I recently played with copter adjustements in alphax.txt and have some interesting finds on how they work.
1) After inserting copter fuel more than 1, they no longer receive 30% damage when ending turn in field
2) After they use all their fuel and are in field copters fell the same as needlejets.
3) When having fuel more than 1, Copters no longer have unlimmited number of attacks, they have now only 1 !!! And they loose all move points for the current turn plus 1 move point additionally. e.g
9 moves 2 fuel - 8/18 after attack
12 moves 4 fuel - 35/48 after attack
4) When copter chassis is given 0 fuel, it can remain indefinitely in the air, and even without air superiority attack other units in the air!
1) After inserting copter fuel more than 1, they no longer receive 30% damage when ending turn in field
2) After they use all their fuel and are in field copters fell the same as needlejets.
3) When having fuel more than 1, Copters no longer have unlimmited number of attacks, they have now only 1 !!! And they loose all move points for the current turn plus 1 move point additionally. e.g
9 moves 2 fuel - 8/18 after attack
12 moves 4 fuel - 35/48 after attack
4) When copter chassis is given 0 fuel, it can remain indefinitely in the air, and even without air superiority attack other units in the air!