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[C4:AC] Group Unity, aka encouragment thread

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  • [C4:AC] Group Unity, aka encouragment thread

    The fragmentation is already begining and the game isn't even out yet. To think Captain Garland had the same fragmentation around him as his entire command staff plotted their own paths ahead of time.

    Everyone, please don't do it alone! Lets go ahead with this project and see what's posible to impliment. And if two or more differant ideas emerge, to use the elemets of the game, lets impliment them both and then after usability testing we'll have a vote on which system to include in the final version. Let's compromise people. No one will be completely happy but lets do it anyway. We need to as a group. We did it with the Group Icon.

    And if that's not enough, remember other people will be counting on us to produce a log of our Mod to help them in their own projects. So testing many differant models will only help. I know I'm certainly planing to use this to help impliment my own Master of Magic Mod.
    Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.

  • #2
    Following as best we can to our own mission statement, of course.
    Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


    • #3
      All I suggest is most the talk at this point is mostly empty rhetoric. There's an unstable mix of tension and excitement with Civ4 so close yet so far.

      Things will become a lot more stable once people actually start playing Civ4.


      • #4
        It'll be a while after Civ 4 comes out before we can do much, or actually go separate ways. I, for one, need to see how Civ 4 works, and learn appropriate programming languages, before I could actually create the SMAC/Civ 4 mod. Depending on how much Civ 4 lives up to its hype, we may need to knock out SMAC features in the mod.
        "Cutlery confused Stalin"
        -BBC news


        • #5
          The language used is Python. I'm doing quite a bit of playing around with it. Already wrote the ripper-script to extract media files from any SMAC/X source (Windows install/CD, Linux CD or Mac CD).

          I suspect I'll start modding Civ4 before I start playing it .
          (No not quite. But since Civ4 is going to be released a good 7-10 days later in New Zealand I'll be able to get a heck of a lot of info on Civ4 before i can start playing it).


          • #6
            Originally posted by Blake
            I suspect I'll start modding Civ4 before I start playing it .

            You've got it easy. What with my CMN responsibilities why I will be digging into all of the Scenario Design stuff and documenting all of that, which will also entail my building and playtesting cIV scenarios....



            • #7
              Hey, we'll need a replacement CMN or even a half dozen of them, to replace the big D!
              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

