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custom sea faction always starting next to jungle

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  • custom sea faction always starting next to jungle

    is this a bug or an intended feature? Also, the amphibious pod special ability isnt working right for some reason (as a factionwide bonus).

  • #2
    In case you don't realize this, free abilities aren't granted until the appropriate tech is discovered. In the case of amphibious pods, you'd need Doc: Initiative before your units receive the ability.

    Aquatic factions don't always start by the jungle in my experience, but they're frequently close. Perhaps both the jungle and aquatic factions tend to be equatorial.
    "Cutlery confused Stalin"
    -BBC news


    • #3
      Originally posted by Chaos Theory
      In case you don't realize this, free abilities aren't granted until the appropriate tech is discovered. In the case of amphibious pods, you'd need Doc: Initiative before your units receive the ability.
      my custom faction starts with Doc:Iniative also, I figured that might be the problem, but it still doesn't work. I can't get the drop pod ablilty to work either, very weird cause I know I've had the special ability faction bonus work before

      What is happening, is the message comes up, but the ability isnt kicking in. It says applied to all prototyped units though, maybe I have to build a prototype of any kind before it kicks in


      • #4
        maybe I have to build a prototype of any kind before it kicks in
        yep, that was the problem


        • #5
          Jungle is always equatorial. Great Dunes seem to often lie where the equivalents of tropics of cancer and capricorn might lie. (compare, gobi desert, sahara desert etc)

          For me, the Garland crater typically lies at the far north or far south.

          Other land marks seem to be nearly anywhere.

