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my alpha.txt changes (long)

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  • my alpha.txt changes (long)

    Here are the changes I made in my "alpha.txt".
    Most of it is just little tweaks.
    Posted for no particular reason, just felt like sharing
    Comments welcome.

    12, ; Combat % -> attacking along road
    12, ; Combat % -> for attacking from higher elevation
    12, ; Combat penalty % -> attacking from lower elevation
    12, ; Combat % -> Defend vs. mobile in rough
    95, ; Combat % -> Air superiority unit vs. air unit
    95, ; Combat % -> Bonus vs. ships caught in port
    95, ; Combat % -> AAA bonus vs. air units
    Terrain modifiers because the lines were there. 95 instead of 100 because everybody misses sometimes.
    40, ; Retool percent penalty for production change
    3, ; Retool strictness (0 = Always Free, 1 = Free in Category, 2 = Free if Project, 3 = Never Free)
    15, ; Retool exemption (first X minerals not affected by penalty)
    10, ; Minimum # of turns between councils
    0, ; If non-zero, humans can always contact each other in hotseat/email games
    3100 ; Normal ending year for lowest 3 difficulty levels This gives Morgan his 1000 years.
    2850 ; Normal ending year for highest 3 difficulty levels

    Mag Tube, Magnets, Sea Tube, Magnets, 3, Build $STR0, R, R
    Sensor Array, None, Offshore Sensor, None, 4, Construct $STR0, O, O
    Thermal Borehole, EcoEng, Undersea Vent, EcoEng2, 24, Construct $STR0, B, Shift+B
    I think these three should be allowed.

    I just wasn't happy with the random worldbuilder results.
    These numbers do better for what I'm looking for.

    512, ; Land base (Seeded land size of a standard world)
    320, ; Land modifier (additional land from LAND selection: x0, x1, x2)
    16, ; Continent base (Base size of a land mass seed)
    2, ; Hills base (Base # of extra hills)
    3, ; Hills modifier (additional hills from TIDAL selection: x0, x1, x2)
    16, ; Rivers rain mod. (Additional rivers based on RAIN selection)
    12, ; Solar Energy (Latitude DIVISOR for temperature based on HEAT) Smaller # increases effect of HEAT selection
    12, ; Thermal band (Latitude DIVISOR for thermal banding) Smaller # widens hot bands
    20, ; Deep water (Encourages fractal to grow deep water)
    8, ; Shelf (Encourages fractal to grow shelf)
    10, ; Plains (Encourages highland plains)
    15, ; Beach (Encourages wider beaches)
    12, ; Hills (Encourages hills x TIDAL selection)
    20, ; Peaks (Encourages peaks)
    4,8,16,24,32 ; Ratio (Continent size ratios)
    48 ; Islands (Higher # increases island count)

    Tiny planet|(early conflict), 32, 48
    Small planet, 40, 60
    Standard planet, 48, 72
    Large planet, 64, 96
    Huge planet|(late conflict), 128, 128

    Inspector Gadget, Gadget, 1, 1, 0, 0, HomoSup, MatComp, 000000010
    Just something I came up with around 3 o'clock in the morning while I had a major migraine.

    The Voice of Planet, 60, 0, Thresh, Gadget, Begins Ascent To Transcendence, 0,-2, 2, 2, 1,
    I made Gadget a prerequisite here because one of the requirements for Transcendence is that you are supposed to have researched ALL of the Technologies.

    I came up with a couple of goofy factions, too (COWBOYS and LOSTBOYS ). Anybody want to read their .txt?
    [This message has been edited by gwillybj (edited April 09, 2001).]
    I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.

  • #2
    Your sea magtubes won't work. I tried doing a similar thing (called them sea rails) and it didn't work. The graphic is there but the 'thing' doesn't do anything...
    [This message has been edited by Cybergod (edited April 09, 2001).]
    ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
    ... Pain is an illusion...


    • #3

      Originally posted by Cybergod on 04-09-2001 02:13 PM
      Your sea magtubes won't work...
      [This message has been edited by Cybergod (edited April 09, 2001).]

      Hmmm... Bummer
      I hadn't actually gotten to a point in a game to try it. I had seen some mention of it in various threads, but nothing about if it actually worked or not.
      Oh, well... Something for SMAC2

      Does anyone have any comments on the retooling changes? Have I made it too easy, too hard, or does it look okay?
      I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


      • #4
        Hmm.. I saw a scenario somewhere, can't remember what's it called (terrain something), and it had similar changes to yours in its alpha.txt file (it was for smac)...
        ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
        ... Pain is an illusion...


        • #5
          combat attack bonus on streets is buggy, will work all over (not only on streets)
          why it takes me so long?
          psst... i'm still thinking...

