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Modding to Favor Breeding Native Life

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  • #16
    Thanks, Choas, I was beginning to suspect that Trance and Empath don't work for native life.

    I like the idea of giving AAA to locusts and ECM to worms!
    Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


    • #17
      Empath and Trance are "Not allowed for psi units" by default. To enable them, change the "1" to "0" in this position in their definitions under #ABILITIES:

      Empath Song, 2, CentEmp, Empath, 000010001111, +50% attack vs. Psi

      Hypnotic Trance, -1, Brain, Trance, 000010111111, +50% defense vs. Psi

      Of course, this will have the effect of making Empath and Trance available not only to predesigned units but also to all psi units cooked up in the Workshop during the game.
      I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


      • #18
        Oh, wow, thanks! It all makes sense now! I will try this out immediately.

        I think Trance is the best ability to give native units. They are sitmply too fragile, even if you are lucky enough to get the neural amplifier. Giving mind worms ECM ability is interesting --you can't kill them with a rover unless it's empath. Trance makes more sense, though, and protects against air units as well.

        I will stick with AAA ability for Isles, though, since these are usually attacked by air. I may give Empath+Trance to Locusts --they should be stronger units than they are.
        Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


        • #19
          My personal preference would be to see a high planet rating (really high +7 or +9) allow easier capture and increase the effectiveness of mind worms.

          There should be a crippling effect on the economy of the nation doing it. I would like to see the Gaians be able to put up a last ditch joining the planet/mind worms, but sacrificing everything else as an option.

          How can I make this mod?


          • #20
            All I could think of would be changing the Cybernetic future society to have ++++PLANET instead of ++PLANET and changing its negatives. But the negatives are removed by the Network Background (the Microsoft project).

            Or you could make Green have ++++PLANET instead of ++PLANET and give it -ECONOMY.
            Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


            • #21
              Would it be possible to script an event that would give you say fifteen boils but would effectively shut down your economy (through destroying city improvements or some other mechanism)?


              • #22
                No, but in the scenario editor and also the map editor you can place midworm boils anywhere you like. They will lurk at that spot until disturbed. Make sfor some interesting scenarios.
                Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:

