
-/> 13 out of 27 pages processed
Total modifications
Total Conversions?
Question about possibility of total conversions for SMAC.
Announcing TurboSMAC!
Mod which seeks to accelerate games.
TurboSMAC for PBEM! Alpha.txt mod HELP!
Discussion about changes for TurboSMAC!
Simple Alpha.txt changes to make SMAC more fun:
List of interesting and fun changes for SMAC.
Aldebaran2: Smax.
Total and best conversion for SMAC/X. Needs some polishing.
Help Darsnan finish his "Beta Lyrae" SMAX mod!
Darsnan's Betae Lyrae total conversion mod. Needs some polishing.
Maniac's total conversion mod. "The main idea was to make the tech tree, the factions, the social engineering system, in short the game more balanced and strategically varied for the human player." Also makes a lot of impact on AI behaviour.
Cold War Mod- Beta Testers Needed!
This mod lets you play out the Cold War. It features new tech tree, new factions, numerous modifications to all parts of the game. Beta testers are needed.
Modern Earth Alpha.txt
Zeiter's Modern Earth alpha.txt file, featuring a new tech tree spanning from 1800 to 2200.
MAC: Dune?
Discussion thread for a Dune conversion mod.
Deadlier Mindworms, More Energy From Fungus, Etc
Discussion thread for a Dune conversion mod
Ringworld scenario creation thread
Discussion thread for a Ringworld scenario/conversion thread.
The Star Wars Modpack
Discussion and ideas for a Star Wars Modpack.
Opinions sought on a SMAC conversion mod
About conversion set on postapocalyptical Earth.
To you people who were doing the Earth mod
Inquiry about the status of the Earth mod.
Earth Mod?
Inquiry about the status of the Earth mod.
Jurassic Mod Done
About the Jurassic Mod by heardie
Amusing idea about creating a CIV sequel by means of a total covnversion of SMAX.
SMACX mod at halfway point...
Some amusing ideas for a total conversion.
My next mod
Discussion thread for a modpack.
ModMan Bug Reporting Thread
ModMan is an automated mod swapper for SMAC and SMAX designed so no-one would have to copy their SMAC just to play different mods!
Scenarios and Challenges
Auto challenge creation software
Idea for programming an application which would create a random challenge upon startup.
Scenario Editor
How to create bases in the scenario editor and other things.
placing terrain enhancement
How to place terrain enhancements using scenario editor.
Vitamins attack!
Mart5x7's challenge based on a small map.
Deimos Experiment
Deimos experiment is designed to test several changes to the game including changes to alphax.tx file. You play as University. Any other faction is designed for AI. Scenario attempts to promote non-ICS strategies.
Duel game - Gaia vs. Hive
A scenario by mart7x5, for a balanced Gaia vs Hive duel.
Scenario to try
A scenario by mart7x5, featuring Peacekeepers.
Aquarium 3.0 needs betatesters!
A scenario for testing.
Scenario Idea - "The Strike"
Idea for a scenario.
Advanced tech scenario
Discussion thread for a scenario where everyone has all the technologies up to level five.
Scenerio City Editing
Older thread asking about the problem of adding satelittes. Does not contain the easiest solution.
Singleplayer Map Creation Contest - First Edition
The singleplayer Map Creation Contest
Single Player Map Collection
Mart7x5's collection of human made maps.
Selfmade Map
Selfmade map by Mampfred.
Where would the fungus come from?
What could create fungus on fungus-free maps?
Deactivating Mind Worms/Fungus
How to disable xenofungus from appearing.
New maps for anyone who wants them.
"Highland", "Highland Lake" and "Crater Park" by DragonBlood87 available for download.
BIG maps & solving problems
About playing on big maps.
Map format
Andux has decoded the code for SMAX maps.
Need help with map creating
Lord_Icewind wants to make an absolutely equal-chance map, but very asimetric and "real" like.
Map editor, higher terrain problem
How to use map editor.
How do you create custom maps?
As the name says, how to create custom maps.
How do you make mountains in the terrain editor?
How to create elevations using terrain editor.
random map generation?
About the possibility to imprint scenario parameters on a randomly generated map.
a good map maker?
What to use to create maps.
SMAC .mp file format
About the .mp file format used for maps.
Custom graphics
Iniswap - tool solving faction graphics bug
Fixes the bug, when loading a PBEM game, factions graphics are mixed up because game loads them from ini file.
Text color
How to give a faction black color and have white letter color in the text?
Looking for default.zip from faq-tool
Search for gfx and pcx templates.
Fooling Around With Making Different Base Graphics
Sprayber's custom base graphics.
SMAC terrain graphics mod
Excellent terrain mod by wgabrie that changes the appearance of ingame terrain to a more terrain style, modifies the look of several landmarks. There is also some custom graphics for units and bases.
How can I edit the picture files?
Explains how to do it using Paintshop Pro.
Box around my cities
How to get rid of blue box around custom image of cities of a custom faction.
Faction graphics, colours, blurbs etc
Various issues with editing pcx files.
Odd graphics question
About editing faction logos.
PCX files
Can pcx files be modified or substituted.
Graphic problem
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
graphic error in creating a faction
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
Need help with new faction bachround color.
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
Modifying PCX files? problem
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
Textures.pcx probs
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
Problem with custom base/symbol graphics
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
Faction Base Graphics Problem
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
Faction editing
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
graphics: Okay, what am I doing wrong?
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes.
City Editing
Problems that arise with PCX files when importing/exporting palettes. Also, how to make bases look transparent.
How to make the fuzzy transmission look of leaders in pcx file.
Tip of the day for PSP6
How to get vertical lines in pcx pictures.
Finishing touch for faction graphics
How to get vertical lines in pcx pictures.
Custom Base Graphics
Where to find custom base graphics.
Perimeter/Tachyon graphics...
Where to get perimeter/tachyon graphics without bases "inside" them.
Modifying unit graphics
What unit graphics are possible to modify and how.
New Unit....Graphics!
About cvr. files.
Problems with colors
How to get rid of the black letters on black bug.
Modification to unit depictions
Request for modifying unit appearances.
custom Factions and .mpg Files
About replacing/modding movies in Linux version.
On the Lack of Colours in Texture.pcx
About the palette and its effects on the game.
Editing pcx file, can you help?
How to edit pcx files.
pcx files
How to edit pcx files.
How does one make 2D-graphics units?
How to make 2D-graphics units+where to find modern looking base graphics.
About the "Bioscan"...
Can images next to bioscan be edited? Warning: contains an incorrect answer.
Improving AI
Fungus bonuses for factions Experimentation and study of giving various fungus bonuses to AI factions.
Any way to force AI to forest?
How to make AI to use forests more.
Improving the AI: Part I: The Worldbuilder section of alphax.txt
As the name says, first part of guide by Smacksim.
Improving the AI: Parts II, III: AI Faction Adjustments
Part II: Links to AI Improvements through Faction Editing
Part III: Summary of Common and Not-so-Common AI Faction Improvements
CMN strategies to keep the AI balanced
How the CMNers improve AI.
ai attacking question About the problem when AI (Hive in this case) won't use its superior air forces for offensive.
Two ways to boost the pirate AI
Two ways to improve Pirate AI performance, discovered by Maniac
Forbidding more than one politics, etc
Thread about setting more than one AI aversion and about limiting/controling AIs social engineering choices.
Faction Settings and the AI
How to alter social settings to benefit the AI.
Preventing a faction from using any government.
As the name says, how to prevent a faction from using any government choice besides the starting frontier.
orbital spaceflight
Observation about AI not building Planet Busters if CMN retires the design.
Empty Facilities
Empty facilities are not useless - they can be set a ghost facilities giving AI more energy.
Social engineering
Min/Max social bonus
About maximum and minimum effects of social engineering choices.
Rebalancing the SE choices
Discussion about rebalancing SE options.
Modifications not working properly
Problems with social effects when modifying progenitor factions.
Modifying script.txt
In the "classic" SMAC, praises/criticisms of future society models are missing. Leon Trotsky has asked a question if it those from expansion can just be copy/pasted.
Forbidding more than one politics, etc
Thread about setting more than one AI aversion and about limiting/controling AIs social engineering choices.
Faction Settings and the AI
How to alter social settings to benefit the AI.
Preventing a faction from using any government.
As the name says, how to prevent a faction from using any government choice besides the starting frontier.
Allow higher level Support-rating bonuses?
Question about adding higher Support rating effects/bonuses.
Custom editing SE in Alphax.txt
SE changes and new society models.
Custom factions and traits
Is there any way i can make my own faction with the origonal SMAC?
Can custom factions be created without the SMAX expansion.
Tutorial on creating new factions
How to create new factions?
how to Create a Modpack - Part 1
A good guide on creating custom factions.
Looking for faction balancing system
As the names says, looking for a MOO2 style faction balancing system.
Alien Crossfire and Faction files
Load faction file button missing with Alien Crossfire.
The commfreq ability is apparently broken.
I have finished my set of 6 new factions with all new old graphics
As the name says, 6 new custom factions.
Faction Modification question
Ogie Oglethorpe seeks to learn how to make faction that is immune to sideeffects of some or all atrocities.
Blind Research question
Is it possible to set a non-alien faction to always have non-blind research as a speciala ability.
Random Ideas
Random ideas for factions.
My Next Mod: The Forgotten Ones
Idea to restore older versions of factions (Labirynth, Conclave, Archon).
Alien Faction
How should a SMAC version of an alien faction look like.
Using the powers of SMACX to create truly 'alien' alien factions
What truly alien faction should be created using SMAX options. Includes BORG.
Realistic Balanced Custom Factions.....
Discussion thread about realistic balanced factions.
Pop based factions
New, population booming factions.
Earth Factions
Ideas for factions based on Earth's nations. Mostly talk about drunken Irish.
If Apolyton was a faction...
Markos asks what kind of faction would Apolyton be.
1st try an a faction, need peoples evaluation
An idea for a terraformer faction.
New Faction Review before Mac SMAC-X
An idea for a custom faction.
New Faction -- feedback wanted
Idea for a custom faction based on US marines.
Morgan on the waves
Idea for a seabased Morgan.
My New Modpack - Info
Ideas for custom factions.
Please critique this faction...
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
Is this new Faction ok?
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
How's this faction
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
New faction:Pacifists
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
Another new faction
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
New faction
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
Need help/comments on new faction - the Poles

Critique wanted for a custom faction idea (Poles

New Faction - Comments Wanted
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea (Poles

try this out for size!
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea (Free India? ).
New Facton: Disgruntled Post Office
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
Comments on Faction: Surly Underclass...
Critique wanted for a custom faction idea.
New factions for review
Critique wanted for custom factions idea.
Two new factions - looking for testers
Ideas for custom factions.
Mod Ready for beta-testers
Ideas for custom factions.
changing the way factions act towards you
How to avoid wars that occur because of your social settings.
Good questions
How does the computer determine what alien faction cannot transcend.
New ROBOT-Faction
A robot faction.
Lord of the Rings Factions
Idea for Lord of the Rings factions.
new builder faction
Idea for a new builder faction
New Simpson's faction idea
Nwabudike Morgan? No, Charles Montgomery Burns!
First Time Faction Creation: The Hybrids
An idea for a custom faction.
Two more custom factions: Paladins and Circle of the Nine
Suggestions for two new custom factions.
Looking for some custom faction ideas
As the name says, looking for some custom faction ideas.
The best terraformer faction
Discussion about the stats of the hypothetical best terraforming faction.
The Cult( how do they start 6 years after?
Insights on Cult's special ability.
The Second Ship: The Second Topic
Custom set of factions by MysticWind
The Second Ship: The Second Topic
Predecessor thread by MysticWind.
Since -2 Research is such a harsh penalty
How to balance out --RESEARCH with other faction traits.
custom sea faction always starting next to jungle
Custom sea factions frequently start near jungle.
Rebalancing the factions with standard SMAX rules
Discussion about balance of original seven factions and how to balance them with new SMAX rules.
Changes to factions - feedback wanted
Discussion about balance of original seven factions and how to enhance them.
positives and negatives
Discussion about balance of fourteen factions from SMAC and SMAX.
nsulting your opponent in style
A very bizzare thread.
Empty Facilities
Empty facilities are not useless - they can be set a ghost facilities giving AI more energy.
Creatin new Facilities
About creation of new facilities.
Free Facilities
About the idea of giving every faction a free facility. Also, some minor tech changes.
satelites(Mr. CMN Man!heelp)
How to add or remove satelites by using scenario editor.
Defensive probe units
About defensive probe units.
AlexanderIII, a question about creating new units
Troubles when adding psi infantry as a new basic design.
question about basic design
Questions about adding new basic units.
Double fast worm mod!
Discussion about doubling mind worm speed by setting their cahsis to rover, and adding radar and ECM abilities.
Modding to weaken "chop & drop" tactics
Discussion about various changes that should weaken the chop and drop tactic.
Helicopter Landings
Is it possible to eliminate damage from emergency landings?
Air units - copter finds
Discoveries about copter adjustments by mart7x5
Air unit movement
Maniac's testing of effects of various movement points for air units.
Modding to Favor Breeding Native Life
As the name says, how to adjust game so that native life is more important.
Changing weapon force
About combat system in SMAC.
The 25th Special Abilities Flag
About special abilities flags.
Changing Unit Graphics
Is it possible to disable unit graphics and unit workshop?
Modifying terrain improvements
Buidling Monoliths
About attempts to enable monoliths as a buildable terrain improvement.