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[C4:AC] Everything you wanted to know but you were afraid to ask about C4:AC

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  • [C4:AC] Everything you wanted to know but you were afraid to ask about C4:AC

    Project memberlist

    Special member: MarkG
    Providing support for C4:AC project and hosting it
    Contact: markg at apolyton dot net

    Special member: DanQ
    Providing support for C4:AC project and hosting it
    Contact: danq at apoylton dot net

    1. Senethro
    Asssignments: Project leader
    Contact: senethro at gmail dot com

    2. Illuminatus
    Assignments: Project leader, SMAC section moderator
    Contact: Illuminatus at apolyton dot net

    3. Darsnan
    Assignments: Programming, Feedback, identification of game files, CMN Responsibilities
    Contact: dnandal AT twcny DOT rr DOT com

    4. PJayTycy
    Assignments: Programming
    Contact: pieterjan dot busschaert at gmail dot com

    5. Maniac
    Assignments: Feedback, Game mechanics

    6. Gavin Berchler
    Assignments: wiki
    Contact: [unavailable]

    7. Cataphract887
    Assignments: Feedback, wiki
    Contact: william at pembrook dot net

    8. Chaos Theory
    Assignments: Programming, Feedback, Game Mechanics

    9. binTravkin
    Assignments: Identification of game files, Programming, Game Mechanics, Organising, Feedback
    Contact: bintravkin at gmail dot com

    10. Mart7x5
    Assignments: Feedback
    Contact: marcin777 TA gmail TOD com

    11. Fosse
    Assignments: Datalinks and manual editor/author, Thread research
    Contact: kylebenanderson AT gmail DOT com

    12. Xian
    Assignments: Feedback

    13. GFC
    Assignments: 2D graphics, Proofreading text, 3D graphics
    Contact: girlfight_club at myway dot com / at gmail dot com

    14. Blake
    Assignments: Game Mechanics, Feedback
    Contact: grater at gmail dot com

    15. Kinjiru
    Assignments: Programming
    Contact: jonathonwood at gmail dot com

    16. wgabrie
    Assignments: 2D/3D art
    Contact: wgabrie at yahoo dot com.

    17. Platypus Rex
    Assignments: semi decent photo chopper
    Contact: platrex at gmail dot com

    18. #endgame
    Assignments: Coding, wiki
    Contact: weldingmaskman [at] hotmail [dot] com

    19. laurentius
    Assignments: Feedback

    20. Lord Nword
    Assignments: Proofreading, feedback, 2D graphics, python coding
    Contact: eric aT osagesoftware doT com/gertlex aT gmail doT com

    21. gnool
    Assignments: Coding
    Contact: gnool[at]necrobation[dot]org

    22. Vev
    Assignments: Coding, writer
    Contact: vevaphonic at hotmail dot com

    23. sid1
    Assignments: Video and text editing, digital photography
    Contact: s_starr at bigpond dot com

    24. Neophius
    Assignments: Proofreading, Creative writing, Programming
    Contact: foreversax at hotmail dot com

    25. Mellian
    Assignments: 2D graphics, XML editing, Feedback

    26. OctavianX
    Assignments: Proofreading/Writing or Playtesting.
    Contact: octavianx at gmail dot com

    27. rikperni
    Assignments: Sound engineer
    Contact: riccardo AT plutone DOT biz

    28. whitehat
    Assignments: Scripting, Debugging, Reviewing .
    Contact: netlor at gmail dot com

    29. Googlie
    Assignments: Writing/Proofreading
    Contact: linfrew at aol dot com

    30. Itisatrap
    Assignments: Basic XML/Python

    30. gkclarkson
    Assignments: Graphics
    Contact:gkclarkson at yahoo dot com

    31. HeWhoDarez
    Assignments: Graphics, Programming
    Contact:gkclarkson at yahoo dot com

    32. Rubin
    Assignments: Programming

    33. Impaler[WrG]
    Assignments: Programming

    34. EmperorJay
    Assignments: Programming

    35. wattro
    Assignments: Feedback
    Contact: jwatt3000 at hotmail dot com

    36. ForesterSOF

    37. Geomodder
    Assignments: Feedback

    38. Zoid
    Assignments: Feedback, Photoshopping

    39. Nightlifter
    Assignments: Feedback, Photoshopping

    40. Corvi #6
    Assignments: Feedback, Photoshopping

    41. Padmewan
    Assignments: Writing, Editing, Legal Advice

    42. MMC
    Assignments: Programming
    Contact: Primary: stewart[at]evogame[dot]co[dot]uk (MSN); stewart[dot]rice[at]btinternet[dot]com (MSN)(YIM)

    Secondary:mmcalahoun[at]hotmail[dot]com (MSN only - no important email)ewart[dot]rice[at]gmail[dot]com (MSN - I think);harikaridriver (AIM only - no email whatsoever)(Xfire)(Skype)

    43. mdbill
    Assignments: Software architect. SDK, Python, XML
    Contact: mdbill (at) users.sourceforge (dt) net

    Last edited by Illuminatus; April 28, 2006, 03:48.
    SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw

  • #2

    Mission statement

    We, the project members agree to use all our talents and resources in order to create a modification of the Firaxis game Sid Meier's Civilization 4 which will attempt to emulate as accurately as possible all the aspects, the gameplay, the appearance and the atmosphere, of a previous Firaxis game, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. We shall not infringe on the Firaxis copyright while doing so and we will consult with Firaxis with the assistance of the Apolyton Civilization Site regarding the legal matters. We intend to call this project Civilization 4: Alpha Centauri.

    Our goal is make an clone of the original game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, and its expansion, Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire without changing or adding any gameplay elements. Our second goal is to correct the most obvious bugs in the original game and the expansion like social engineering rollover bugs.

    We do not intend to make a SMAC 2 or make major changes to game mechanics of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. When completed, Civilization 4: Alpha Centauri will be the starting ground for user made SMAC sequels and remakes. When the project is completed, we intend to devote our time towards balancing and tuning of game mechanics.

    As we believe this is the first total conversion for Sid Meier's Civilization 4, our progress will be documented to help any other Civilization 4 modders to follow our footsteps.

    We will gladly accept help from the Civilization 4 modding community and we hope to coordinate our efforts with discoveries made by other modders in the Civilization 4 modding community.

    Our project will be public, and we shall gladly recieve input from others, although the developers reserve the right not to be bound by popular opinion.
    Last edited by Illuminatus; October 11, 2005, 03:46.
    SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


    • #3

      Index to main threads

      Doctine: Initiative

      SDK Readiness pack 0.01

      SDK Readiness pack

      Taskgroup threads:

      [Art and Graphics Main]

      [Programming Main]

      [Sounds main]


      [Wiki Main]


      Art and graphics threads:

      Interface graphics (possible with the SDK?)

      Detail on the Map, such as Wonders.

      New title screen

      Pyramids replacing Secret Projects?

      Some 3D Graphics research

      Terrain textures

      Programming threads:

      Tech Tree

      Sea Cities

      Subversion / sourceforge project info

      Social Enginering

      Adding a Terraformer

      Adding Factions, or replacing Civ's?

      Combat Units

      C4 Directory Layout

      Faction Traits

      Files being worked on

      First try: harvester

      Implementing Peacekeepers

      Mod in Peacekeepers

      Name your skills!

      Python, Widgets and Buttons

      Pyramids replacing Secret Projects?

      Reference for internal XML tags.

      Resources for the Python Language

      Technology Tree

      Terrain textures

      Sounds threads:

      List of sounds in SMAC

      Support threads:

      Impressions on CIV4?

      Writing threads:

      Changes in Mission Statement?

      Defining mission statement

      Flavour texts

      Proposal for the Mission Statement and the development process

      Important Threads:

      Legal updates

      Screenshot thread

      Official C4-->SMAC Thread - Prelude to a Mod (closed)

      Non-Members Comments/Questions/Encouragement/Spam Thread.

      Group Unity, aka encouragment thread

      Using SMAC media, legal and technical issues dicussion.

      Keeping Civ4 changes?

      The indomitable funness of stripping out the Civ4 stuff.

      Whats our template - SMAC or SMACX?

      Taking the Initiative - Some Short-Term Goals

      Brainstorming the Design Document - The Question Thread

      Sign up for the project here!


      Poll: The Civgroup icon

      Civgroup Access

      Second part of the civgroup icon

      Interesting threads in Civ4 Creation and CivFanatics

      Factions as Civ4 Religons

      What resources make sense in the SMAC universe?

      Is this possible, an extension of epic games?

      Airbase mod

      Forestry mod v2

      Terraform Mod

      Monument mod (includes coast improvements)

      A sort of a workshop mod...

      UN flag?
      Last edited by Illuminatus; April 24, 2006, 02:59.
      SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
      The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


      • #4
        1. Q: What is this mod about?

        A: This is a Total Conversion for CiV4. It's intention is to fully recreate Sid Mier's Alpha Centauri, refered to as SMAC on the forums.

        2. Q: Do i need Alpha Centauri to play?

        A: Yes. SMAC will definitely be a requirement to play. If you own Civilization IV but not SMAC you won't be able to run it. You can see the offical site here and check your favourite online ordering place for a copy.

        3. Q: What is Alpha Centauri?

        A: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri is a turn-based strategy 4X computer game created by Brian Reynolds and Sid Meier under the auspices of Firaxis Games in 1999. It is based on a hypothetical attempt by human beings to colonize a planet in the Alpha Centauri star system. It picks up where the games Sid Meier's Civilization I & II left off. An expansion pack, Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire was later released. Both -- the original Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and the Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire expansion pack -- were later released in a combined edition called a "Planetary Pack."

        4. Q: When will it be out?

        A:We expect a playable release in roughly a year, working up to a 1.0 version in steps. Alpha's may be available at regular intervals intuil then.

        5. Q: Where can I go for forums and contact info?

        A: The action is all going down at, in the C4:AC forum. This forum contains everything to do with C4AC. See the Sign Up Thread here. The group leaders are Illuminatus and Senethro

        6. Q: Is this the right place for SMAC style Civ4 modifications?

        A: No. This forum is for C4:AC project alone. All threads that aren't related to C4:AC project or SMAC modding will be moved.

        7. Q: I have ideas for SMAC 2! Can I contribute?

        A: Sadly, we are not making a sequel but a fan remake in Civ4 engine. Please do not post your ideas for SMAC 2 over the forum. They will moved to trash bin thread if the situation gets out of control.

        8. Q: Is the sourcecode going to be free?

        A: We are still discussing this with our programmers, but we lean towards the stance you would be free to use it if you give us credit.

        9. Q: Are you going to have a special website?

        A: You are on the project website. Apolyton Civilization Site provides us with forun, file and wikibook hosting and civgroup to post our news.

        10. Q: Can I get your civgroup icon?

        A: Only if you participate in the project. Signed up members are the only ones authorised for the civgroup.

        11. Q: What is the word with Firaxis about this?

        A: See this thread for information.
        Last edited by Illuminatus; December 11, 2005, 09:15.
        SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
        The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


        • #5
          Chat channel of C4:AC is #c4ac and is located on Apolyton server. Just type in /join #c4ac after you get in to #apolyton.
          Last edited by Illuminatus; November 25, 2005, 14:59.
          SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
          The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw

